Recap: Battle Hardened Warsaw, Kuala Lumpur, and St. Louis

Nov 03, 2023 Kasharn Rao

Another round of Battle Hardened events done and dusted, and another leg closer to the peak of the 2023 Pro Play Circuit. Last weekend players converged in Europe, Asia, and the United States for some explosive games. It's really heartwarming to see actual families attending these events, competing, having fun, and really embodying what Flesh and Blood is all about! So without further ado, let's check out the winners from Warsaw, Kuala Lumpur, and St. Louis...

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Battle Hardened: Warsaw

More than 100 players tried their hand at the Gold Foil with an electrifying gauntlet of Classic Constructed. There was no mucking around - straight to business for the Rangers, who took out 5 of the Top 8 spots. A brave Dorinthea tried to squeeze onto the field, but unfortunately it was booked for archery target practice.

Congratulations to Przemyslaw Staniszewski, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

bh warsaw

Top 8

1st: Przemyslaw Staniszewski - Lexi, Livewire

2nd: Piotr Krzempek - Lexi, Livewire

3rd-4th: Antonio Tagliareni - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

3rd-4th: Thomas Preyer - Lexi, Livewire

5th-8th: Stefano Meoni - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

5th-8th: Adam Urban - Iyslander, Stormbind

5th-8th: Marcin Pelzner - Iyslander, Stormbind

5th-8th: Jan Wojtecki - Dorinthea Ironsong

PTI Event: Warsaw

More than 60 players ripped open packs of Bright Lights the next day, assembling their Evo suits with vigor! True to his reputation Teklovossen rose through the ranks, but at the last moment his vision of a brighter future was blown to bits by Maxx Nitro!

Congratulations to Jyry Soinio, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

pti warsaw

Top 8

1st: Jyry Soinio - Maxx Nitro

2nd: Filip Mikołajczyk - Teklovossen

3rd-4th: Valentin Mackl - Teklovossen

3rd-4th: Thomas Preyer - Teklovossen

5th-8th: Piotr Krzempek - Teklovossen

5th-8th: Bartosz Jankowski - Teklovossen

5th-8th: Adrian Słowiński - Teklovossen

5th-8th: Grzegorz Marcisz - Teklovossen

Battle Hardened: Kuala Lumpur

More than 60 players threw down in a Blitz-off in Kuala Lumpur! A special shoutout to the Madian family who travelled together from Indonesia to play in the Battle Hardened! This is what Flesh and Blood is all about - bringing people together and making memories that will last a lifetime.

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A brutal war was fought between the heroes of Blitz, with Chane, Dash, and Rhinar equally the most popular picks. Eventually the Demonastery claimed another win through the sheer power unlocked by binding one's soul to Ursur!

Congratulations to Pathomtarn Arsaithamkul, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

01 BHKL 2023 Champion

Top 8

1st: Pathomtarn Arsaithamkul - Chane

2nd: Mohd Imran Jamil - Rhinar

3rd-4th: Wong De Jing - Chane

3rd-4th: Yi Jun Loh - Ira, Crimson Haze

5th-8th: Gordon Koh - Chane

5th-8th: Clarence Ong - Riptide

5th-8th: Lu Wei Soh - Kassai, Cintari Sellsword

5th-8th: Haziq Ghazale - Chane

PTI Event: Kuala Lumpur

More than 30 players dipped their toes back into Classic Constructed the next day. Some close potshots were made by the likes of Levia, Fai, and Kano, but in the end it was everyone's favourite Ace in the Hole who landed the final shot.

Congratulations to Benjamin Lim, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

01 BHKL PTI Winner - Benjamin Lim

Top 8

1st: Benjamin Lim - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

2nd: Xi Shern Tan - Iyslander, Stormbind

3rd-4th: Lu Wei Soh - Lexi, Livewire

3rd-4th: Hilmi Halim - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

5th-8th: Derk Hua Lee - Dromai, Ash Artist

5th-8th: Dyatmika Paramaanindya - Fai, Rising Rebellion

5th-8th: Gordon Koh - Bravo, Showstopper

5th-8th: Ping How Ng - Iyslander, Stormbind

Battle Hardened: St. Louis

Over in the States, 120 players took a stab at claiming the top spot. Dash is quickly picking up speed, having patched up those leaks with reinforced Evo equipment. Lexi still retained an icy grip, with the final match taken out by none other than one of Flesh and Blood's strongest emerging young pros, Lucas Oswald (must be powered up by all those sandwiches he and Brodie Spurlock are always chowing down on).

Congratulations to Lucas Oswald, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

pti st louis

Top 8

1st: Lucas Oswald - Lexi, Livewire

2nd: Austin Redington - Dromai, Ash Artist

3rd-4th: Julian Felix Flury - Lexi, Livewire

3rd-4th: Yuanji Li - Iyslander, Stormbind

5th-8th: Jason Feng - Uzuri, Switchblade

5th-8th: Justin Kinison - Lexi, Livewire

5th-8th: Casey Dugan - Lexi, Livewire

5th-8th: Jacob Baugh - Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

PTI Event: St. Louis

More than 60 players doubled down the next day for another round of Classic Constructed! We were treated to an absolute monster of a Top 8 bracket, featuring winners of Battle Hardeneds, Callings, and even the World Championship! In a dazzling back-to-back display, Lucas Oswald took out the PTI right from under their feet. Watch out for this boy at World Championship: Barcelona, as he's already proven several times he's got what it takes!

Congratulations to Lucas Oswald, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!


Top 8

1st: Lucas Oswald - Lexi, Livewire

2nd: Brodie Spurlock - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

3rd-4th: Justin Kinison - Lexi, Livewire

3rd-4th: Julian Felix Flury - Lexi, Livewire

5th-8th: Michael Hamilton - Lexi, Livewire

5th-8th: Lucas Birch - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

5th-8th: Chandler To - Rhinar, Reckless Rampage

5th-8th: Austin Redington - Dromai, Ash Artist
