Recap: Pro Quest: Amsterdam, Week 2

Apr 24, 2024 Kasharn Rao

Week two is done and dusted and another round of heroes have scored the chance to compete for the title of Pro Tour Champion in Amsterdam this July! The Classic Constructed metagame has trembled with the departure of Dromai, and while the arena's finest have mostly kept their footing, the shakeup has allowed for some intriguing characters to emerge from their ivory towers and/or murky waters.

We've reached the halfway point, and if you haven't managed to snag an invite yet don't worry - next weekend could be your lucky break! Get back in there, the crowd is chanting your name!

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Wargamer Lublin - Poland

"The entire tournament took place in a smooth and calm atmosphere. Everyone left happy, especially the debutants on the competitive stage who played for the first time, and one of them even reached the semi-finals!"

1st: Bartosz Dominiak - Dorinthea Ironsong
2nd: Adam Urban - Vynnset, Iron Maiden

magic man

Magic Man Games - United States

"It was a great event, with good turnout and a good spread of heroes! It was great to see heroes like Vynnset and Riptide make an appearance. Throughout the day there were many close games, including one ending with Kayo dying to their own Beast Within! The final match was close, with Boltyn pulling through with the aptly named Beacon of Victory to close out the game and win the gold foil. Thanks to all the players, judges and staff for making this a fantastic event for the history books!"

1st: Gavin Myre - Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn
2nd: Connar Bodoh - Fai, Rising Rebellion

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Manaheim - Norway

"Our first big Flesh and Blood event at Manaheim. We had a record attendance of 29 people at our venue in our small town of Kongsberg, Norway. Everyone was super excited and said that this was the best Flesh and Blood event they had ever attended and hoped that we would get Nationals in the future."

1st: Christopher Reyes - Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn
2nd: Adrian Fjell - Kayo, Armed and Dangerous

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Good Games Central - Australia

"Despite the heavy rain, we had a solid mix of regulars and players who travelled for the event. The meta was fairly open with representation of a wide variety of heroes. Of note there were also three Maxx 'The Hype' Nitro running about. Many Nitro Mechanoids were assembled! Maxx continued to do well in the playoffs and we even had a Maxx mirror for the semi-finals which lasted a grand total of only six turns! Ultimately Nick Butcher prevailed with Dorinthea."

1st: Nick Butcher - Dorinthea Ironsong
2nd: Taufik Indrakesuma - Maxx "The Hype" Nitro

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Sini Duduk Hobby Store - Indonesia

"Martinus Saputra got extremely unlucky the day before the event. He was in an accident because his bike broke. But because of his bad luck he was pretty sure that he would be lucky on the day of the event, and yes, he got to second place! Also, it was the first Pro Quest for Alexander Lim, who managed to make it to Top 8!"

1st: Julio Anthony - Kayo, Armed and Dangerous
2nd: Martinus Indra Saputra - Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn