Heavy Hitters Spoilers

Jan 15, 2024


1 - No refunds!

2 - No weapons (unless you are a contestant).

3 - No food or drink (unless purchased at the concession stand).

4 - By purchasing this ticket you agree that the fight-masters will not be held liable for any physical contact with bodily parts and/or fluids, spontaneous injury, suspected match-fixing, pickpocketing, inebriation, emotional trauma, unexpected sudden wealth (or lack thereof), unpleasant smells, or moral bankruptcy.

5 - Parental guidance is advised (but not enforced).

Enjoy the show!

starting stake

Arena Showguide

Day 1

"Come one, come all, and place your bets! The games are about to begin, and trust us when we say this season will be unlike any other before it. But you'll need to have patience, we can't reveal our whole hand on the first day! We have some truly horrific surprises in store that you'll need to see to believe!"

-Fight-master Kox

Day 2

"Now that we've rooted the weak-stomached from the crowd, we've put something special together for you true fans out there. You thought you'd seen it all? You ain't seen NOTHING yet!"

-Fight-master Kox

Day 3

"And now, for the grand finale... The moment you've all been waiting for... No more pulling punches or taking a dive. Just raw meat, clashing for the gold and glory. Who will come out on top?"

-Fight-master Kox