National Champion Interviews: Part 2

Oct 20, 2022

With the National Championship season officially come to an end, we reached out to our brand new 2022 National Champions to learn more about their experiences playing at their Nationals events, how they prepared for the big tournament, and what they might be looking forward to at Worlds! Congratulations to all of our 2022 National Champions, and we look forward to crowning our first World Champion in a few short weeks!

Some players opted to answer a series of example questions we provided, and some chose to write their own responses.

Winner Sweden Nationals Niklas Bengtsson

Niklas Bengtsson, 2022 Swedish National Champion

"I'll begin with my advice for new players: Repetitions and knowledge of your hero of choice is a lot more important than playing "the best hero" in any given meta. Coming home from Lille I had to focus on school for a while and I didn't have much time to prepare. Briar is the hero I know the best so there wasn't much of a choice really. And even though it went to shit in France I still learned a lot. This lead me to take another approach with what little time I had, which ended in a rebuild of the deck to fit me and my playstyle a lot more and try it into a few choice people. It made a world of difference, and that really showed during the event.

Speaking of the event, it was amazing. Nine great matches against some of the best players in Sweden, my friends, where I could see the fruits of all the preparations. If I have to pick a highlight from the event it is probably that I won back the right to just be "Niklas", while a good friend of mine now has to be "the second Niklas". A tradition we started at PQ season 2, where we fight for the right to just be "Niklas" when we face of in tier 2 or higher events.

Sadly I won't be able to attend Worlds, but I'll use this upcoming break to relax a bit, it's very much needed. But I'm looking forward to play PvE when it's released, to explore the Relics of war in Dynasty, and to get good enough to win a Calling. This I'll do with my best friend and confidant Albert Schütt, without whom I'd never have reached this level. Thanks for being my 'Ride and die'. And no, that's not supposed to be an 'or'."

2022 Malaysian National Champion Nitya Kalaichelvan

Nitya Kalaichelvan, 2022 Malaysian Champion

How/why did you decide which hero to play at this event?

"I have been playing Rhinar roughly since December 2021 and haven't looked back since! It was rough in the beginning, I didn't win any games for the longest time.

As I kept playing Rhinar, I learned more about the game and familiarized myself with his play lines. I had considered switching heroes when Uprising was released, but decided to stick it out with what I was familiar with for both the Calling: Singapore and Nationals."

How did you prepare?

"There were a lot of discussions with my team (Cracked Baubles) as well as practice sessions either online or in person which provided a lot of insight for my matchups and developed my gameplan. I also practiced at armories and on Talishar just to get more reps in when I couldn't attend armories due to work commitments."

What was the highlight of the event for you?

"The highlight for me would be the finals against my teammate, Mark Siew! Discarding a Beast Within from the first Reckless Swing dropping to 1 life (a huge sigh of relief I didn't kill myself there!) and using the second Reckless Swing to block Mark's Bravo threatening lethal with a Red Pummel from arsenal."

What advice do you have for players wanting to enter the competitive scene and become the next National Champion in 2023?

"My advice would be to find a group you're comfortable to deck test with and share thoughts on deck building, do reach out to members of your community who I'm sure would be very happy to guide you on your competitive journey and of course, have fun along the way!"

What are you most looking forward to seeing in Flesh and Blood next year?

"When I first started playing Rhinar, I was told a Savage Lands-themed set was on the way, so I hope to see that next year or a Necromancer class sounds really fun and interesting as well!"

Where to next? What are your FAB goals for the future?

"My FAB goals are a little undefined at the moment, I do hope there's another Southeast Asian Calling or Pro Tour to attend in the future. I am excited to see what happens next!"

Are you attending the World Championship? What are you most looking forward to?

"I unfortunately will not be attending as visa interviews are after the event itself but I'm looking forward to watching the games and hoping to catch a glimpse of a Rhinar player on stream!"

What are you most hoping to see with the release of Dynasty?

"Looking forward to seeing what other perks the Royal class would have access to (and maybe a new blue pitch Brute card that blocks for 3?)"

Is there anyone - teammates, testing partners, friends, family, significant others or supporters - that you'd like to give a shoutout to?

"Huge shoutout to my teammates in Cracked Baubles, you've made the game so much fun for me and have taught me so much. Special shoutout to Mark for dragging me to every armory whenever I was struggling to keep going and for the emotional support! To the people over at Invictus Forge (one of the best local game stores in Malaysia!), thank you for introducing me to the game and continually supporting me throughout my time here. To everyone over in Malaysia, thank you so much to everyone who taught me when I was starting out and being so supportive. I'm still very touched over the cheers I received after winning Finals, you guys are amazing!"

2022 Singapore National Champion

Gordon Koh, 2022 Singaporean National Champion

"For Nationals this year, I opted to play Oldhim, as I felt comfortable enough on the hero to bring it into a fresh metagame. Heading up to Nationals, I had multiple playtesting sessions with my friends and teammates, which prepared me well for both the draft and CC portion of the event. It was truly a pleasure to see the entire Singapore community gather together to play Nationals, as we had to forego our Nationals in 2021 due to covid. Shoutout to everyone who attended Nationals this year, for having created such a fun atmosphere and enjoyable experience for all! I had loads of fun playing every round in Nationals, but to me, the highlight of the event for me was losing to one of Singapore's best player, Chu "God" Heng, in the swiss rounds, and managing to beat him later on in Top 4 (I lucked out on him). Chu "God" Heng, was undefeated throughout the entirety of the swiss rounds, and has won every single rated draft game since PT Lille!

I look forward to experiencing the different new sets of Flesh and Blood, meeting new people from around the world (shout out to the wonderful community in NYC and players like Michael Feng, Yongji, Leo, Desmond, Yuanji and Christian for bringing me around), and I can't wait to attend Worlds again this year! Looking forward to the wonderful promos, playmats, and overall, a great time playing Flesh and Blood.

The success at Nationals, would not have been possible without the constant support, playtesting sessions, and encouragement of my teammates and friends, namely, Kai Yang, Barry, Daven, Keith, Elliott, Gary, Jiaye, Jon, Nigel, Nich, Kah Deng, Chu Heng, Bryan Kong, as well as my family and my girlfriend, Joyce. Last but not least, I would like to give a special shout out once again to my teammate, mentor, and friend, Kai Yang, for having been the one who gave me the 80-card list as well as the full guide on how to pilot the deck. Here's to many more great games of Flesh and Blood!"

2022 Bulgarian National Champion Plamen Marekov

Plamen Marekov, 2022 Bulgarian National Champion

How/why did you decide which hero to play at this event?

"As a Prism player ever since Monarch, I've had my eye on Bravo for a long time. And while at one point the Star of the Show was doing more than his fair share of tournament highlights, I stuck it out with Prism (much to the detriment of my tournament results at the time) as it was the original Showstopper that my heart was set on.

With Prism hovering ever-closer to Living Legend status before Pro Tour: Lille, I decided it was time to begin preparing to transition to a new hero - and who better than 'ol Showstopper who, without Prism around, would have few actual "predators" in the meta?

Sure, he's not strongly favored into many Heroes, but the lack of especially bad matchups and potential to win against almost any deck made it a solid pick in my eyes. It also felt good to finally be able to fight off Aggro Heroes a bit better - they had always been a struggle as Prism. :D"

How did you prepare?

"As someone who usually puts a big emphasis on deckbuilding, I actually had an interesting situation with Bravo - a lot of the "core" deck was pretty much figured out when I started researching so experience playing the deck seemed to be the main factor in play when it came to winning games.

With that in mind, I actually decided to bring along Bravo going into The Calling: Lille rather than my usual Prism. This meant that I'd likely perform worse and prospects for a top finish weren't great as other Prisms would likely beat me at least 80% of the time. However, this also gave me the invaluable opportunity to play against some of the best players in the world and learn the deck and matchup from them.

This ended up being an exceptional success - I made it to Day 2 of the Calling (nearly top 32 too) and met, played against and exchanged words and knowledge with some truly amazing players. When I look back to my win at the 2022 Nationals, I feel that this "trial by fire" at Lille is definitely something that gave me an edge going into the tournament."

What advice do you have for players wanting to enter the competitive scene and become the next National Champion in 2023?

"Pick a Hero you enjoy playing, build a deck that suits your style, learn all of the interactions that Hero/deck has and then - play, play and play some more. For me, there is nothing that can give you the edge in a game quite like experience piloting your deck and facing various opponents.

Knowing how to optimize your turns, make key decisions quickly, what to expect from the opponent's Hero, what signals to look out for that the opponent is going to have a big turn or a bad turn and many, many more are invaluable skills that I feel are best attained through consistent and regular play.

And don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone - playing in something like an online event (or, if possible, travelling to an event) might feel daunting at first, but getting the opportunity to play against a larger variety of players and decks can be invaluable for the learning process. Meeting and talking to new people can also give you some great insights into decks, play patterns, and meta-games. From my experience with the Flesh and Blood Community, you also never know which of yesterday's tournament opponents might end up becoming tomorrow's chat-buddy or friend. :)"

2022 Greek National Champion George Melissakis

George Melissakis, 2022 Greek National Champion

How/why did you decide which hero to play at this event?

"When I decide on which hero to play, having fun with the deck is my number one priority. Out of the ones I enjoy, I try to identify the best one for the current meta. I would still be playing my main deck, Prism, had she not hit Living Legend. I was between Lexi, Dromai and Iyslander. I decided to play Iyslander since it’s a deck with many tricks that rewards good decisions (and punishes bad ones!), while also being able to complete with some of the best decks in the format such as Oldhim, Fai, Viserai and Briar."

How did you prepare?

"I didn’t have much time to prepare. I tried to join as many local armories as I could but I mainly playtested with my teammates."

What was the highlight of the event for you?

"Every last game from round 1 to the finals was extremely close. The fact that I didn’t get a single easy win is a great indication about the high level of players our community has."

What advice do you have for players wanting to enter the competitive scene and become the next National Champion in 2023?

"When you start testing for any competitive event start with the character you like the most and try to adapt the decklist to the current meta. If you don’t seem to have any success, try something else."

What are you most looking forward to seeing in Flesh and Blood next year?

"A new Light Illusionist character for Classic Constructed please! Possibly in a new Classic Battles alongside a new Shadow Runeblade. Just saying…"

Where to next? What are your FAB goals for the future?

"Keep having fun and join as many competitive events as I can in the future. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend Worlds."

What are you most hoping to see with the release of Dynasty?

"I would love to see some support for characters with a small cardpool, especially the ones with little competitive event representation."

Is there anyone - teammates, testing partners, friends, family, significant others or supporters - that you'd like to give a shoutout to?

"I would like to thank my teammates at Trio Pooches: Dimitris, Vaggelis, Kostas and Isidoros. We playtested a lot during the last few days before the event. Without them I wouldn’t have the necessary reps and knowledge of the matchups. Thanks guys!"

Switzerland National Champion 2022 Sebastian Spicher

Sebastian Spicher, 2022 Swiss National Champion

How/why did you decide which hero to play at this event?

"Wizards have a sweet spot in my heart. Last two PQ seasons I played Kano. Even though I enjoy playing him, I was really intrigued by Iyslander's playstyle. Played her in the Blitz Calling: Krakow as well. In CC, I especially enjoy playing out longer games (going to 2nd cycle) and playing at instant speed."

How did you prepare?

"Mainly at the local game store and some webcam games with friends."

What was the highlight of the event for you?

"Combo turn against Oldhim. Was able to set up Energy Potion, Amulete of Ice, Incidious Chill and 2 Frost Hexes. On his Heart of Ice activation I play a Arctic Incarceration blue from Arsenal. Activate Storm Striders, play Freezing Point fuesed for 9 arcane, activate Waning Moon. Pushing damage, striping his hand and dealing additional damage with the Frostbites from the Incarceration. Two turns after it was over.

And surely coming back after a 0-1 start winning the next 8 games. Never give up I guess ^^."

What advice do you have for players wanting to enter the competitive scene and become the next National Champion in 2023?

"Besides sticking to the same hero or at least the same playstyle, playing the other side of the table has helped me a lot to better understand the different matchups."

What are you most looking forward to seeing in Flesh and Blood next year?

"On the non-competitive side clearly PvE. Though all releases have felt great so far. On the competitive side I'm looking forward to even more people joining the game (hopefully) and have an even bigger tournament scene. Also would love to see a Worlds TeamEvent with each country consisting of 3-4 players."

Where to next? What are your FAB goals for the future?

"I just really enjoy playing the game and I hope it stays this way. On the competitive level, I look forward to playing at a ProTour/Worlds event and see what the competition is like. Will be interesting to play against people from all over the world."

Are you attending the World Championship? What are you most looking forward to?

"Not sure if I can make it yet but that would be an amazing experience to participate in the first-ever World Championship of Flesh&Blood. Just to be there and play for 3 days with this awesome community would be enough for me."

What are you most hoping to see with the release of Dynasty?

"Supporting cards for existing heros that let you play the hero in a different way/playstyle."

Is there anyone - teammates, testing partners, friends, family, significant others or supporters - that you'd like to give a shoutout to?

"Christian Poffet. Long time friend who introduced me to the game during the pandemic and with whom I'm often testing.

All the boys and girls from Bern with whom I regularly play.

EthnicSmoke. Great Youtube Channel which gave me a lot of new ideas and insights into Iyslander."

2022 Spanish National Champion Max Dieckmann

Max Dieckmann, 2022 Spanish National Champion

How/why did you decide which hero to play at this event? How did you prepare?

"Up until about a week before the event I was still unsure which hero to play. My main concern and difficulty was card availability, as Kano was the only deck I had lying around at home (apart from Sabers Boltyn, which I did not consider competitively viable and Chane, which also wasn't a consideration for obvious reasons). I was prepared to fall back to Kano, as I had played the hero in the last months in my locals and was confident in my ability to play the deck, but was not too keen on due to how I perceived it's position in the meta-game (people running more AB due to Iyslander and the printing of Oasis Respite).

Luckily, a friend of mine offered to lend me cards, which then meant that I would have almost all heroes available as an option (the exceptions being Dash, which he played himself and Oldhim, where he did not possess all the cards at the time). In order to then make a decision, I played mostly online on talishar and would bring some of the decks I was considering to my armories.

After testing Bravo and Iyslander with mediocre results, I then set my eyes on Viserai, not least because the data on talishar showed that he was one of (if not the) best performing decks with good results across a wide range of matchups. I ended up playing two different versions of the deck - one being basically an exact copy of Pablo's PT list and the other being Pablo's list with the addition of Belittle/Minnowism. I did most of my games and preparation in the last week leading up to the event and would log my results on a website that I had previously developed for this purpose ( After about forty games, I compared the results of the Belittle and non-Belittle version and noticed how the former was outperforming the latter quite significantly. This led me to focus on practicing with the list that I ended up playing for the remainder of the time, with continuous strong results.

One of the main reasons I ended up on Viserai is that the hero seems to have close matchups with basically everyone, making him a strong pick for an unknown meta-game. I also anticipated the matchups that seemed worse - Oldhim, Iyslander, Fai - would not be as popular for various reasons (Oldhim being expensive and "control" decks having the stigma of being hard to play, Iyslander being difficult to figure out and extremely unforgiving of play errors, and Fai being perceived as weak due to the recent ban)."

What was the highlight of the event for you?

"The highlight was getting lucky and sneaking into the top 8 as the last place, after thinking that I missed my last chance to qualify for worlds (making top 8 was really the main goal for me, more than winning the event).

More than anything, I was very happy to see all the support I got from my friends and the other regulars in our community that were sweating the top 8 announcement with me and celebrating the fact that I made it in."

What advice do you have for players wanting to enter the competitive scene and become the next National Champion in 2023?

"This event was the first time I felt like I really "did the work" and thoroughly prepared for it. I think a trap that I've previously fallen into was to give myself an out by not trying quite as hard as I could or picking a deck that I thought was a bit rogue / not the strongest, such that in the case of failure I could tell myself that I could've done it if I had tried harder. I think it takes courage to actually try your hardest to achieve something, since failure is always a likely outcome (it's actually the most likely outcome) and being faced with the fact that you did the best that you could and it wasn't enough is a hard pill to swallow. However, I think it is also the only way that you can achieve something that you are proud of, as you took a risk and were willing to courageously bet on yourself. And more than anything, even in the (likely) event that you end up falling short, you should then be proud of yourself for having tried something wholeheartedly.

Another advice I can give is that you should play your matches one at a time, with complete disregard for your opponent. What I mean by this is that it doesn't matter if the person sitting across from you is a PT champion or the local guy who plays meme decks, and whether you are playing a win-and-in or are currently 1-4. Every time I started to think about anything that was not related to the current game I was playing (e.g. what a win / loss means for this tournament, how good / bad my opponent is, whether I had already won / lost this game due to x), I would play worse and start making mistakes. For example, in the Madrid team Calling I would get nervous because the stakes were high and take unnecessary gambles in an attempt to win the game quickly (to get it over with and release the pressure), which ultimately led me to lose games that were very winnable.

Just try to focus on playing one game at a time and concentrating on making the best plays --- nothing else."

What are you most looking forward to seeing in Flesh and Blood next year?

"I'm a sucker for limited (especially draft), so I'm very much looking forward to the next draftable set and the new heroes that will be introduced into constructed play."

Where to next? What are your FAB goals for the future?

"As I already mentioned, I wanted to punch my ticket to Worlds more than anything, so I'm thrilled that I was able to achieve this. I already booked my plane ticket and will be spending the week leading up to it with players from the Spanish community in preparation. The plan is to keep cementing the reputation of Spain being one of the strongest regions for fab by making a strong showing at worlds. After that, I really want to qualify for and attend a Pro Tour, which I was not able to do up to this point."

Are you attending the World Championship? What are you most looking forward to?

"I'm very much looking forward to spending the week leading up to worlds with members of the Spanish community --- we booked a house and will be jamming loads of games in preparation."

What are you most hoping to see with the release of Dynasty?

"I like that the meta right now is very diverse and open, I hope that Dynasty brings some fresh air without messing the scales up too much (looking at you, Starvo)."

Is there anyone - teammates, testing partners, friends, family, significant others or supporters - that you'd like to give a shoutout to?

"First of all, big shoutout to the Spanish community (especially Barcelona, of course) that has been extremely welcoming and full of great people!

In particular, I would like to shoutout Josep, who was kind enough to lend me the cards without which I would not have been able to take the title in the first place!

Another shoutout goes to my friend Merlin, I hope we can finally attend a team calling next year!

Lastly, a shoutout to my friend and main testing partner Gabriel, who has been biding his time in Brazil, laying in wait for LSS to bring fab over there. Now that #FaBBrazil is a reality, I'm sure that you will read his name when you look at tournament winners soon!"

Hong Kong Regional Champion Pudding Tam

Pudding Tam, 2022 Hong Kong Regional Champion

"I picked Briar cause she really fit my playstyle, after many playtest with my team and others from all other countries, I feel comfortable bringing her to national like last year.

I really appreciated that my friend Allen Lau invited me to join a small playgroup last year, which became our team "Blue Pitch" after a few months. Sometimes playing with other good players can lose a lot of games, but losing and learning from the loss is one of the fastest ways to learn how to pilot your deck. I will suggest new players not get too frustrated after losing; talking with the player who played with you and going through the match together will help both of you grow together.

Most of our team members and some other good players from Hong Kong will be joining the World Championship next month, we are looking forward to showing the world what we have got in the tournament and meeting all those players who we had played with but never met."

2022 Romanian National Champion Onica Lucian and Runner-up Bota Claudiu

Onica Lucian, 2022 Romanian National Champion

"My favorite part at Nationals was being able to play with my friends and see how much the Flesh and Blood community in Romania has grown in just half a year.

I played with Dorinthea from the very beginning, I also won Pro Quest with her. While many have said that she is not the best hero for constructed, she brought me 2 important wins.

I trained a lot before Nationals and studied all the matchups. My girlfriend, Oana Grigorie, introduced me to Flesh and Blood and I am very grateful for that and for her. I couldn't have done what I did without her support. Most of the matches I played with her, from early mornings to late nights.

I'm very excited for everything that's coming up in the Flesh and Blood world and the Dynasty set. I hope there are some cool warrior cards out there!

Lastly, I'd like to make a call to all the warriors out there, raise your weapons and fight, for our blade is now at its dawn!"

2022 Croatian National Champion Kristian Curla

Kristian Čurla, 2022 Croatian National Champion

How/why did you decide which hero to play at this event?

"Oldhim was considered the top dog of the meta for sure. Aside from that, the big factor for me was what I learned in Lille: For these big and important tournaments, you really should play a hero you are comfortable with and have quite a lot of experience with. As a competitive player I play all the heroes during testing, but I feel like focusing and training on a single hero at least for a week before a tournament will be a given for me going forward."

What was the highlight of the event for you?

"Playing a smashing good time on a dominated attack vs control dash has to be my highlight. That matchup is relatively hard so when my silver bullet hit I was quite elated."

What advice do you have for players wanting to enter the competitive scene and become the next National Champion in 2023?

"Find good opponents. The single best thing to help you improve."

What are you most looking forward to seeing in Flesh and Blood next year?

"Regarding what I am looking for from FaB in the following year: We are all on the edge of our seats in regards to the cooperative mode. I really hope it will breathe life to the casual side of the game which it sorely needs."

Where to next? Are you attending the World Championship?

"Keep playing and keep competing. And sadly, probably not. The travel expenses are relatively prohibitive coming in from Europe."

Is there anyone - teammates, testing partners, friends, family, significant others or supporters - that you'd like to give a shoutout to?

"First of all, I have to shout out my main testing partner, my local nemesis, my mentor, and above all my good friend Hrvoje Hedžet. Secondly, I want to give a shoutout to the man whose generosity and kindness enabled my de facto entry to the competitive scene, Michael Feng. He took a solid leap of faith with a guy he met in Calling Krakow and I will be ever grateful. I would be amiss not to mention the one and only Frank thelazydog, whose lovely discord server remains my main way to interact with the world of FaB. And last but not the least, the testing partners who helped me prepare for the tournament: Jorris, Jan, and Michael (yeah buddy, you get two shoutouts)."

2022 Hungarian National Champion Domonkos Ács

Domonkos Ács, 2022 Hungarian National Champion

How/why did you decide which hero to play at this event?

"I decided to play Briar because she was my comfort pick and that is very important in a big tournament like this to know your hero and therefore your matcuhps as much as possible."

How did you prepare?

"I had a list (Nathan on CardGuyz, it was an RNT list) which played red electrify, no sonata and I immediately loved it. Briar is already too highrolly with you needing to find CMH to really have the edge, so I loved the idea to exclude Sonata to make the deck more consistent. I was able to play Entwine Lightning so another 0-4 go again and also Electrify from Arsenal with Tunic counter is just really underrated good."

What was the highlight of the event for you?

"That I was able to beat the 2 Lexis (which counters Briar) in the quarter and semi finals whom I lost to in the swiss. Also I had the craziest OTK turn in the finals with over 40 damage (!) with CMH, just the perfect ending."

What advice do you have for players wanting to enter the competitive scene and become the next National Champion in 2023?

"My number one advice is that you can not aim to win every armory/tournament and you have to accept this fact. This is a card game, there are ups and downs. I put out a picture on my FB profile with the quote of "the beauty of the TCG-s is that if this event were replayed on another day, the result might have been completely different. Today I was the lucky person to become the first Hungarian national champion and I am so happy about this". You can and you won't always win, so don't forget to appreciate the wins!"

What are you most looking forward to seeing in Flesh and Blood next year?

"I think LSS is doing a great job balance-wise lately after Everfest (Starvo)+ Aria (pre-nerf Briar) + Monarch (Chane, Prism) mistakes, the ban of Stubby and the rotation of Prism made the meta really healthy. I just hope they continue at max this power level, we don't want powercreep! Also, I was a developer for a Hungarian TCG for a couple of years and I must say: I am not sure if you can avoid rotation (though with the expensive items it makes it very hard), perhaps the living legend helps but if you can't avoid it and is needed (better than power creep) then don't be afraid to do it."

Where to next? What are your FAB goals for the future?

"I am lucky to have almost a full collection so I just keep playing different heroes every armory as I did so far, enjoy the game and looking forward for my 2 preordered cases of Dynasty :)"

What are you most hoping to see with the release of Dynasty?

"Not looking forward to anything specific, just as I said I hope the power level of the new heroes won't be higher than the current ones. New heroes almost always overshadow old ones, I hope the power level of the old heroes will be raised over time or the new ones toned down."

Is there anyone - teammates, testing partners, friends, family, significant others or supporters - that you'd like to give a shoutout to?

"I'd like to give a shoutout to the whole Hungarian community, I have played 2 other TCGs and this has the most chillest, best community. Also to my girlfriend who accepted that I put a couple of hours testing here and there for the nationals :)"

Winner Long Dao - Austrian Nationals 2022

Long Dao, 2022 Austrian National Champion

How/why did you decide which hero to play at this event?

"I prefer to play proactive decks and Briar suits my playstyle best. Besides that, Channel Mount Heroic is the best card in the game."

What was the highlight of the event for you?

"That 4 out of 5 from my team made it into the Top 8."

What advice do you have for players wanting to enter the competitive scene and become the next National Champion in 2023?

"Find a deck that suits your playstyle best and practice over and over again."

Where to next? What are your FAB goals for the future?

"I would like to call myself the World Champion of Flesh and Blood someday."

Is there anyone - teammates, testing partners, friends, family, significant others or supporters - that you'd like to give a shoutout to?

"First of all, I would like to thank my favorite twins Florin and Francisc Loghin, Ruffy Sarmiento and Valentin Mackl, without them I probably wouldn't have so much fun playing the game. Big thanks and support also goes to my sponsor PGames."