ProQuest: Week Four Metagame

Mar 18, 2022 Davis Kingsley

For the ProQuest Season, we've invited some guest writers to contribute to over the course of the series. Davis Kingsley previously covered the Skirmish seasons and National Championships with metagame breakdowns and analysis; we're pleased to bring you his latest article analysing the state of the ProQuest metagame!

Welcome back, Flesh and Blood players! The final week of ProQuest events is in, and I have the data for you! This article will focus on the last week, with a wrap-up article coming next week with more of a review of the season as a whole.

This week had a bit fewer events than last, with 57 events with known results and 1511 known heroes (discounting heroes that only have a young version, which I did not list – see below).

One other note on methodology – I have generally been assuming that young heroes are registration errors for their adult counterparts, and have not been listing heroes that only have a young version (though a few people did bravely run these heroes!) Similarly, if I say something like “all heroes”, I’m referring to all adult heroes, as generally, players do not use young heroes in Classic Constructed.

As usual, my apologies for any mistakes when it comes to compiling this data!

With that said, let’s take a look at the overall meta for week four:

ProQuest Week Four - Overall Meta

Bravo, Star of the Show kept up his position as most played hero for week four of the ProQuest series– actually gaining a fair bit with ~23.8% of the meta rather than last week’s ~20.7%. Prism and Viserai remained second and third with ~18.1% and ~14.1% of the meta, respectively. There weren’t any huge shifts with respect to other heroes – perhaps a sign of a more “settled” meta at this time?

Next, we’ll get into top eight placements:

ProQuest Week Four - Top 8

Bravo, Star of the Show, Viserai, and Prism maintained their positions from last week as the “top three” heroes for top eight placements. Relative to last week’s events, the Star of the Show did better still (perhaps in part thanks to his increased overall representation), while Prism receded a bit. Unlike past events, Chane didn’t “punch above his weight” as much, coming in a bit below his overall representation percentage when it comes to top eights this time.

Finally, we’ll look at wins:

ProQuest Week Four - Wins

Despite his growth in representation and top eights, Bravo, Star of the Show actually did worse when it came to getting wins than all previous weeks – however, “worse” still put him in first place with over 38% of event wins to his name! Prism retained her second place and Viserai his third, with Chane coming in fourth (and overperforming his representation in wins even though he didn’t in top eights).

One interesting fact here was that there were far fewer heroes getting just a win or two this week relative to in the past, with only seven heroes getting wins at all. However, one of those winners was a hero that had yet to succeed at taking down an event – shoutout to Kano, Dracai of Aether for picking up his first ProQuest win!

With that, the season will conclude!

If you want to look at the data in more detail, here’s a picture of this week’s results:

Week Four ProQuest Data
Azalea Boltyn Bravo Briar Chane Dash Dorinthea Kano Katsu Levia Lexi Oldhim Prism Rhinar Starvo Viserai
Players 16 31 32 55 103 49 38 31 83 24 112 31 273 61 360 213
Top 8's 0 2 3 13 26 2 3 5 10 7 13 3 89 8 139 67
Wins 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 15 0 22 11
%Meta 1.06 2.05 2.12 3.64 6.82 3.24 2.51 2.05 5.49 1.59 7.41 1.99 18.07 4.04 23.83 14.10
%Top 8's 0.00 0.51 0.77 3.33 6.67 0.51 0.77 1.28 2.56 1.79 3.33 0.77 22.82 2.05 35.64 17.18
%Wins 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.75 8.77 0.00 0.00 1.75 0.00 0.00 3.51 0.00 26.32 0.00 38.60 19.30
T8Conv 0.00 6.45 9.38 23.64 25.24 4.08 7.89 16.13 12.05 29.17 11.61 10.00 32.60 13.11 38.61 31.46
WinConv 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 4.85 0.00 0.00 3.23 0.00 0.00 1.79 0.00 5.49 0.00 6.11 5.16
T8toWin 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.69 19.23 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 15.38 0.00 16.85 0.00 15.83 16.42

And here are the overall results (combining this week’s data and that from previous weeks):

ProQuest Season Data
Azalea Boltyn Bravo Briar Chane Dash Dorinthea Kano Katsu Levia Lexi Oldhim Prism Rhinar Starvo Viserai
Players 76 170 170 280 463 288 195 109 347 102 489 212 1085 281 1500 985
Top 8's 1 21 22 62 152 24 22 7 50 17 77 39 366 32 603 292
Wins 0 2 3 5 19 4 2 1 5 0 9 4 58 1 108 36
%Meta 1.45 3.24 3.24 5.34 8.83 5.5 3.72 2.08 6.62 1.95 9.33 4.05 20.7 5.36 28.62 18.79
%Top 8's 0.07 1.5 1.57 4.44 10.88 1.72 1.57 0.5 3.58 1.22 5.51 2.79 26.2 2.29 43.16 20.9
%Wins 0 1 1.5 2.5 9.5 2 1 0.5 2.5 0 4.5 2 29 0.5 54 18
T8Conv 1.32 12.35 12.94 22.14 32.83 8.33 11.28 6.42 14.41 16.67 15.75 18.4 33.73 11.39 40.2 29.64
WinConv 0 1.18 1.76 1.79 4.1 1.39 1.03 0.92 1.44 0 1.84 1.89 5.35 0.36 7.2 3.65
T8toWin 0 9.52 13.64 8.06 12.5 16.62 9.09 14.29 10 0 11.69 11.69 15.85 3.13 17.91 12.33

As before, the final two rows in these tables – T8Conv and WinConv – represent the “conversion percentage” from overall representation to top eight and from overall representation to an event win. The last row, T8toWin, represents the “conversion percentage” from top eights to event wins. “Starvo” is an abbreviation for Bravo, Star of the Show.

One interesting note from the overall results is that Chane, despite his relative unpopularity, has better conversion rate percentages both for going overall to top eight and for going top eight to winning relative to the much more popular Viserai… but I’ll have more stuff of this type to look into for next week’s article.

Stay tuned for one last ProQuest analysis for me next week, where I’ll take a look at the season as a whole, what changed and what stayed the same over time, how things look in different regions, and what this means for the Everfest meta as we move towards the exciting Calling and Pro Tour events!

Davis Kingsley is a competitive Flesh and Blood player and author of content relating to gameplay and strategy. The opinions expressed in the above article are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Legend Story Studios.

Living Legend Points - ProQuest Week 4

Living Legends Points from the ProQuest season
Rank Change Hero ProQuest
1 - Bravo, Star of the Show 654
2 - Prism, Sculptor of Arc Light 342
3 - Viserai, Rune Blood 222
4 - Chane, Bound by Shadow 114
5 - Lexi, Livewire 54
6 +2 Briar, Warden of Thorns 30
6 - Katsu, the Wanderer 30
6 - Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity 30
9 -1 Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire 24
10 - Bravo, Showstopper 18
11 - Dorinthea Ironsong 12
11 - Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn 12
13 +1 Kano, Dracai of Aether 6
13 - Rhinar, Reckless Rampage 6
15 -1 Azalea, Ace in the Hole 0
15 -1 Levia, Shadowborn Abomination 0

Lifetime Living Legend Leaderboard

You can find the updated lifetime living legend leaderboards below.