National Spotlight - Brazil

Aug 25, 2023 Kasharn Rao

We're taking a look at three different countries leading up to the 2023 National Championships, talking to local players, game stores, and content creators. Join us as we travel the globe to meet Flesh and Blood fans and hear their stories. This week we land in Brazil, a country sprawling with colour, music, and nature!

With beautiful beaches, exciting carnivals, and legendary football teams, Brazil is truly a place like no other.

The largest country in South America, Brazil is home to more than 214 million people. But it's not just people who live in these lush lands. More than half of the Amazon rainforest is located here, which means Brazil is one of the most bio-diverse environments on the planet, housing more than 3 million species of plants and animals.

Flesh and Blood arrived in Brazil in late 2022 after many, many requests from players, and has steadily grown since. Brazil is holding its first ever National Championship this year, and along with Battle Hardened Rio de Janeiro, has really come into the competitive fold.

We're super excited to see which players rise to the top to become household names, and hope to see as many of our friends from Brazil as possible at World Championship: Barcelona!

Untitled design (11)

Player - Gabriel Singh Bruno

Gabriel Singh Bruno (1)

How did you discover Flesh and Blood?

Me and my cousin, Matheus Singh, decided to record the pilot of a podcast about game design back in 2021 and as we decided to talk about resource systems, I remembered to talk about this game I briefly heard about in a Channel Fireball video. After recording the episode we decided to play a match with starter decks, since it sounded really interesting. After three games we both understood that the game was too interesting not to continue playing.

Estava gravando um piloto de um podcast sobre game design com meu primo, Matheus Singh, lá em 2021; e como iríamos falar de sistemas de recurso, me lembrei de colocar na pauta sobre um jogo que havia brevemente visto em algum vídeo do Channel Fireball. Depois do episódio resolvemos jogar uma partida com os starter decks, já que realmente parecia ser interessante o sistema de recursos do jogo. Após três partidas, ambos percebemos que o jogo era interessante demais para parar de jogar.

Who is your favourite hero?

100% Chane. Trading off life for tempo is something I was already accustomed to, and Chane lives and dies for it. Being against the clock imposed by the Soul Shackles, having sequencing decisions that are extremely interesting, being able to deal with the thin line between being fatigued for being too slow and not presenting enough of a threat to be respected now, planning your last turn since turn zero, those are all things that attracted me a lot to Chane. The fact he's the most broken hero in Flesh and Blood also helped. Playing many matches with a great friend of mine Max Dieckmann (who hadn't won the Spanish nationals at the time) while we discussed lines, gameplans, and deckbuilding decisions is one of the best memories I have of Flesh and Blood to this day.

Chane, com certeza! O trade-off de vida por tempo é algo que já estava acostumado, e o Chane vive e morre por isso. Estar contra o relógio imposto pelos Soul Shackles; ter decisões de sequenciamento muito interessantes; saber lidar com a linha entre ser fadigado por ser lento demais e não apresentar dano o suficiente para ser respeitado agora; precisar de planejar seu último turno desde o turno zero; todas essas são coisas que me atraíram muito no Chane. O fato dele ser o herói mais quebrado de Flesh and Blood ajudou também. Jogar várias partidas de Chane com um grande amigo meu Max Dieckmann (que ainda não era o campeão nacional da Espanha nessa época) enquanto discutíamos linhas, gameplans e decisões de deckbuilding são umas das melhores memórias que tenho de Flesh and Blood até hoje.

How are you feeling about the upcoming Brazil National Championship?

Extremely anxious to look at GEM and see the pairings for the first round. Competing in Flesh and Blood is SUPER interesting for me, and having the opportunity to play against the best players in Brazil, many of them being friends of mine, will be simply unmissable.

Extremamente ansioso pra olhar no GEM e ver o pareamento do primeiro round. Competir no Flesh and Blood é MUITO divertido para mim, e ter a oportunidade de jogar com os melhores jogadores do Brasil, muitos dos quais são meus amigos, será simplesmente imperdível.

Who will win the Brazil National Championship?

Marcelo Gazzaneo. Marcelo is a great friend of mine that I got to know because of Flesh and Blood and a cold blooded murderer when you're in front of him at the table. His posture is always very stoic in game and I always feel like he knows something I don't. Every match against Marcelo is complex and extremely rewarding, so if there's anyone with the necessary game preparation and - most importantly - the mental fortitude to win nationals, it's him. That being said, he who writes to you now would love to be crowned champion.

Marcelo Gazzaneo. O Marcelo é um grande amigo que conheci através do Flesh and Blood e um assassino quando você está de frente à ele na mesa. A postura dele é sempre muito estóica em jogo e eu sempre sinto que ele sabe de algo que eu não sei. Todas as partidas contra o Marcelo são complexas e extremamente recompensadoras, então se tem alguém com o preparo de jogo e - principalmente - a fortitude mental para ganhar o nacional, é ele. Dito isso, quem aqui vos escreve adoraria ser o campeão nacional.

What is your favourite thing about playing Flesh and Blood in Brazil?

The drive to compete that we have in our community. As I've said, we have great players in Brazil, so being part of such a friendly and competitive community is extremely fun and also makes me better as a player.

A vontade de competir que nós temos em nossa comunidade. Como já disse, temos ótimos jogadores no Brasil, então ser parte dessa comunidade tão amistosa e, ao mesmo tempo, louca pela competição é muito divertido e me torna um melhor jogador.

Local Game Store - RED JOGOS


How did you discover Flesh and Blood?

As the owner of a card and board game store, I always try to be on top of news in this area and for some time I have been following the success that Flesh and Blood has been having in Europe and the United States. When I was offered the opportunity to work with the game, I didn't think twice and jumped right in.

Sendo dono de uma loja de card games e board games, eu sempre tento ficar a par das notícias e por algum tempo eu tenho seguido o sucesso que o Flesh and Blood tem tido na Europa e nos Estados Unidos. Quando me foi oferecida a oportunidade de trabalhar com o jogo, eu não pensei duas vezes e aceitei.

What is the local Flesh and Blood community like?

The Flesh and Blood community mostly came together from other TCG backgrounds, however we also have new players who started with Flesh and Blood as their first card game. The age range ranges from 18 to 40 here at the store and is increasing due to the welcome events we hold.

A comunidade local de Flesh and Blood foi criada a partir de outros jogos, porém, também existem alguns jogadores novos que começaram com Flesh and Blood como o seu primeiro card game. Tendo um público de 18 a 40 anos aqui na loja e aumentando devido aos eventos de Welcome Event.

How are you feeling about the upcoming Brazil National Championship?

I am very excited because for the first time in the history of card games, Brazilians are well positioned in the world ranking. If the number of tier 1 tournaments increases, the fast-growing community will increase considerably even more, because the Flesh and Blood competitive scene has no equal. Now with Battle Hardened: Rio de Janeiro taking place here at RED JOGOS in October, players are already excited to participate in these events that previously only took place abroad.

Eu estou muito animado porque pela primeira vez na história dos card games, Brasileiros estão bem posicionados no ranking mundial. Se o número de torneios de tier 1 aumentarem, a comunidade que já cresce rápido vai aumentar mais ainda, muito porque o cenário competitivo de Flesh and Blood não existe igual. Agora com o Battle Hardened: Rio de Janeiro sendo feito aqui na RED JOGOS em Outubro, os jogadores estão animados para participar deste evento que antes só tinha em outros países.

What format do players in Brazil enjoy most?

The Brazilians like all formats, but I believe that Classic Constructed is everyone's favorite.

Os Brasileiros gostam de todos formatos, mas eu acredito que o Classic Constructed seja o favorito de todo mundo.

What has been your favourite Flesh and Blood event in Brazil so far?

In particular, it was Road to Nationals that we held here at the store, it opened the doors for our customers who are Flesh and Blood players to enter the competitive world of the game. But my preference will change in October with Battle Hardened: Rio de Janeiro because I know we will host an unforgettable event for the Flesh and Blood community.

Em particular, foi o Road to Nationals que foi realizado aqui na loja que abriu as portas para os nossos clientes que são jogadores de Flesh and Blood entrar no mundo competitivo do jogo. Mas a minha preferência vai mudar em Outubro no Battle Hardened: Rio de Janeiro porque eu sei que vamos realizar um evento inesquecível para a comunidade de Flesh and Blood.

Content Creator - Codatando


How did you discover Flesh and Blood?

Watching Rudy (Alpha Investments) on YouTube, probably around October 2021. The art and game design resonated with me quickly.

Assistindo ao Rudy (Alpha Investments) no YouTube, provavelmente em torno de Outubro de 2021. A arte e game design me pegaram de jeito rapidamente.

Which booster set is your favourite?

I am torn between Monarch and Tales of Aria. Monarch was the first one I bought during preorder time, and I watched the whole hype and prices skyrocketing and all that stuff, those were crazy times. Tales of Aria was the first 1st Edition box I opened and pulled a Cold Foil Rampart of the Ram's Head. That was a magical moment, especially because it was a live stream and everyone was excited about the art and foil treatment of the cards. Such an unforgettable moment.

Fico dividido entre Monarch e Tales of Aria. Monarch foi o primeiro que comprei ainda em pré venda e acompanhei todo o hype e a loucura dos preços, foram tempos bem malucos. Tales of Aria foi a primeira vez que abri uma box de 1st Edition e tirei uma Rampart of the Ram's Head Cold Foil, foi um momento mágico pois estava em live e todos estavam muito felizes com as artes e o tratamento foil das cartas, foi um momento inesquecível.

How are you feeling about the upcoming Brazil National Championship?

Pretty excited. Although I am a recognizable person in the Flesh and Blood community, there are lots of people I don't know in person, and those big events are always a chance to make new friends and bump into old ones made along the way. I am playing in the main event and don't really expect to win but I'm sure to have a lot of fun.

Muito ansioso, apesar de ser uma pessoa facilmente reconhecível na comunidade de Flesh and Blood, tem muita gente que não conheço ao vivo e esses grandes eventos sempre são uma chance de fazer novos amigos e reencontrar outros. Vou jogar o main event mas não espero ganhar, porém tenho certeza que me divertirei muito.

What has been the most exciting moment of 2023 so far?

Traveling to Baltimore for the Pro Tour. That was awesome, shared a house with four other Brazilian friends and had a wonderful time. The Flesh and Blood community is such a joy, I have never seen anything like this in other TCG's.

Viajar até Baltimore para o Pro Tour, foi absurdo, dividi uma casa com outros quatro amigos Brasileiros e tivemos momentos incríveis. A comunidade de Flesh and Blood é uma dádiva, nunca vi algo assim em nenhum outro TCG.

What's your message to players competing in the Brazil National Championship?

To truly competitive players - When the pressure gets to you the most, you don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. Remember your basics, follow your plan and eventually it will work out. To people like me - Remember you are supposed to have fun, and give fun. Make it a comfortable environment for you and others.

Para jogadores realmente competitivos: Quando a pressão mais te pega, você não deve subir seu nível e sim descer ao seu nível de treino. Lembre o básico, siga seu plano e eventualmente tudo dará certo. Para pessoas como eu: Lembre-se que você precisa se divertir, e entregar diversão. Crie um ambiente confortável para você e os outros.