June Armory Kit - Classic Battles

May 23, 2022 Organised Play Team

Relentless and unflinching , Rhinar faces a young lieutenant in the Hand of Sol, Dorinthea. Uncontrollable savagery will meet a swords woman who uses both skill and strategy to her advantage. Join the battle with the June Armory Kit, Classic Battles.

With the release of Classic Battles Rhinar vs Dorinthea on May 27th, we are bringing you some sweet promos on the June Armory Kit to help foil out the deck.

Armory Kit June - Classic Battles

June Armory Kit - Classic Battles contains:

  • 4x Blossom of Spring (Cold Foil)
  • 16x Run Through Rainbow Foil cards
  • 16x Wrecking Ball Rainbow Foil cards
  • 2x Classic Battles: Rhinar vs Dorinthea People’s Champion playmats
  • Armory Event and marketing posters
  • 32x Double sided Briar/Briar, Warden of Thorns token. (This token has the errated text for this hero)

From June 1st, players will have the opportunity of earn Cold Foils, Rainbow Foils and Classic Battles playmats.

Find an Armory Event Near You!

So, what are you waiting for? Check out the Event Locator to find an Armory Event near you!


Armory Events are the perfect way to help grow your local community of Flesh and Blood players by offering them a weekly event to play some games and earn great prizes! By signing up to host Armory Events you will be eligible to receive Armory Kits every month for free!

Sign up to GEM (Game Event Manager) today in order to start your journey in running Armory Events and growing your Flesh and Blood community!

Existing stores should contact their distributor representative about being supplied Armory Kits.

Sign Up to GEM Today!

If in-store play is not currently feasible please contact us (op@fabtcg.com) for some tips and advice on how to utilize the contents of each Armory Kit.