On August 30th, 2022, Prism, Sculptor of Arc Light officially reached Living Legend status in Classic Constructed. Debuting with the release of Monarch on May 7th, 2021, Prism stepped out of the The Library of Illumination and soon discovered the legends of the Heralds, Sol’s golden emissaries, who watched over the people of Solana. Quick, curious and incredibly intelligent, Prism adapted to her new life with ease.

The popular heroine captured the hearts and imaginations of fans worldwide from the moment of her debut on Rathe and, soon after began to take slow and steady footsteps towards her eventual ascension to Living Legend, collecting a cornucopia of victories during the 2021 Road to Nationals and National Championship event series.
Shadows darkened on the horizon as the Demonastery’s Chane began to rack up a blood debt to Ursur in the war against Solana. The Shadow Runeblade occupied much of the Monarch season metagame and hope across Rathe began to wane…As the bells of war tolled across the city of Solana, Prism invoked Solana’s legendary beings, sending her creations to guard her beloved ones and smite her foes.
At the Calling Las Vegas final in September 2021 Sebastiano Cavallo and Tyler Horspool embodied this war of Shadow and Light as the last match of the tournament saw Sebastiano’s Chane face off against Tyler’s ingeniously engineered Prism, resulting in a decisive victory for Tyler, the Light and Prism.
Prism left her mark on Rathe, and will live on as a Legend until the end of time. She taught us that hope is never truly lost…and that her fantastical arc light spectras need not only be figments of imagination.
Congratulations to all players around the world who helped Prism, Sculptor of Arc Light on her journey to Living Legend status; your names have been entered into Flesh and Blood history with the Roll of Honor!
Roll of Honor |
Aaron Grace |
Adam Fiffles |
Adam Parker |
Alexander Hempelmann |
Antoine Pech |
Arkadiusz "Rasaad" Sioda |
Biing Chyn "Benson" Lai |
Brandon Jones |
Brian Moss |
Bruno Patrão |
Cedar Graham |
Christian Gerdes |
Chu Heng Eng |
Colby Gerrish |
Colin Tang |
Damon Elgie |
Daniel Johnson |
Daniel Kläsener |
Daniel Pearson |
Darren Hazelden |
David Andrews |
Daylon Mack |
Dung Yung Le |
Ed Bracamontes |
Emmanuel Onate |
Felix Larsen Stenderup |
Finbarr Begley |
Francisc Loghin |
Frederick Wong |
Gaetan Bovey |
George Melissakis |
Gregory Patellis |
Hayden Dale |
Howard See |
Ian Zhang |
Igor Brkic |
Isaac Murray |
Jace Velez |
Jack McHalffey |
Jack Raven |
Jake Dwyer |
James Adams |
James Silver |
Jami Faulkner |
Jerome Bastogne |
Jesse Kennon |
Johnny Shen |
Jonas Stoberock |
jong Bob De jong |
Jordan McClure |
Joris Verhelst |
Joseph Scalco |
Joseph Schilling |
Juan Kin Lim |
Julian Helgeson |
Julien Abenhaim |
Julius Jonauskas |
Justin Salmon |
Justin Wong |
Jyri Ollila |
Kenneth Habunite |
Kevin Zänker |
Kristian Čurla |
Kye Huynh |
Liam Canning |
Limbo CFP |
Lorenzo Brambilla Pisoni |
Lucas Macorano |
Lucas Ward |
Luke MacDowall |
Mara Faris |
Mark Alvin Mendoza |
Mark Johnson |
Martin Widjaja |
Matt Rogers |
Matthew Foulkes |
Matthew Light |
Matthew Whewell |
Maximilian Klein |
Michael Lau |
Michael Riddle |
Mikael Conrow |
Mikael Jacobs |
Nathan Fortin |
Newman Brantley |
Nguyen Giang |
Nicholas Holding |
Nicholas Osborne |
Nicholas Steele |
Nick Donnelly |
Nigel Teo |
Nik Dinnis |
nino Zimmermann |
Noah Clark |
Oliver Phi |
Patrick Weiss |
Patrick Yoder |
Phillip Hadley |
Phillip Hadley McKay |
Piotr Krzempek |
Plamen Marekov |
Po Yu Lin |
Prosperis Damiano De Prosperis |
Rafał Szymaszek |
Reeve Chia |
René Heijnen |
Rob van der Burgh |
Roger Bodee |
Romain Mamecier |
Romanos Defiano |
Ryan Cochran |
Ryan Hulin-Bobart |
Sable Wang-Wills |
Scott Khuu |
Sergio Sanz Guerrero |
Sergiu Morar |
shawn Hill |
Shawn Wang |
Stephen McKeever |
Tee Thebeau |
Timothy Scroggs |
Travis McDaniel |
Tuomas Kainulainen |
Tye Soens |
Tyler Horspool |
Viet Pham |
Viliam Kubik |
Wen Jin Hsu |
Wesley Cole |
William Bradshaw |
William Harrison |
William Knight |
Yu Watermelon |
Yuki Lee Bender |
Zachary Cauchi |
Zayne Johnson |