The Road to Nationals Gauntlet Gameplay Series is back for the second week!
Uprising is here and it's the perfect time to take a look at some of the most talked about decks while shining the spotlight on our three new Uprising heroes; Dromai, Ash Artist, Fai, Rising Rebellion and Iyslander, Stormbind in the Road to Nationals 80 card Classic Constructed format!
This three part game series will feature three games and six different heroes selected and piloted by possibly the most devout Demonastery disciple, and visionary behind the fan favorite YouTube empire Man Sant, and friends.

Ethan Van Sant- Levia's faithful servant- is world renown for his persistence, perseverance and innovation of all things Levia. Over on the Man Sant channel, it's not all the Demonastery's Favorite Daughter. Ethan features deck techs, gameplay, streams, discussion videos and much more. Ethan's Levia builds have been highly influential in constructed formats across the globe and last ProQuest season, he proved that dreams (nightmares?) do come true when he picked up the elusive first place finish in Classic Constructed with Levia, Shadowborn Abomination!
Clark Jansen is a dedicated Showstopper loyalist who was one of six players to earn a first place finish with the Original Guardian during ProQuest Season 2. He starting playing Flesh and Blood late in the Arcane Rising meta, which was his first experience playing competitive TCGs. Clark remains an active member of the playerbase in West Michigan by helping new stores run events and creating Commoner decks for new players. Connect with Clark on Twitter (@ClarkJ_FAB) or at Pro Tour Lille.
This Road to Nationals season, over the next few weeks, Ethan and friends will go one on one, smashing some of their personal top Uprising format Classic Constructed hero picks into Dromai, Fai and Iyslander, in what is sure to be a must-watch Gauntlet series. Decklists will be included, as well as post-match recorded commentary and in-depth analysis from Ethan and the team.
In the second match of the Road to Nationals Gauntlet Gameplay Series, we see Ethan attempt to overcome adversity on his path to victory. With the heart of a phoenix, he sets the arena ablaze, as he plays as the new Draconic Ninja, Fai, Rising Rebellion. On the other side of the arena, we see Clark go old-school with a timeless classic, the star of the Everfest Carnival, leader of the Legendarium, the Original Guardian, Bravo, Showstopper!
The Road to Nationals continues. Rise up!
Equipment | Red | Yellow/Blue |
1 Searing Emberblade | 3 Blaze Headlong | 3 Art of War |
1 Fyendal's Spring Tunic | 3 Brand with Cinderclaw | 2 Salt the Wound |
1 Mask of Momentum | 2 Double Strike | |
1 Snapdragon Scalers | 3 Flamecall Awakening | 3 Brand with Cinderclaw |
1 Tiger Stripe Shuko | 2 Inflame | 3 Cinderskin Devotion |
3 Lava Burst | 3 Lava Vein Loyalty | |
3 Lava Vein Loyalty | 3 Rising Resentment | |
3 Mounting Anger | ||
3 Phoenix Flame | ||
3 Phoenix Form | ||
1 Red Hot | ||
3 Rise from the Ashes | ||
3 Rising Resentment | ||
3 Ronin Renegade | ||
3 Spreading Flames | ||
2 Tome of Firebrand |
Equipment | Red | Blue |
1 Anothos | 3 Blessing of Deliverance | 3 Buckling Blow |
1 Crater Fist | 3 Crippling Crush | 3 Chokeslam |
1 Crown of Providence | 3 Embolden | 3 Cranial Crush |
1 Ironrot Legs | 3 Erase Face | 3 Debilitate |
1 Tectonic Plating | 2 Pulverize | 3 Disable |
3 Pummel | 3 Embolden | |
3 Spinal Crush | 3 Imposing Visage | |
3 Thunder Quake | 3 Macho Grande | |
3 Pummel | ||
3 Rouse the Ancients | ||
3 Show Time! | ||
3 Tear Asunder | ||
3 Thunder Quake |