ProQuest Gauntlet: Everfest Gameplay Series - Match Two

Mar 08, 2022 Legend Story Studios

In the second match of the ProQuest Gauntlet: Everfest Classic Constructed series, we see Hayden embrace the Shadow and reach a higher state of being as he plays as Chane, Bound by Shadow. On the other side of the arena, we see Brendan delve into the darkest depths of the Demonastery and become the perfect weapon as he plays as the first of his kind, Viserai, Rune Blood.

Let the ProQuest Gauntlet: Everfest continue!

Chane, Bound by Shadow - Cards Played
Equipment/Red/Other Yellow Blue
1 Rosetta Thorn 3 Art of War 3 Bounding Demigon
1 Arcanite Skullcap 1 Bounding Demigon 1 Captain's Call
1 Carrion Husk 3 Captain's Call 2 Flock of the Feather Walkers
1 Spellbound Creepers 3 Mauvrion Skies
1 Vexing Quillhand 3 Minnowism
3 Shadow of Ursur
3 Belittle 3 Shrill of Skullform
3 Bounding Demigon 3 Vexing Malice
3 Command and Conquer
3 Flock of the Feather Walkers
3 Ghostly Visit
2 Minnowism
3 Revel in Runeblood
3 Rift Bind
3 Shadow Puppetry
1 Soul Reaping
3 Swarming Gloomveil
1 Unhallowed Rites
1 Gorganian Tome
Viserai, Rune Blood - Cards Played
Equipment/Red/Other Yellow Blue
1 Rosetta Thorn 3 Mauvrion Skies 1 Amplify the Arknight
1 Arcanite Skullcap 1 Ninth Blade of the Blood Oath 3 Become the Arknight
1 Bloodsheath Skeleta 3 Dread Triptych
1 Spellbound Creepers 3 Mauvrion Skies
1 Vexing Quillhand 3 Oath of the Arknight
3 Shrill of Skullform
3 Amplify the Arknight 3 Spellblade Assault
3 Enlightened Strike 3 Whisper of the Oracle
1 Mauvrion Skies
2 Meat and Greet
3 Mordred Tide
3 Rattle Bones
3 Revel in Runeblood
3 Rune Flash
3 Runic Reclamation
3 Sonata Arcanix
3 Spellblade Assault
3 Swarming Gloomveil
1 Gorganian Tome

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