The Calling series is returning to Europe from July 22nd-24th! After being postponed and then canceled last year, we're excited to finally welcome players to answer the Call in the Netherlands.
This massive weekend will have a grand total of 10 Professional Tournament Invitations (PTI's) on offer between the Calling and the Battle Hardened events, providing the perfect chance to secure your spot at the Pro Tour: Lille in August, or the World Championship in November! [NB: this article and the event page previously said 16, but this has been corrected - there are 8 available to the Top 8 players of the Calling: Utrecht, and 2 to the finalists of the Battle Hardened event.]
You still have time to secure your tickets to the Calling, Battle Hardened, or numerous side events that will take place over the course of the weekend.
European Champions' Battle
The weekend begins with the European Champions' Battle, where Europe's reigning Champions and professional players will duke it out for their share of a $5000 prize pool! Invitations have already been sent out to all qualified players, but you can find the full list of qualified players below.
Date: Friday 22nd July
Format: Classic Constructed
Entry Fee: Free
Eligibility: Invitation-only

Calling: Utrecht
This competitive event will feature both Classic Constructed and Uprising Booster Draft rounds, testing your mettle in Constructed and Limited formats! All Top 8 players will earn a PTI and win a Gold Cold Foil Legendary, with the Calling Champion winning a Gold Cold Foil Crown of Providence.
Date: Saturday 23rd - Sunday 24th July
Entry Fee: €65
Eligibility: Open entry (no invitation required)
Battle Hardened
The Battle Hardened event on Sunday offers another chance to secure your spot on the path to professional play! Both finalists at this event will be awarded a PTI, which can be used to enter any invite-only tournament.
Format: Uprising Booster Draft
Entry Fee: €55
Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

Side Events
The side events schedule features tournaments across all three days, with a little bit of something for everything! In addition to Blitz, Sealed Deck, Ultimate Pit Fight, and Commoner tournaments, the Calling: Utrecht weekend will also feature HP1 Constructed Berserker, a Chaos Sealed tournament, and one final massive Booster Draft tournament! Check out the full event schedule for the weekend to find out more.
Ticket Packages
for the Calling: Utrecht are still available! Secure your spot at the Calling or Battle Hardened, plus entry into side events and exclusive promo items! Ticket packages and single-event tickets are on sale now.
Fabled Event Package
- €125
- Entry into Battle Hardened and Calling events
- Limited Edition Thaw playmat
Go Again LIMITED Event Package
- €100
- Entry into Battle Hardened
- 3x Limited On-Demand Event entry
Qualified Players - European Champion's Battle
59487543 | Abrantes, Mário | Portugal |
65537134 | Airaksinen, Mikko | Finland |
98159664 | Alves, Jose | Portugal |
88479682 | Amaral, Nuno | Portugal |
88966951 | Andersen, Danni | Denmark |
42975355 | Atanasov, Aleksandar | Bulgaria |
79255197 | Baalhuis, Erik | Netherlands |
15219657 | Bachhausen, Sasha | Germany |
76869379 | Bausch, Joshua | Germany |
45635179 | Bednarski, Sebastian | Poland |
64982125 | Benito, Álvaro Francisco Toledano | Spain |
33193648 | Benzarti, Jonas | Denmark |
23851271 | Berger, Natalia | France |
46617853 | Bizau, Christopher | Germany |
16234949 | Bonde, Michael | Denmark |
68769425 | Bondue, Sébastien | France |
51363245 | Bosch, Francesc | Spain |
51363245 | Bosch, Francesc | Spain |
18348696 | Bounas, Kanaris | Greece |
49121591 | Boyhan, Aaron | United Kingdom |
42471766 | Bråss, Peter | Norway |
17798232 | Brookes, James | United Kingdom |
86192565 | Bueno, Alfonso | Spain |
62657973 | Bulatovic, Boris | Serbia |
38762724 | Calf, David | United Kingdom |
38762724 | Calf, David | United Kingdom |
76111121 | Camacho, Filipe | Portugal |
83931719 | Campiglia, Nicolas | France |
11877216 | Canali, Pierre | France |
45226128 | Caperan, Gustavo | Spain |
91626642 | Carrero, Carlos | Spain |
77144478 | Cheung, Man Hiem | Netherlands |
18855721 | Chevrinais, Thomas | France |
46521923 | Chiarel, Federico | Italy |
62969812 | Chisholm Brown, Hamish | United Kingdom |
88589124 | Christensen, Jonas | Denmark |
31212529 | Cichecki, Łukasz | Poland |
94296695 | cini, stefano | Italy |
78825359 | Cocca, Stefano | Italy |
32184172 | Correas, Daniel | Spain |
32184172 | Correas, Daniel | Spain |
35425257 | Correia das Neves, Nuno Miguel | Portugal |
94712579 | Costantini, Samuele | Italy |
94379247 | Cruz, João | Portugal |
59414248 | cruz, micael | Portugal |
45478211 | Čurla, Kristian | Croatia |
48423834 | Dagen, Pierre | France |
34799151 | Dao, Long | Austria |
97539279 | De Meyer, Thibaut | Belgium |
96487113 | Denning, Simon | United Kingdom |
23145218 | Deurloo, Didier | Netherlands |
52717739 | Di Lauro, Mauro Giuseppe | Italy |
62329447 | Dieckmann, Max | Spain |
22783913 | Doganis, Dimitris | Greece |
43618194 | Dominiak, Bartosz | Poland |
43618194 | Dominiak, Bartosz | Poland |
92964195 | Dominiak, Dawid | Poland |
92964195 | Dominiak, Dawid | Poland |
89189443 | Duruy, Etienne | France |
12825853 | Duruy, Simon | France |
36988739 | Dvorski, Filip | Bulgaria |
46954596 | Estelberger, Christopher | Austria |
56872833 | Faulkner, Jamie | United Kingdom |
42931329 | Filipowicz, Marcin | Poland |
71963772 | Foulkes, Matthew | United Kingdom |
96478566 | Franco, Christian | France |
61164128 | Frøyen, Simon | Norway |
94558387 | Gerletti, Pietro | Italy |
89215564 | Gerschenson, Immanuel | Austria |
88139321 | Giné, Josep | Spain |
38313277 | Giorgio, Francesco | United Kingdom |
38313277 | Giorgio, Francesco | United Kingdom |
66267631 | Gjertsen, Hans Kristian | Norway |
23171375 | Golla, Sebastian | Germany |
23171375 | Golla, Sebastian | Germany |
25698899 | Gremion, Julien | Switzerland |
37223951 | Grøndal, Sebastian | Denmark |
41799857 | Guldemont, Jonathan | France |
89773553 | Harle, Thomas | United Kingdom |
47346524 | Hauck, Christian | Germany |
11367956 | Hauser, Patrick | Germany |
25768775 | Hechtberger, Martin | Austria |
22532354 | Hittel, Matthias | Germany |
23324112 | Holden, Liam | United Kingdom |
71414792 | Ivanov, Pavel | Bulgaria |
52859245 | Jacobs, Mikael | Norway |
96524117 | janik, maciej | Poland |
86671164 | Jones, George | United Kingdom |
86671164 | Jones, George | United Kingdom |
44791464 | Kainulainen, Tuomas | Finland |
69415823 | Kaponig, Alexander | Austria |
58434939 | Karamanis, Ilias | Greek |
77979622 | Karampinis, George | Greece |
87993444 | King, Philip | Germany |
23337859 | Klein, Maximilian | Germany |
98723569 | Klein, Stefan | Austria |
72972883 | Klintworth, Paul | Germany |
59467877 | Knowelden, Sean | United Kingdom |
59467877 | Knowelden, Sean | United Kingdom |
98624967 | Koeckx, Gaetan | Belgium |
73159185 | Konstantelos, Sotiris | Greece |
15554987 | Kouris, Giannis | Greece |
57777244 | Kresse, Philipp | Germany |
38395394 | Kruse, Oscar | Norway |
96614538 | Kubik, Viliam | Slovakia |
31463375 | Lehti, Elias | Finland |
55814454 | Lerens, Kevin | Belgium |
96371481 | Li, Yuanji | United States Of America |
56519372 | Light, Matthew | United Kingdom |
94458185 | Loghin, Florin-Cristian | Austria |
73731279 | Madsen, Mikkel Emil Kaae | Denmark |
82667762 | Makris, Vagelis | Greece |
38761235 | Manrique, Ricardo | Germany |
23532868 | Marekov, Plamen | Bulgaria |
13962489 | Martins, Rúben | Portugal |
37549179 | Melissakis, George | Greece |
28121542 | Metsä, Roope | Finland |
24544211 | Michalowski, Michal | Poland |
44227779 | Monteiro, João | Portugal |
88914982 | Moreno, Jorge | Spain |
37919264 | Nguyen, Jimmy | Netherlands |
74442214 | Nielsen, Peter | Denmark |
79173212 | Patrão, Bruno | Portugal |
79173212 | Patrão, Bruno André Santos | Portugal |
14742733 | Pedersen, Kenni | Denmark |
96935489 | Petrov, Konstantin | Bulgaria |
12374294 | Pintor, Pablo | Spain |
17864647 | Plomaritis, Alexios | Bulgaria |
55918529 | Popov, Vasil | Bulgaria |
32671655 | Pruchniewicz, Jan | Poland |
78192368 | Reitbauer, David | Austria |
67122426 | Reyes, Christopher | Norway |
26326215 | Rizzi, Davide | Italy |
18546692 | Rodger, George | United Kingdom |
32585799 | Rodriguez Palazon, Jose Vicente | Spain |
58689747 | Ruiz Yague, Adrián | Spain |
39348322 | Ruiz, Sergio | Spain |
39348322 | Ruiz, Sergio "Clenyu" | Spain |
18849332 | Saarnilampi, Juha | Finland |
46156812 | Saduakassov, Daniyar | Poland |
46156812 | Saduakassov, Daniyar | Poland |
29352359 | Samaras, Yorgos | Greece |
55195433 | Sanz Guerrero, Sergio | Spain |
99196216 | Sass, Mateusz | Poland |
69118899 | Schlauri, Ralph | Switzerland |
17268782 | Schleinzer, Emanuel | Austria |
29133593 | Schoch, David | Switzerland |
49689965 | Shaaban, Sharif | United Kingdom |
37621516 | Silva Moro, Alejandro | Spain |
38278119 | Simon, Aaron | United Kingdom |
83481277 | Sorjonen, Aleksi | Finland |
42538933 | Spilliaert, Sébastien | Belgium |
25395788 | Staniszewski, Przemyslaw | Poland |
86169656 | Stefan, Stäger | Switzerland |
41214926 | Stoyanov, Viktor | Bulgaria |
79917499 | Stroch, Filip | Czechia |
91568774 | Suchanecki, Mariusz | Poland |
16529732 | Sysmans, Jan | Belgium |
73377761 | Taaje, Stian | Norway |
75224857 | Tassini, Alessandro | Italy |
36856799 | Tavoulareas, Nikos | Greece |
92694271 | Teittinen, Mikael | Finland |
64982125 | Toledano Benito, Alvaro Francisco | Spain |
93462678 | Valkeneers, Robbert | Belgium |
93648569 | van Beek, Donovan | Netherlands |
39928345 | van der Wal, Jeroen | Netherlands |
48821756 | van Donselaar, Philip | Netherlands |
76714296 | Van Minsel, Thomas | Belgium |
81359118 | Van Roey, Glenn | Belgium |
69745613 | Vanclaire, Florian | Belgium |
89661754 | Ventzel, Andreas | Denmark |
15957852 | Verhelst, Joris | Belgium |
88656789 | Vilar i Cifre, Vicent | Spain |
18247591 | Vornanen, Tommi | Finland |
29893871 | Wachouschek, Michael | Switzerland |
98236423 | Wagner Santana, Jean Michael | Switzerland |
58866623 | Weiler, Pascal | Switzerland |
25438597 | Weißling, Christian | Germany |
27651333 | Wrzesień-Kwiatkowski, Szymon | Germany |
48729449 | Wülser, Kevin | Switzerland |
37818356 | Zänker, Kevin | Germany |
75916243 | Zhang, Ian | Netherlands |
82923123 | Ziemba, Bartosz | Poland |
73769528 | Zimmermann, Nino | Germany |