We're taking a look at three different countries leading up to the 2023 National Championships, talking to local players, game stores, and content creators. Join us as we travel the globe to meet Flesh and Blood fans and hear their stories. This week we land in beautiful Japan, a newcomer to the FAB family preparing for their first ever National Championship!
Wistful cherry blossoms, beautiful temples, groundbreaking technology, and incredible food - Japan is known for its rich history and vibrant city life.
With a population of more than 125 million, and more than 4 million vending machines that disperse everything from juice to umbrellas, Japan is a bustling hub of innovation and tradition.
Trading card games are very popular in Japan, and Flesh and Blood is lucky to have launched here in 2023 with strong success! With two of Japan's largest TCG distributors now on board with Flesh and Blood, it 's easier than ever for Japanese players to come together to play great games.
Japan will be holding their first ever National Championship this year, as well as Battle Hardened: Tokyo in October. We cannot wait to see Japan at the 2023 World Championship, and all the future events to come!

Player - Hatta Rin

How did you discover Flesh and Blood?
Nakashii, a member of TableGameCafe' Shuffle introduced it to me.
TableGameCafe’ Shuffleの店員のナカシーに勧められて!
Who is your favourite hero?
Kayo for Blitz, because he can deal an amazing amount of damage! It depends on the dice though. Briar for Classic Constructed, I was fascinated by the damage you can deal with Channel Mount Heroic!
ブリッツならケイヨ、ダイスの出目次第だけど素晴らしい火力で攻撃できる為!クラシックならブライアー、Channel Mount Heroic 設置時の気持ちのいい攻撃力に魅了された!
How are you feeling about the upcoming Japan National Championship?
It will be a great event for me if my friends and I show the result of our training! We spent lots of time working together for it.
Who will win the Japan National Championship?
Me! Without a doubt! Behold the power of Osaka!
What is your favourite thing about playing Flesh and Blood in Japan?
When I started playing this game we only had a small community of close friends. But as the community grows, I get to play against lot of different great players every day!
Local Game Store - TableGameCafe' Shuffle

How did you discover Flesh and Blood?
From content creator UnofficialJPN. They recommended Flesh and Blood to us in July 2022.
2022年7月にUnofficialJPNコミュニティ様 からフレッシュ&ブラッドの紹介をしていただいたのを切っ掛けに知りました。
What is the local Flesh and Blood community like?
Enthusiastic players including shop staff join weekly events more than twice. We also welcome beginner players by teaching them the rules and building their decks. Sometimes players in our local community help us with this.
How are you feeling about the upcoming Japan National Championship?
We feel huge pleasure about the upcoming National Championship in Japan, it's happening much earlier than we thought. We think that's because so many shops and communities have been focused on spreading Flesh and Blood in Japan.
What format do players in Japan enjoy most?
Most players played Blitz until after Skirmish in April. But now many players have moved to Classic Constructed since Road to Nationals, and are enjoying it. Our players feel like each hero's individualities truly stand out in Classic Constructed, and it demands more skill in deckbuilding and gameplay, which they find fun. Blitz is good for beginners because the game time is short.
What has been your favourite Flesh and Blood event in Japan so far?
Road to Nationals. Competitive Classic Constructed games were really exciting for many players. Also the gorgeous prizes made them happy.
Content Creator - UnofficialJPN

How did you discover Flesh and Blood?
In January 2022 I saw one of my followers on Twitter post a picture of Prism, Sculptor of Arc Light. Not long after, I bought a box of every Flesh and Blood set, and every Blitz deck. In the beginning, it was just Squid (he manages our channel) and I playing Flesh and Blood, just the two of us.
2022年の1月にTwitterでPrism, Sculptor of Arc Lightの画像を見たのが最初でした。少しして、その時入手できたすべてのブースターボックスとすべてのブリッツデッキを購入しました。最初のころは私とSquid君のたった2名でプレイしていました。
Which booster set is your favourite?
Uprising. It is fun to crack packs and this set is the best way to start because it's nearly perfect.
How are you feeling about the upcoming Japan National Championship?
We are very excited about this event, all the more because it will be held in Osaka!
What has been the most exciting moment of 2023 so far?
We have plenty of things that we should mention, because 2023 is a milestone year for all Japanese Flesh and Blood players. For me it has to be the "Unofficial Championships" we held as part of the Early Access Celebration Welcome Event. It was a precious time for both participants and organizers.
2023年はすべての日本人フレッシュ&ブラッドプレイヤーにとって重要な年なので、言及すべきことがたくさんあります。あえて言うなら… Early Access Celebration Welcome Eventとして"Unofficial Championships"を開催したことでしょうか。参加者にとっても開催者にとっても貴重な時間でした。
What's your message to players competing in the Japan National Championship?
This event is the fruit of our labours - stores and community members alike. Have a great time!