ProQuest Gauntlet: Everfest Gameplay Series - Match Three

Mar 10, 2022 Legend Story Studios

In the third and final match of the ProQuest Gauntlet: Everfest Classic Constructed series, we see Hayden ride the Aurora and rain endless arrows down on Brendan as he plays as Lexi, Livewire. On the other side of the arena, we see Brendan strike with quickness and shocking intensity and truly become a force of nature as he plays as Briar, Warden of Thorns.

Behold the thrilling conclusion to the ProQuest Gauntlet: Everfest!

Lexi, Livewire - Cards Played
Equipment/Red Yellow Blue
1 Voltaire, Strike Twice 3 Bolt'n' Shot 3 Blizzard
1 Bull's Eye Bracers 3 Rain Razors 3 Channel Lake Frigid
1 Fyendal's Spring Tunic 3 Fatigue Shot
1 New Horizon 3 Frost Lock
1 Snapdragon Scalers 3 Hamstring Shot
3 Polar Blast
3 Bolt'n' Shot 3 Winter's Bite
3 Command and Conquer
3 Endless Arrow
3 Fatigue Shot
3 Hamstring Shot
3 Lightning Press
3 Pathing Helix
3 Remorseless
3 Sleep Dart
3 Take Cover
3 Three of a Kind
Briar, Warden of Thorns - Cards Played
Equipment/Red/Other Yellow Blue
1 Rosetta Thorn 1 Pulse of Candlehold 3 Autumn's Touch
1 Arcanite Skullcap 3 Earthlore Surge
1 Bloodsheath Skeleta 3 Force of Nature
1 Grasp of the Arknight 1 Sow Tomorrow
1 Snapdragon Scalers 2 Sting of Sorcery
3 Tome of Harvests
2 Bramble Spark 3 Weave Earth
3 Channel Mount Heroic
3 Command and Conquer
3 Enlightened Strike
1 Entwine Lightning
2 Lightning Press
3 Lightning Surge
3 Nimblism
2 Overload
3 Ravenous Rabble
3 Revel in Runeblood
3 Scar for a Scar
3 Snatch
3 Sonata Arcanix
3 Swarming Gloomveil
1 Unmovable
1 Gorganian Tome

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