Welcome back!
We're in the midst of Skirmish Season 6, and with some heroes in Blitz giving us the cold shoulder, the time has come for the underdogs to rise up.
Meanwhile, players continue to unearth new strategies and synergies in Outsiders sealed, opening up new ideas to practice in draft as we march towards the rapidly approaching Pro Tour.
Last week we got a peek into the Emperor's throne room, as well as some savvy sealed deck-building advice from the LSS game devs, and this week we have a special guest writer taking us through the savage highs and brutal lows of dice-rolling. The Skirmish Gauntlet Gameplay series is also well underway, so make sure to tune in for the next thrilling episode.
We also have some more piping hot Blitz meta analysis heading your way soon.
Check out some of the highlights from Week 2 below!

Invasion Inc - Canada
"28 players from across the region showed up to compete at the first Skirmish hosted by Invasion Inc. We wanted to show the community how much their support means to us so we raffled off a Cold Foil Bracers of Belief graded 9.5! Then our community surprised us and showed up with donations to raffle off for all players. Slabbed Cold Foil Bravo, Dragon Shield Sleeves, Blitz decks, playmats, it was truly amazing to see everyone work together to build such an amazing event.
We had a mix of almost all heroes being represented. Everyone brought their "A" game! After 5 rounds of swiss our top 8 was set, all different heroes and very different play styles. The final elimination brought us a rematch from the swiss rounds, Michael Metallo as Bravo vs Brayden Pritchard as Iyslander. Both players seemed to learn from each other in the prior match leading to a nail-biting back and forth battle with neither player showing a weakness. After what seemed like an eternity of combat Bravo was able to break through the frost and deliver the killing blow!"
1st: Michael Metallo - Bravo
Runner Up: Brayden Pritchard - Iyslander
Event Photos

Gi Meow The Card Team - Taiwan
"Riptide with Nourishing Emptiness rules! But still kneels to the mighty Ice Queen herself!"
1st: A Zi - Iyslander
Runner Up: Kung-nan Huang - Riptide
Event Photos

Land Go! - Brazil
"All were excited for the first ever Skirmish Season in Brazil. Our region received only one event and people traveled over 300 kilometers to get to our store, some by car, others by motorcycles, others by bus. A 13-person event with a wide metagame: 2 Ira, 2 Kassai, 2 Chane, 2 Fai, 1 Riptide, 1 Dorinthea, 1 Uzuri, 1 Iyslander, 1 Bravo, ending with a 1 life difference nail biter finish. The energy was so good that players stayed talking about the matches in store for over an hour after the end. Words of Vinny, the winner with Ira: "I've played other TCGs for a long time but never felt like this before"."
1st: Vinicius de Souza - Ira, Crimson Haze
Runner Up: Joao Rizzo - Chane
Event Photos

Gongaii Games - United States
"Great event this weekend at Gongaii Games, Inc for the Skirmish event! 23 players showed up with their Blitz decks, to compete for the title and the prizes! As expected, Iyslander was highly represented in the main field - and put 3/4 in the top cut. But our Dash player, Adolfo, took swiss going 5-0. But the Ice queen quickly regained momentum, fatiguing out Dash in the semis and making it a Iyslander mirror for the final. In the end, Carl Norman beat out Adam Hill in the final for the Win. Congratulations to all players from yesterday - and Go Commando!"
1st: Carl Norman - Iyslander
Runner Up: Adam Hill - Iyslander
Event Photos

Scry Games Ciannat - Philippines
"Another historic event for the Flesh and Blood PH Community. Capped to 48 since the shop can only accommodate 48, but lots of players are on the waiting list. The growth of FAB here in PH is unbelievable. Lots of new players are joining and loving the game. Congrats LSS and thank you for supporting and giving us an amazing game."
1st: Ivan Alaba - Iyslander
Runner Up: Carl Celera - Kano

Swamp Store - Italy
"It was our first Skirmish event and all our players were happy to be there and engage in an atmosphere of fun and fair play. In the semifinals Kano (Damiano) won against a daring Dash (Antony), and Chane (Armando) won against a bold Dorinthea (Flavio). The final was the rematch from the third round of swiss where Armando and Damiano faced each other for the second time in the day, with Armando having won the first face off. Kano saw the perfect opening and Chane found it very difficult to manage defensively. After these series of explosive plays Damiano won the final!"
1st: Damiano De Prosperis - Kano
Runner Up: Armando Riggi - Chane