Recap: Battle Hardened Baltimore

Jun 21, 2023 Kasharn Rao

17 teams delved once more into the Pits last weekend at the Battle Hardened in Baltimore!

Cracking packs of Outsiders, intense discussions were had over who would take the red Come to Fight or the Bloodrot Trap, but finally they all came to an agreement and prepared to throw down.

The Top 4 was absolutely stacked with superstar players - winners of Callings, Pro Tours, Battle Hardeneds, and even the World Champion himself!

Sunday's PTI event came down to two players from the winning and finalist teams the day before!

bh baltimore top 4

Battle Hardened

In teams of three, players ripped opened packs of Outsiders and assembled decks from the shared pool, forming their own band of merry misfits.

Taking one Assassin, one Ranger, and one Ninja into battle was clearly the best strategy, but working with a limited pool proved to be a true challenge, pushing the team's collaborative skills to the limit.

In the end, it was the formidable trio of Brodie Spurlock, Michael Feng, and Dave Lin who cut the MnR Cast team down to size.

Congratulations to the winning team and to the rest of our Top 4 competitors!

Copy of FAB Team Winners - Spurlock, Lin, Feng

Top 4

1st: Brodie Spurlock, Michael Feng, Dave Lin

2nd: Roger Bodee, Michael Hamilton, Travis McDaniel

3rd-4th: Oscar Ojeda Gomez, Michael Corvino, Alexandre Lefebvre

3rd-4th: Anthony Junta, Casey Walker, James Chang

PTI Event

On Sunday it was back to Classic Constructed, with 36 players shooting their shot.

While Lexi remained a dominant force, claiming three Top 8 spots, the rest of the top cut was rounded out by a colourful party - reds, greens, purples, and metallic oranges!

The finals came down to Brodie Spurlock and Travis McDaniel, and with both their teams having made the finals the day before, spectators knew they were in for a treat.

Eventually Brodie took out the Lexi mirror, adding yet another win to his belt. The enthusiastic youngster's event tops keep growing, and at this rate, nobody will be able to stand in his way. Should we be concerned?

Congratulations to Brodie, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

bh balt winner

Top 8

1st: Brodie Spurlock - Lexi, Livewire

2nd: Travis McDaniel - Lexi, Livewire

3rd-4th: Kevin Brayer - Viserai, Rune Blood

3rd-4th: Rose Smyth - Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

5th-8th: Oscar Ojeda Gomez - Lexi, Livewire

5th-8th: Dexter Phan - Rhinar, Reckless Rampage

5th-8th: Julian Sniffen - Kano, Dracai of Aether

5th-8th: Naib Mobassir - Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity
