Recap: Heavy Hitters Pre-Release

Jan 31, 2024 Kasharn Rao

Nothing tastes sweeter than that first win in the arena. Nothing hits harder than the first loss. Whether you're fresh meat or a seasoned gladiator, the arena only has one rule - survival of the fittest.

Missed your first chance to enter the ring? Hungry for more of the incredible gameplay Heavy Hitters offers? Don't worry, Play Day events are soon swinging into action, and we have a whole organised play season, including Road to Nationals, Callings, and Pro Tour: Los Angeles - all crammed full of as much Heavy Hitters as your heart desires!

Let's take a look at last weekend's rough and tumble...

hobby hub

Hobby Hub - Australia

"A big thank you to all the players and to LSS for giving us the opportunity to run this awesome event! 10 players entered the arena seeking glory in our Pre-Release event, with Kayo being the most popular. After four nail-biting rounds, Nik emerged triumphant with Kayo!"

yellowsubmarine Logo - イエローサブマリンなんば店

イエローサブマリンなんば店 - Japan

はじめてプレリリースイベントに参加される方がいましたが、他のプレイヤーたちがサポートをしっかりと行ってくれ、非常によい雰囲気でイベントが進行しました。 大阪エリアは開催店舗数も多く、日程が重なってしまう状況でしたが、無事に開催できてよかったと思います。

"For some people this was their first Pre-Release, but the other players provided solid support and the event had a very good atmosphere. There were many stores in the Osaka area holding Pre-Releases at the same time, but overall we didn't have any problems."

logo 2 - Phelipe Da Hora

Ja era Hora! - Brazil

"Realizamos o MAIOR pre-release da HISTORIA do Rio de Janeiro, tivemos 32 jogadores, fizemos transmissão dos jogos e do open dos boosters em nossa live, foi um evento de incrivel sucesso, com numeros jamais vistos, demos uma premiação extra incrível!"

"We held the BIGGEST Pre-Release in the HISTORY of Rio de Janeiro, with 32 players. We broadcast the games and the booster openings on our live stream. It was an incredibly successful event, with numbers never seen before, so we gave extra prizes!"

Nakama Shop

Nakama Shop - Malaysia

"Sweats, smiles, and laughter! We were glad to host one of the most fun Pre-Releases ever, where everyone was laughing around, and having fun with the new set. Kassai emerged as champion from wagering a 7-power attack against Kayo. Thank you Guzel for joining our Pre-Release, coming all the way from Indonesia."

HP Wolves Den Logo - Elijah Joseph Campos

HP Wolves Den - Philippines

"Another bloody battle has concluded as the Wolves Den crowned a new champion during the Heavy Hitters Pre-Release. Alfer's Kayo came out on top over Gerard's Kassai during the final battle, proving the Brute Lord's dominance over the pack. There was much merriment that transpired during the event - food, drinks, games, and fun. On top of that, six brave competitors were given additional loot: six Heavy Hitters Pre-constructed Blitz Decks were raffled out. Overall, everyone had a blast and are looking forward to more games to come."

Bali Awakening Zone Logo

Bali Awakening Zone - Indonesia

"Our community in Bali has been eagerly waiting for Heavy Hitters Pre-Release. 12 players came to crack packs and play with the new cards. Even though no Marvels were pulled, screams of joy and excitement filled the room as we pulled Legendaries and Cold Foils. One new player came to our store to learn Flesh and Blood just a few hours before the Pre-Release started, and joined in the action! Thank you LSS for the opportunity to run a Pre-Release at our LGS, and also for the support!"