What is the Festive season? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.
Beloved by players across the globe, Cracked Bauble makes it's Armory kit debut with playmats and cold foils in this very special festive season treatment.
The December Festive Armory Kit contains:

- 36x Festive season Cracked Baubles (Cold Foil)
- 2x Festive season Cracked Bauble playmats
- Armory Event and marketing posters
- How to use the Armory Kit Festive Season materials
The fourth kit of Season five of the Flesh and Blood Armory kits takes us away to the festive season.
From December 1st, players will have the opportunity of earn a Cold Foil version of Cracked Bauble. Players in each Armory Event will be rewarded for their FAB devotion with this unique festive version of this card (while stocks last).
Deserving players from each community will have two chances be awarded a People's Champion playmat, with each kit now featuring two mats.
So, what are you waiting for? Plenty of opponents are waiting on the battlefield with this month's themed Armory Events. Find an Armory Event near you with our Event Locator, and perhaps contact them in the case of in-store play being unavailable to find out about alternatives to participate.
Armory Events are the perfect way to help grow your local community of Flesh and Blood players by offering them a weekly/consistent event to play some games and earn great prizes! By signing up to host Armory Events you will be eligible to receive Armory Kits every month for free!
Sign up to GEM (Game Event Manager) today in order to start your journey in running Armory Events and growing your Flesh and Blood community!
Existing stores should contact their distributor representative on being supplied Armory Kits.
If in-store play is not currently feasible please contact us (op@fabtcg.com) for some tips and advice on how to utilize the contents of each Armory Kit.