Recap: Part the Mistveil Pre-Release

May 28, 2024 Kasharn Rao

Mistveil? Parted!

Travellers from all walks of life delved into the mysterious new booster set last weekend, discovering centuries-old truths and traditions. Some reached true enlightenment, harnessing their Inner Chi to perform unbelievable feats. Others unearthed treasures thought to be lost to the passage of time. One feeling unites them all - GIVE US MORE!

Missed your first chance to venture into the wide blue yonder? Fret not, for Play Day events are only a week away, granting players the opportunity to throw down with Part the Mistveil Blitz Decks, celebrating the release of the latest set in style!

Now, let's take a look at some standout moments from Pre-Release weekend...

dark sphere logo

Dark Sphere - United Kingdom

"It was a day like no other. 31 players joined together for Part the Mistveil Sealed Deck, National Champions, community superstars, judges, friends, and even the creator of Flesh and Blood himself! Amazing games were had by all, and we were lucky enough to have a coveted Gold Pack won by George Rodger!"

Invaders Board Game Station Logo

Invaders Board Game Station - Indonesia

"The biggest Pre-Release we have ever hosted with 28 players attending the event! Everyone is super hyped for the set. No Gold Packs were found during the event, but everyone enjoyed playing the new heroes, and there were also some amazing pulls!"

yellowsubmarine Logo - イエローサブマリンなんば店

Yellow Submarine - Japan

初の日本語版での開催となり、9名の方が参加されました。 また、熟練のプレイヤーの方が、FaBを始めたばかりのお友達を6名連れて来場され、他プレイヤーが支援しながら、参加者皆さんで楽しくプレイされていたのが印象的でした。

"This was the first time we held a Pre-Release in Japanese language, and nine people participated. An experienced player brought six of his friends who were just starting to play FaB, and it was impressive to see how much fun the participants had while being supported by other players."

White Rabbit Logo

White Rabbit - Germany

"Everyone had a great time, enjoying both the Pre-Release and this gorgeous new set. We had some awesome pulls with one Fabled, two Marvels and four Legendaries! Thanks LSS for the new hype! PS: We did NOT forget to De-Chi... most of the time."

oddwillow logo

Oddwillow's Game Haven - United States

"Oddwillow's hosted its largest Flesh and Blood event to date! 40 players came together to celebrate the exciting release of Part the Mistveil. During pack opening, shouts of excitement were frequent as Cold Foils, Majestics, Legendaries, and Marvels were pulled. As decks began to form, it became apparent that Nuu was a crowd favorite. After several rounds of battle, Oddwillow's gave away three Gold Packs that were discovered during the event, among other great prizes. Thank you to the Flesh and Blood community for continuing to be amazing!"