Week 1 of Skirmish has become yet another memory in the old brain bank and it kicked off with a bang! Aurora leads the pack in Blitz and Chane, Bound by Shadow has stolen the spotlight in the Living Legend format. Exclusive participation promos are now blinging decks, stunning new playmats are in the hands of those eager to roll them out, and Cold Foils have been claimed by the victors. With two formats featuring diverse metagames, it's exciting to watch players flock to their LGS with their latest brews to play some intense games of Flesh and Blood. And it's only just begun!
Let's roll the highlight reel and check in on some of the results from Week 1...

Shem Hobby - Indonesia
"The latest Skirmish Season 11 event at Shem Hobby saw a diverse meta, intense matchups, and a standout performance from Verdance on its path to victory. With players battling it out in a four-round Swiss format leading into a Top 4 cut, the competition was fierce, but only one player could take home the crown! After four intense Swiss rounds, the following players secured their spot in the Top 4 cut: Ceyzar Rizky (Verdance), Tan Melvin (Vynnset), Christofer Ricky (Prism), Madian Matteo Layl (Verdance)."
"According to champion Ceyzar Rizky (Riz), the standout MVP of the event was Channel the Millennium Tree, a card that provided massive Arcane amp, overwhelming opponents who were often underprepared for the sheer volume of arcane damage Verdance could generate. The event was a showcase of Blitz at its finest, featuring innovative deck choices, tight matches, and an engaged community. With Verdance taking the crown, it’ll be exciting to see how the meta continues to evolve as we head toward the next major events!"
1st: Ceyzar Rizky - Verdance
2nd: Tan Melvin - Vynnset

WNY Gaming - USA
"17 players came out for the Blitz skirmish event, with a diverse spread of heroes! After 5 rounds of Swiss, and 3 top 8 rounds, Jace came out the undefeated winner on Aurora. Due to some product delays, Jace was unable to get his hands on the new Aurora Armory deck to upgrade his blitz deck, but that didn't stop him from going undefeated through the whole day. Players had a great time, enjoying the atmosphere and great games with friendly players. Skirmish season is a favorite time for the store, as the casual environment brings out players who might not otherwise want to compete at higher tier events."
1st: Jace Velez - Aurora
2nd: Raven Williams - Prism

Cat Footprint - Taiwan
"In this high-speed meta, Dash, Database, and Kayo stood out with their ability to cycle through their decks quickly and draw multiple cards. The only hero who could keep up was CYB Bravo, but their run ended in the semifinals against Prism."
1st: Hao Han Chaung - Dash, Database
2nd: Chongjaun, Wu - Prism