Calling: Kobe Recap

Mar 18, 2025 Parker Brown

Calling Kobe 2025 winner

Tatsuya Okanishi (岡西 達也) won Calling: Kobe with Florian, Rotwood Harbinger.

More than 280 players gathered in the Flesh and Blood to duke it out in a Classic Constructed showdown at the Calling: Kobe last weekend. Half of our Top 8 consisted of the speed queen herself, Aurora, Shooting Star. On the other end of the pyramid, the entire squad from Part the Mistveil had a nice reunion and joining them for the party was a particularly herbaceous soul by the name of Florian, Rotwood Harbinger. The final match came down to Tatsuya Okanishi versus Jacob Clements in a masterclass showing from both players. Congratulations to Tatsuya Okanishi for winning the title of Kobe Calling champion, earning a PTI, securing a Gold Foil, and pocketing their share of $20,000 USD! Your name has been etched into the Roll of Honor!

Battle Hardened


Yutaro Yamada won Battle Hardened: Kobe with Aurora, Shooting Star.

More than 115 players came together in the Flesh and Blood to rock Battle Hardened: Kobe last weekend to compete in Classic Constructed. The Top 8 housed some familiar faces such as Aurora, Shooting Star and Zen, Tamer of Purpose. Standing out from the crowd we see more Misteria residents and one lone Demonestary dweller - Vynnset, Iron Maiden. The final match came down to Yutaro Yamada on Aurora, Shooting Star versus Shuta Kurihara on Zen, Tamer of Purpose. Congratulations to Yutaro Yamada or winning the title, PTI, Gold Foil, exclusive playmat, and lion's share of $2,000 USD!


bh kobe Commoner - Cheuk Lun Tsang

Cheuk Lun Tsang won the Commoner Gold Foil with Enigma.
