Dev-astation!: Season 1 is coming soon to a screen near you!
Just when you thought the beatdowns had ceased, we’ve gone and cranked the card count, number of games and intensity up to the maximum just in time for your Road to Nationals season!
Over the coming weeks, members of the Legend Story Studios development team will go head to head in unbridled Classic Constructed action. Viewers will also be treated to deck techs by the Devs as well as game commentary from the players and a special guest or two...

Jason, Jacob, Karol and Newsun will start things off by randomly being assigned a seat number from one to four. From there they will each go ahead and draft one of the 12 ‘adult’ heroes in the sequence of seat 1-4, 4-1 and finally 1-4 again until all 12 are gone.
The Devs then build a full 80 card Classic Constructed deck for each of their three heroes and prepare for battle.
The tournament will start off with seat 1 against seat 2. The player in seat 3 faces the winner, then seat 4 player squares off against the round two winner, rinse and repeat. Losing players go to the back of the line.
Each time a Dev loses with a hero, that hero is knocked out! Any live hero may be chosen to start a match and the Dev with the last remaining hero will be named the Dev-astation!: Season 1 champion.
Make sure to tune in from July 8 for some devastating Dev action and cheer your favourite hero on to victory!