Cat Footprints Shilin Armed Cup

May 07, 2020

Last weekend at Cat Footprints Shilin the Cat Footprints team launched their 3K Yuan Armed Cup classic constructed series. Fortunately for Taiwan players they are not currently in lockdown with the country boasting a fantastic response to Covid-19. Taiwan is the newest territory for Flesh and Blood with the Cats Footprint chain of stores coming on board only a month before the release of Arcane Rising. Even with such a short lead time Taiwanese players have embraced the game! 21 players came together at CFP Shilin with every Hero in the game being represented:

Runeblade 4 Guardian 2
Brute 4 Ninja 2
Warrior 3 Mechanologist 2
Ranger 3 Wizard 1

When the dust settled the top four were Welcome to Rathe classes with both Ninja players, Brute and Guardian taking the final spots.

While Taiwan players have only just come on board with the game the top four decklists represent robust builds that cherry pick some of the high profile generic cards from Arcane Rising with Command and Conquer, Art of War, Fate Foreseen, Arcanite Skullcap and various Nullrune equipment seeing play.

Congratulations to Xu Gang on taking first place and we look forward to seeing the developing metagame in Taiwan!



