Living Legend Update

Nov 07, 2023 James White

A hero ascending to Living Legend is one of the most significant occasions that occurs in Flesh and Blood organized play. It's both an occasion to celebrate past achievements and anticipate the new possibilities of a fresh metagame. Old cards glimmer with the possibility that perhaps their time has come.

New metagames opening new possibilities to innovate are wonderful times to be a TCG player. We want these opportunities to happen more often for Flesh and Blood players.

With this goal in mind, we are updating the Living Legend points table to better reflect the growing prestige of some event types, and also to inject more points into the hero pool with respect to a whopping 15+ new heroes that will join the game in 2024.

Additionally, we are changing when Living Legend checks occur. Up until now, Living Legend checks occurred with each Banned and Suspended Announcement, and also upon the release of a new product. Going forward, a Living Legend check will occur every Monday United States time (with Living Legend rotation effective from the Friday of that same week).

This means that a hero can attain Living Legend status (and no longer be legal for tournament play) mid-way through a season, such as Pro Quest.

Weekly Living Legend checks will offer fresh metagames more often, and make each update a more exciting occasion when a hero is closing in on the hallowed 1000pt threshold.

In summary, these changes are intended to see the highest performing heroes move more quickly towards Living Legend status. We would like to remind everyone that a feature of the Flesh and Blood rotation model is that it only rotates hero and signature weapon cards, while preserving the utility of a player's broader collection via either immediate transfer of those cards to an existing hero of the same class/talent, or future application of those cards when a new hero is released that picks up the class/talent mantle of an ascended hero.

Living Legend Points by Event Type (Last updated November 6, 2023)
Event Type Old Points per Event New Points per Event
World Championship 200 300*
Pro Tour 200 no change
Calling 100 no change
US National Championship 100 no change
National Championship with player cap ≥96 40 no change
Battle Hardened 10 40
National Championship with player cap <96 10 20
Professional Tournament Invitational 4 20
Pro Quest 4 no change
Road to Nationals 4 no change
Skirmish 2 4

*The 2022 World Championship awarded 300 points. This is reverting to that benchmark. If World Championship features multiple constructed formats, the 300 points will be split between those formats. Pro Tour will remain at 200 points.

Updated Living Legend Points by Event

Living Legend Points by Event, effective from November 6, 2023
Event Type Points per Event
World Championship 300
Pro Tour 200
Calling 100
US National Championship 100
Battle Hardened 40
National Championship with player cap 96+ 40
Professional Tournament Invitational 20
National Championship with player cap <96 20
Pro Quest 4
Road to Nationals 4
Skirmish 4