Multilingual FAB

Aug 28, 2024 Legend Story Studios

We're excited to announce that we're launching a whole new range of multilingual features across our website! This has been a major piece of work for us over the past few months to improve the experience for our fans in Europe and Japan, and it's great to finally be able to share this with you all.

Multilingual FAB

Starting from today, we will be rolling out multi-language options for GEM, the Card Database, and This means that you can start to run tournaments, find local language cards and access certain pieces of content in one of the six different languages that LSS is now supporting! You can select the language of your choice from the dropdown flag in the top right corner of the screen, and if content is available in your chosen language, the site will automatically supply it for you. The site will try to automatically select the language for you based on your browser's language settings, but if you want to revert to English, you can just change the setting at the top of the screen.

The full rollout is going to take a while to complete, so please bear with us as we get things configured properly. Some features aren't possible to get up and going until we actually deploy the system into production, so expect to see some changes in the coming days with these features as we fully configure the various sites across six languages.

The most complex aspect of this rollout involves getting content on synchronised across the various languages. To start off with, we will be providing manually translated pages featuring a range of our core resources such as product pages, learn to play pages, store onboarding info, and format guides. Once we've got the basics out, we'll start to look at how we can expand our offerings. We want to make FAB widely available, while at the same time maintaining a high standard of quality. In the meanwhile, if there are pages that you'd really like to see in your local language, please do let us know so we can look at the possibililty of getting translations up.

We hope you enjoy these new features, we're certainly glad to share them with you! And please bear with us over the next few days as we get everything set up!