Happy New Year from LSS

Dec 31, 2019 James White

Dear fellow gamers,

2019 has been a landmark year for Legend Story Studios. As an indie company taking on the world from New Zealand, I'm incredibly proud of what we've achieved, and excited about what is to come.

What started as a far away dream in 2012, has become a tangible reality on tabletops across the world. We've made a first step towards our vision, "to bring people together in the flesh and blood, through the common language of playing great games".

And we couldn't have done it without you.

The greatest highlight of 2019 has been the rapid development of our passionate fan-base. A huge thank you for being a founding member of the FAB community, for being the first to believe that Flesh and Blood will stand the test of time, and for being an ambassador so that others may discover and join us on our journey.

At the heart of our company is our people; a team of old school gamers, collectors, artists, and lovers of fantasy. In the evenings and weekends you’ll find many of us at our local game stores (playing FAB and all kinds of games), because we love this industry and the people it brings together. It means so much to us to hear our fellow gamers, both in person and online, express their passion for the heroes, game play, collectibility, art and lore, and especially letting us know how we can become better going forward!

We learned a lot in the 3 months since the launch of Welcome to Rathe. We are inspired by the overwhelming response and feedback from players and retailers across the world, and are striving to make Flesh and Blood the best TCG product and player experience available!

Some things to look forward to early 2020:

Partnership with major distributors

From the end of January, FAB will be available from major distributors in the USA and Australia. This will make FAB available in hundreds of new local game stores.

To the thousands of fans who have messaged us because there is nowhere to get FAB in their city, rest assured that we're working hard to bring FAB to a Local Game Store near you as soon as possible!

Welcoming new territories

We welcomed Malaysia as an official territory in November and look forward to the official launch in Taiwan in January 2020.

An update for our European friends will be coming in the new year.

New player experience

A much simplified Quick Start rule book is coming very soon, along with more and better content to bridge the gap between the Welcome Deck (Ira) and Hero Deck experience. Thank you to Dice Commando and all those who have sent us your thoughts. We really appreciate all of your feedback.

The heroes. The heroes!

We're thrilled to see the terrific response to the heroes of Welcome to Rathe and "the book" (World Guide: Vol 1). We crafted our heroes and our world with a lot of love, and we're glad that you enjoyed it. You can expect to see a major focus on our heroes in 2020 with the...

Launch of fabtcg.com v2.0

Coming late-January, fabtcg.com will refresh it's design and resources to welcome new players, beautifully showcase the heroes and lore, and unveil GEM account features such as leader boards, event locator, judge certification, and more.

Organized Play

The Calling $10k tournament series was a great way to launch FAB, meet fans in different parts of the world, and let everyone know from the start, that sealed deck and booster draft are a major part of playing Flesh and Blood!

Players and retailers have been telling us they want localized premier level tournaments. We hear you and are pleased to announce that premier level in-store play is coming in the new year, that feeds into major tournaments like National Champs.

Booster Set 2: Arcane Rising

The world was simple, man and woman measured against each other on their prowess of muscle and mind. But from the southern reaches of Rathe, dark arts and aether manipulation have again found practitioners of the forbidden warfare. As the fight takes new shape, heroes must adapt or die. Sword and shield will not be enough to survive the Arcane Rising!

Releasing March 27, Arcane Rising introduces the remaining four regions that make up the world of Rathe, and with it, some much anticipated magical classes to compete with the melee heroes introduced in Welcome to Rathe.

For those who can’t wait until release day to start throwing bolts of blazing aether and other dastardly things at each other, Pre-release events will run in stores March 21-22, and you’ll get a foil young hero promo card while you’re at it.

Preview season will kick off mid-February. We look forward to teaming up with passionate content creators and retailers to reveal the secrets lurking within Arcane Rising!

To the players and fans, thank you for your belief and passion for Flesh and Blood.

To the content creators and retailers, thank you for your hard work to promote Flesh and Blood and bring gamers together.

Wishing you and your family the very best in 2020.

James White
Founder - Legend Story Studios