Over the weekend, players all over the world visited their local game store to try out Uprising, cracking packs at over 800 events. Invoking the legendary dragons of Volcor, rising from the ashes with Phoenix Flames, and battling Frostbite as they tried out new heroes and tested their luck.
Some players were lucky enough to draw the new fabled Blood of the Dracai, while others Marvelled over cards like the dragons Cromai, Ouvia, or Dracona Optimai. With cold and rainbow foil cards, Legendary equipment and the odd surprise twist like Rewind, there was plenty to discover when opening packs and building sealed decks.
Whether you fought the flames with Fai, invoked the dragons and illusions of Dromai, or blasted away your opponent with a cold front courtesy of Iyslander, we hope that you all had a great time playing in the Flesh and Blood.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating the upcoming release of Uprising, and to all of the stores who hosted events! We look forward to sharing the battles of Volcor from June 24th, and July 1st in the United States.
Luck of the Draw

Cards & Hobbies - Malaysia
"It was our first ever Pre-Release event for Flesh and Blood and we decided to do it on Friday Midnight/Saturday Morning 12:01 AM as we didn't want to clash with other stores that were running on the same day! We were allocated two kits and had a full turnout of 32 players! The feeling was super amazing and we even had one player crack a Fabled from his pack! Definitely a memorable first Pre-Release event! ❤️, C&H"

Azkaban Juegos - Spain
The 34 players who gathered for the prerelease enjoyed 6 rounds of sealing plus a top8 draft in which the final was disputed by two members of the Sun Flower Samurai team, Pablo Pintor and Jose Luis "Free" Saenz; taking the tournament the great Pablo Pintor! Carlos Carrera after getting a 6-0 with Iyslander during the Sealed fell in the first round of the Draft (the curse of the 6-0 we call it around here). During the tournament 2 CF, 3 Marvel, 3 Legendary RF and 1 EA were opened!
The distribution of Sealed heroes was as follows
- 17 - Fai
- 10 - Iyslander
- 7 - Dromai
The heroes that made it to the Top8 were:
- Guille - Iyslander
- Jaime - Dromai
- Jose Carlos - Fai
- Jose Luis - Fai
- Carlos - Iyslander
- Pablo - Fai
- Clenyu - Iyslander
- Gustavo - Fai
And the Heroes who drafted were:
- Guillermo - Dromai
- Jaime - Dromai
- Jose Carlos - Fai
- Jose Luis - Dromai
- Carlos - Iyslander
- Pablo - Fai
- Clenyu - Iyslander
- Gustavo - Iyslander
As a curious fact, all the Fai that were in the highest positions used the Heat Wave arms; it seems to be a card to take into account in Limited formats."
Cat's Footprint Hsinchu 貓腳印新竹店 - Taiwan
"Cat's Footprint Hsinchu's Uprising Prerelease kicked off with a blast, great pulls from all tables. 1 lucky player got all the good Marvel and Fable in just 6 packs! The Fai's combo lines are all over the place, one time it almost looked like a Constructed match. landing 6 draconic combat chains--18 damage a turn, taking the center table. While all the Draconic classes fight with each other, a single Ice hero rose from the ranks and took first place."
Tolarie s.r.o. - Czechia
"11 players arrived and took part in Friday's Pre-Release in Tolaria in Pardubice. Players from the local community, as well as players from other towns in the Czech Republic came to the tournament. Both newcomers and seasoned veterans participated.
The most frequently played hero was Illusionist Dromai, trailed by Draconic ninja Fai. Wizard Iyslander was the least represented in the whole tournament, played by only 2 players. The whole tournament was played in a friendly atmosphere and it was obvious that the players really liked and enjoyed the new Uprising set.
In the end, the overall victory in the tournament went to a complete newcomer Radomil Macek, for whom it was the first ever Flesh and Blood tournament he participated in. He was the only undefeated player in the tournament. Although Dromai was the most played hero, not a single player playing this hero made it to the top 4.
The top 4 were as follows:
1st - Radomil Macek - Draconic Ninja Fai
2nd - Daniel Papež - Ice Wizard Iyslander
3rd - Michal Faldyna - Draconic Ninja Fai
4th - Filip Klepmíř - Draconic Ninja Fai"

Bali Awakening Zone - Indonesia
"Players were so excited that we have our first Flesh and Blood Prerelease in Bali. Everyone shared the fun and enjoyed the commotion. We're so hyped that we pulled the new powerful cards, legendary, and cold foils. The field was dominated by Fai and very few Dromai, which turns out that Fai won the Prerelease Event."

Raid'n'Trade - Germany
"On a very hot day in Karlsruhe, we had the first Pre-Release Event ever at Raid'n'Trade. Thirteen players were very excited to open up packs and make some cool games. We started in the afternoon at around 40°C. The fingers were nervous. What would be pulled out of the case :)
During the pack opening, some players screamed and their hands quivered. The players pulled a CF Fabled, Phoenix Form Extended Art, and some more great cards and CFs.
The coverage had a lot of Fai decks (7 total), followed by Dromai (4 total) and Two Iyslander Decks.
Finally, after four rounds, the Top 3 ended up with 2x Fai and 1x Dromai.
Conclusion: it was a very intense Pre-Release Event with high temperature, great games, and a lot of fun."

Red Riot Games - Canada
"We had an amazing 27 person pre-release with a fantastic display of character, while Fai was a "fast" pick for people to go to, Chris Borecky showed why Dromai is truly a Queen of Dragons as he took 3rd place using only 3 dragons to chomp down the many ninjas in his path.
No stranger to the whimsical ways of wizardry, Michael Caronchia showed Iyslander is cold to the touch as he froze the stage with his mage fusing and creating frost bites that chilled he was all the way to second place
However, it was Matthew Steeves and his impressive Fai deck that burned a hole in every deck, and to top it off he opened the Fabled which we know only spells a fiery end to his next opponent.
Overall a very fun event with a lot of verity across the board and plenty of smiling faces."

KROLM - Poland
"After a long-lasting Showtime of Briar and Starvo we’ve been waiting for… well… for DRAGONS! With Fai and Iyslander dominating sealed format meta there were two players of Dromai, however, all three heroes were top standing(!):
1st – Iyslander
2nd – Dromai
3rd – Fai
We need to say that the new UPRISING set was received with great enthusiasm and excitement! Special thanks to befriended FAB-LAB that recorded his booster opening and gameplays, you can watch it here."
The Uncommons - United States
"Our 40th Flesh & Blood event could not have gone better, as 32 passionate players duked it out for the top spot at our Uprising Pre-Release event! The deck building process was extremely exciting, with multiple Marvels, Legendaries, and Cold Foils cracked throughout the store. The gameplay was sharp and well balanced due to a fairly even split of all heroes of Uprising in play. Both Michael Feng and Chris Fazio took the top spot, going 4-0 with Iyslander and Fai respectively. With Uprising’s release on the horizon, the buzz for Flesh & Blood in NYC could not be higher. Here’s to the future of one the best TCG’s out there!"

Gobelin d'Argent / Silver Goblin - Canada
"We hosted fourty-eight players for our Friday night Uprising prerelease! This was by far the largest Flesh and Blood event we have ever hosted! We'd like to give a big 'Thank you' to the Montreal Flesh and Blood community for coming out in full force and making this event so amazing!
Players were exceptionally excited, many of them having braved the pouring rain to make it in time for the start of our event. A few players arrived despite not having pre-registered for the sold-out event, hoping that the rain would lead to at least one last-minute cancellation. Some of them managed to secure a spot in the end!
As deck building started cries of excitement could be heard as players opened their boosters. Players were overjoyed to open and play with their new Legendaries, Marvel Dragons, and even a Cold Foil Helio's Mitre!
Fai was by far the most played hero at the event, as well as the most successful, with Shu Wei Zhang taking first place with his Fai deck.
Dromai was also a major presence at the top tables, with many players gathering in the last round to watch a Dromai mirror between Neil Barr and Michel Corvino.
Iyslander made up only a small portion of the field, but many players were anxious to face off against the Elemental Wizard, and a few players found success, freezing the Draconic heroes in their tracks.
When the dust had settled and everyone had received their prizes, players rushed home to rest up for the weekend events to still to come."

Zulu's Board Game Cafe - United States
"It was easy to tell how excited players were for the Uprising sealed deck prerelease because the event sold out a week in advance. There’s truly nothing like the feeling of opening and playing with newly released cards for the first time. Lucky players opening the sweet new Marvels showed them off, hopeful they’d lead to a good night of Flesh and Blood.
We played 5 rounds of swiss, followed by a cut to the Top 8 for a redraft, where the top prize was a box of sealed Uprising. For many of the players, it was their first-time opening Uprising, although we had a few folks who recently returned from the Team Blitz Calling and Uprising World Premiere: Las Vegas. Their energy was palpable. The players knew they were going to have a great evening playing their favorite game.
Three hours later we had our top 8. Everyone who won 4 or more games made the cut. The one 5-0 player was Antonio on Iyslander, which was his favorite Blitz hero before the event. Surprisingly, in the Top 8 draft, there was only 1 Iyslander player! We had 4 Fai and 3 Dromai. Those were some strong packs! We streamed the top 8 play and Joshua took the crown, with a really strong Fai deck, showcasing the devastating power of the Majestic Double Strike.
Thank you to Thai, our awesome new Judge, and to LSS for providing the extra Uprising product that really put this event over the top."
Forest City Coins - Canada
"Dragons, Wizards, and Ninjas and 2 Fables pulled in one night OH MY!!!! Our Biggest turnout for a pre-release yet. So wonderful to see the local community growing. Fai was far and away the shining star of the night with high representation throughout the field and dominant among our top players.
Sloopdoop was present for the festivities (playing Fai of course) and very happy to enjoy the new set... hopefully Mr. Ribbets likes it 1/2 as much."

Level Up Games - United States
"The event was one of the first in the state and we had an impressive 45 players show up to battle it out. The Card Guyz crew also was present playing and recording some matches at the pre-release. Overall was a great time with players visiting from all around our area in the community."

Hairy Tarantula - Canada
"We had 27 players show up for our sealed Uprising pre-release with a top 8 draft. After 5 rounds a mix of Fei and Iyslander rose to the top. We had veteran players like Matt Di Marco showing once again that casters can play too, Isaak Krut who is fresh off his top 8 at Pro Tour New Jersey. We also had Naveena Pandillapally who made top 8 in her first FaB event which is impressive and what prerelease events are all about. Congratulations to Matthew Pelletier for his win with his Fei draft deck, taking home a booster box of Uprising."