The Calling: Melbourne
As mentioned in our post earlier this week, we have been closely monitoring the ongoing COVID situation in Australia. Unfortunately new community cases have continued to be identified during the week, with the effect that there is no clear end date for the restrictions currently in place in many areas of the country. At this stage, it appears very unlikely that players will be able to travel to the event, and with the spacing rules that are in place in the city we've also lost half the capacity of the venue.
Based on the criteria that we mentioned in our post earlier this week, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the Calling to a future date, and fully refund all tickets that everyone has bought. Our hope is that this future Calling event will offer all players in Australia the opportunity to come together in the flesh and blood through the common language of great games, and to be bigger and better than ever.
For Melbourne players in particular, we understand this is particularly disappointing. Of all the cities in Australia, Melbourne has been hit hardest with lockdowns, and we've had to cancel or postpone a huge amount of organised play there over the last year. If the experience of COVID over the last year has shown us anything, it's that you've got to take the opportunity to get things done while you can, because you never know when the next lockdown is coming.
That's why we've taken the decision that we're still going to put on a tournament for the city. Our venue booking is still in place, and so we're going to use it while we can. So, next Saturday, July 10, we're running a one day Pro Tour Invitational event in the city. The venue will still be the same, with a Cold Gold Foil Arcanite Skullcap to be awarded to the winner! The format will be Monarch (1st Edition) Sealed Deck, with the Top 8 draft at the end of the day.
We're really sorry for all the players that won't be able to make it, but as we said, we're absolutely committed to bringing a Calling event to Australia as soon as we can. We especially want to thank Andy and the Midian Gaming team for the huge amount of effort that they've put in to keep this event alive through all the chaos. Andy has been unwavering in his determination to ensure that the Melbourne community has an event to play in, and next Saturday is only going to be possible because of the huge effort from him and the team.
Stay safe, and for those that come out to play, best of luck!
Please see here for full details: https://fabtcg.com/organised-play/2021/calling-monarch-season/calling-melbourne-10th-july-2021/
The basics:
- Date: Saturday 10 July
- Entry fee: AUD50
- Player Cap: 92 players
- Format: 7x Swiss Sealed rounds, followed by Top 8 Draft
- Prizes: Gold Cold Foil Arcanite Skullcap (winner) + Adult Cold Foil Monarch Heroes for the Top 8. Further prizes will consist of Monarch 1st Edition product.
- Tickets available from Saturday 3 July (1pm AEST) here: https://midiangaming.com.au/tickets/ (see below for further details)
‘Calling’ (and related events) ticket refunds
Refunds for ‘Calling’, ‘Battle Hardened’ and ‘ProQuest’ tickets will be issued over the course of the next week. We ask for your patience while these refunds are issued as they may take a few days to come through.
If you have not received a refund by Friday 9 July, please send an email to: themidianguard@gmail.com
Can I use the ProQuest ticket that I already bought for the new ProQuest event?
Due to the change in format, the entry fee for ProQuest has been adjusted. Any existing ProQuest tickets will be refunded and you will need to purchase a new ProQuest ticket.
Tickets will be available from Saturday 3 July at 1pm (AEST) and will be available to purchase here: https://midiangaming.com.au/tickets/
Where can I find the event details?
The event details can be found here: https://fabtcg.com/articles/calling-melbourne-june-2021/
Does this mean the Calling has been cancelled permanently?
No - our intention is still to host a Calling event in Australia, but at this stage we are unable to provide an exact date while the COVID situation is ongoing.