Recap: Battle Hardened Manila

Feb 09, 2024 Kasharn Rao

Nobody loves Flesh and Blood quite like the players in the Philippines do - whether it's a casual Armory or a prestigious Battle Hardened, they turn up in the hundreds to play great games!

Last week we were treated to our first snapshot of the post-Heavy Hitters Blitz metagame, and with Gold Foils PTIs, and $2,000 USD cash on the line, players brought their very best to the table. The PTI Event also showcased what players are cooking in Classic Constructed!

Overall, the first ever Battle Hardened in the Philippines was a roaring success! You can catch some highlights from the tournament in UNBOX's video HERE.

bh manila

Battle Hardened

More than 170 players rocked up to battle last weekend, with nobody knowing for sure what would happen. This new era of Blitz is still fresh and raw, with several titans of the format having recently retired and an onslaught of new heroes and cards entering the ring. Rhinar, Dash, and Prism were all popular due to their huge spike turns, but when push came to shove it was Victor Goldmane's raw value that outmuscled the rest. Still fresh from his win at Calling: Taipei, Justin Cu clashed his way to the top!

Congratulations to Justin, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

bh manila winner

Top 8

1st: Justin Cu - Victor Goldmane

2nd: Fee Sen Sei - Vynnset

3rd-4th: Trix Ferreras - Dorinthea

3rd-4th: Carlo Ople - Briar

5th-8th: Mark David Octavio - Briar

5th-8th: Andre Ryan See - Prism, Advent of Thrones

5th-8th: Dave Martin Versoza - Rhinar

5th-8th: Franco Antonio Regalado - Dash

PTI Event

More than 100 players tried their hand at the PTI Event on Sunday, putting their Classic Constructed skills to the test. Even with Heavy Hitters giving a leg up to Guardians, Brutes, and Warriors, the Ninjas stayed true to their path, claiming a whopping HALF of the top cut. However, the Showstopper wasn't about to let anyone steal his thunder, and muscled through to take home the gold!

Congratulations to Richard Anthony Bustamante, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!


Top 8

1st: Richard Anthony Bustamante - Bravo, Showstopper

2nd: Andre Ryan See - Kassai of the Golden Sand

3rd-4th: John Ezekiel Recalde - Dorinthea Ironsong

3rd-4th: Mikko Pena - Fai, Rising Rebellion

5th-8th: Peng Joon - Fai, Rising Rebellion

5th-8th: Jose Gerard Kawada - Bravo, Showstopper

5th-8th: Khyle Kent Alviz - Fai, Rising Rebellion

5th-8th: Ralph Gomeri - Katsu, the Wanderer