Legend Story Studios is proud to announce a partnership with Premier Card Grading (PCG) that will ensure Flesh and Blood’s coveted prize cards truly are the gold standard.
Starting from the Calling Singapore (August 20-21) all Gold Cold Foil prize cards will be PCG raw grade authenticated 9+. Moving forward, this will expand to also include Gold Cold Foil prize cards awarded through programs such as ProQuest, Battle Hardened*, and National Championships.
For the crème de la crème, being the Calling champion prize card (currently Crown of Providence full art) and Pro Tour champion prize cards, these will be fully graded and slabbed at PCG 9.5 or better. All copies of these cards that grade less than PCG 9.5 will be destroyed.
For more information about PCG visit premiercardgrading.com

*Some upcoming Battle Hardened events will continue to award ungraded Gold Cold Foil prize cards as the materials for those events were shipped prior to this partnership.