Pack 1, Pick 1 - Calling Top 8 Edition

Jun 03, 2021 Calum Gittins

The Calling Auckland is almost upon us! For 8 lucky and determined competitors that will mean this weekend they'll be drafting for their chance to win a slice of $10,000 and some awesome Gold Cold Foil Legendary cards. So this week we're going to put ourselves in the shoes of a Top 8 competitor! If you are freaking out right now saying 'but I don't even know how to draft!' then don't worry, our primer below will help!

Got it? Okay now take a deep breath! The Top 8 Draft is about to start! What are you going to choose? Keep in mind there are seven other players all trying to mix up your signals and make your deck worse than theirs! Can you keep your cool?

If you are looking to really simulate what a Top 8 draft is like, then set yourself a timer, you only have 60 seconds to make your pick! With the clock ticking, look at the pack below, and make your choice! The stakes couldn't be higher, the pressure is on!

Hungering Slaughterbeast
Hungering Slaughterbeast
Piercing Shadow Vise
Piercing Shadow Vise
Seeds of Agony
Seeds of Agony
Herald of Protection
Herald of Protection
Cross the Line
Cross the Line
Spears of Surreality
Spears of Surreality
Pound for Pound
Pound for Pound
Spew Shadow
Spew Shadow
Stony Woottonhog
Stony Woottonhog
Seek Enlightenment
Seek Enlightenment
Seeping Shadows
Seeping Shadows
Ebon Fold
Ebon Fold
Soul Reaping
Soul Reaping
Herald of Triumph
Herald of Triumph

Phew, did you make your pick? Are you happy with it? Well click on the video below and see what our team would draft with everything on the line!