Policy Updates

Feb 27, 2021 Legend Story Studios

We review our policies from time to time based on first hand learning and feedback from OP partners, retailers, players, and the wider community. The goal is always to make Flesh and Blood the best experience it can be for fans and our partners around the world.

The following policy changes are effective March 1, 2021.

Tournament Rules and Policy Document

3.3 End of Match Procedure (Major Update)

When time is called in the round and a winner of the current game is yet to be determined, the turn player completes their turn, then 1 additional turn is played. At the conclusion of the additional turn, if a winner of the game has not been determined, the current game is a draw.

Background and Philosophy

Previously the end of match procedure provided players with 3 additional turns (collectively) to try and complete the game. At the Calling Auckland, held on January 31, 2021, a new end of match procedure was trialed, removing additional turns altogether. Player feedback was overwhelmingly positive, both in terms of individual game experience and the positive effect on event operations, with each round starting promptly following time being called in the previous round.

Upon further reflection and feedback, we believe the correct number of additional turns is 1. This gives both players some amount of opportunity to find a path to victory after time has been called in the round.

The underlying philosophy behind this change (together with draws = 0 points), is to heavily disincentivize slow play at official tournaments. Play to win!

3.4 Conceding (Major Update)

  • When a player concedes a game, the result will be processed as a game/match loss for the conceding player.
  • If a player concedes their match at any point after presenting their deck during the start of game procedure, they will be dropped from the tournament unless the Head Judge or Tournament Organizer decides otherwise. A player will not be dropped if there is a genuine reason why they need to stop playing the current match and they wish to rejoin the tournament in a future round, or if a player has no way in which they are able to win a game. In all instances where a player wants to concede and not be dropped from the tournament, a judge should be called to oversee the concession. Examples include but are not limited to:
    • There is an emergency that requires the attention of the player
    • A player doesn't feel well
    • A player feels uncomfortable playing against the opponent
    • A player spills a cup of coffee over themselves and their belongings (only) and they want to concede in order to clean themselves up
    • A player has no cards left in their hand or deck and therefore has no way to win the game

  • If a player asks for a concession at any point in a match after both players have presented their decks, that player will receive a match loss for their next round. This penalty may be upgraded or downgraded at the discretion of the Head Judge. Any kind of pressure or suggestion to concede, such as saying "Come on man, don't defend my attack here" is considered to be asking for a concession.
  • For avoidance of doubt, a player may ask for a concession and/or concede (without being dropped from the tournament) before presenting their deck. For example, it is the last round of swiss and two friends are paired. One of these players already has enough match wins to make the top 8, so he concedes the match before presenting his deck. (Note - conceding before presenting decks can not be in exchange for any kind of consideration. Refer section 5.2 Bribery.)
  • If a player refuses to play a game, it is assumed that player is conceding the game. If both players refuse to play a game or match, the match result will be declared a match loss for both players.

Background and Philosophy

Over the course of running a number of professional level tournaments, it became apparent that a culture was developing around the end of game procedure that was grossly conflicting with the spirit of the game. When a match resulted in a draw (typically due to time being called in the round), the match moved to a "negotiation phase" before players signed the result slip. During the "negotiation phase" players would debate who was most likely to eventually win the game as a means to justify why the other player should concede. The reason being a draw = 0 match points for both players (although a draw has significance to the second ranking tie-breaker, Player Match Loss %).

The "negotiation phase" was highly unpleasant for many players, with some players providing feedback that they had felt bullied or obligated to concede.

The intention of this change is to remove the "negotiation phase" from the Flesh and Blood tournament experience, by A) making the consequence of asking for a concession severe, and B) by making it very clear to players that they shouldn't concede games (after presenting their deck), because unless there is good cause, the Tournament Organizer and Judges will interpret a concession as intent to no-longer participate in the tournament.

To be clear, we are firm towards our position that draws = 0 match points. We strongly believe removing this incentive for slow play is beneficial for a better tournament experience. Yes, there are small upsides to a draw vs a loss, such as second ranking tie-breakers, and how much ELO ranking a player would lose at a professional level event, but those upsides are in general much less than playing at a pace that could result in a player winning the game, even if the perceived odds of winning are low.

3.4a Intentional Draws (New)

Players may intentionally draw a game at any time. An intentional draw results in both players receiving 0 match points.

Background and Philosophy

Sometimes both players don't want to play a match for good reasons, such as getting food or resting prior to top 8 matches beginning. In these kinds of examples, declaring an intentional draw is within the spirit of the tournament rules, rather than the same outcome being achieved but at the cost of one player conceding the match (and potentially suffering significant ELO rating loss at a professional level tournament).

4.3 Player Appeals (Addition to Existing Policy)

In an event where there are floor Judges in addition to a Head Judge, it is preferable that a floor Judge is the first responder to all judge calls, with the Head Judge stepping in when a ruling is appealed. However, it is sometimes the case that the Head Judge will be the first responder to a judge call if another judge is not available or close by.

When the Head Judge is the first responder, the player may request a second opinion from another Judge before the Head Judge's ruling becomes final. In this instance, regardless of whether the Head Judge adjusts their initial ruling, the Head Judge will make the final decision on how the ruling will be applied.

7.6 Confiscation of Materials Infringing IP Rights (New)

If a player is seen in the possession of materials that are infringing the IP rights of Legend Story Studios, the Tournament Organizer may request the player to handover possession of the infringing items for destruction. If the player declines to do so, the player will be DQ'd without prizes from the tournament. A detailed policy regarding IP usage rights can be found here Terms of Use Licensed Assets.

An example of materials that infringe the IP rights of Legend Story Studios is unofficial play mats that include unauthorized use of artwork owned by Legend Story Studios and/or unauthorized use of the Flesh and Blood logo or Legend Story Studios logo.

Background and Philosophy

Many of the official Flesh and Blood playmats are given to fans in recognition of tournament achievements or contribution to the community. When official Flesh and Blood art is used without permission, it diminishes the recognition bestowed upon the members of the community who have earned these special items.

What we have provided for fans to freely use, is the playmat zone template (available in the marketing assets section on fabtcg.com). We encourage fans to commission their own artwork to use in conjunction with the zone template, to create custom fan made playmats. For avoidance of doubt, artwork owned by Legend Story Studios, including our logos, can not be used on any 3rd party merchandize, such as playmats, without express written permission from Legend Story Studios.

Play Anywhere XP Modifier (Updated)

XP Modifier for Play Anywhere has been set to zero..

Background and Philosophy

The intention behind awarding XP through Play Anywhere was to make XP gain available to players who did not have access any kind of Flesh and Blood official events (either due to proximity to a local game store or because of covid restrictions). With the Skirmish series now underway, there are regular opportunities for players around the world to gain XP through Skirmish online events. Check out the Skirmish Player FAQ for details.

Play Anywhere continues to be available to run events and track match history.

Cold Foil Reprint Policy (New)

Formalizing the policy that has previously been signaled to the community regarding how we will reprint cold foil cards.