Calling [A]

Brodie Spurlock won Calling: Memphis [A] with Cindra, Dracai of Retribution.
Top 8 Decklists
More than 320 players came together in the Flesh and Blood to Calling: Memphis last weekend to compete in Classic Constructed. Cindra made her mark only a day out from The Hunted hitting shelves, while heroes from the last two releases (Rosetta and Part the Mistveil) also made Top 4. The cycle of people feeling safe enough to take out their arcane barrier only to get a Lesson in Lava has begun once more. The final match came down to Brodie Spurlock on Cindra, Dracai of Retribution versus Nicholas Mihalas on Kano, Dracai of Aether. Congratulations to Brodie Spurlock for winning the title, PTI, Gold Foil, and lion's share of $20,000 USD! Your name has been etched once more into the Roll of Honor!
Calling [B]

Michael Hamilton won Calling: Memphis [B] with Cindra.
More than 260 players came together in the Flesh and Blood to Calling: Memphis last weekend to compete in The Hunted Sealed Deck and Booster Draft. The Top 8 was filled with household names, with none other than the 2022 World Champion Michael Hamilton gunning for his fifth Calling win. The final match came down to Michael Hamilton on Cindra versus Austin Redington as the solo Arakni, Web of Deceit. Congratulations to Michael Hamilton, currently the only player in the world to have claimed FIVE Calling Champion titles, as well as the PTI, Gold Foil, and lion's share of $20,000 USD! Your name has been etched once more into the Roll of Honor!
Battle Hardened

Kevin Murphy won Battle Hardened: Memphis with Prism, Awakener of Sol.
Top 8 Decklists
More than 130 players came together in the Flesh and Blood to Battle Hardened: Memphis last weekend to compete in Classic Constructed. Just when you thought Cindra was going to take back-to-back wins, Prism shone through to flip the script. With a wide range of classes and talents represented in Top 8, an interesting metagame has emerged for the upcoming Road to Nationals season. The final match came down to Kevin Murphy on Prism, Awakener of Sol versus Jacob Baugh on Cindra, Dracai of Retribution. Congratulations to Kevin Murphy for winning the title, PTI, Gold Foil, exclusive playmat, and lion's share of $2,000 USD!

Matt Muus won the Commoner Gold Foil with Enigma.