The Calling: Dallas Fort-Worth - Day 2 Snap Shot

Oct 18, 2021 Chris Bewley

Young Oldhim Hero Art

After starting with 502 players in yesterday's main event we started Day 2 off with the top 32 players and a fresh draft! The players drafted three new packs of Tales of Aria First Edition each then played off in the pods to determine the Top 8!

TC Dallas Main T8

Once the top 8 combatants names were called then came one final draft. Briar was the most drafted hero in the top 8 with five players. Lexi saw two players draft her and Oldhim, one lone drafter...


For those who were out of the main event, the ProQuest Classic Constructed event had the world talking as many wanted to know how Tales of Aria would shift the global metagame. 164 players battled for the Pro Tour Invitation and coveted Gold Cold Foil Arcanite Skullcap. We saw an incredibly diverse Top 8 with six different heroes being represented! In the end Jack McHalffey took it down with Prism, Sculptor of Arc Light!

The casting team of Tannon Grace, Red Zone Rogue and DM Armada were on form and at the top of their game as always as they took us through all the drama and intrigue of The Calling Dallas Fort-Worth.


LSS would like to give a titanic thank you to everyone involved who made this event happen! From ChannelFireball to the vendors, the LGS, the content creators, the casters and everyone in between, but most importantly, you the fans! None of this would be possible without you and your passion for Flesh and Blood.


See you next week at The Calling Cincinnati for more Tales of Aria sealed and draft action!

Day 2 Match Coverage Notes

Quarter Final 1

Nam Vo 4th (Oldhim) v Will Laystrom 5th (Briar)

5 people on Briar, 2 Lexi and 1 Oldhim for the Top 8 draft.

Will has zero equipment

Nam starts with a Titan’s Fist and Will defends with 2 cards.

Will starts off with Rites of Replenishment and Nam defends for 6 with two cards.

Nam comes back with the hammer. Will takes 1 and defends with 1 card.

Will with blue Flash into a yellow Burgeoning. Nam defends with 2 cards and prevents 2 with Oldhim’s ability.

Nam attacks with a blue Glacial Footsteps for 8 unfused. Will takes 5. 17-13 to Nam.

Will attacks with a yellow Ball Lightning. Nam defends with 1 card. Yellow Arcanic Shockwave is attacking, fused. Nam defends with a Thump.

Oaken Old attacks Will for 7. Will defends and goes to 10. Nam at 15.

Will attacks with a yellow Stir the Wildwood for 4. Nam defends. Will arsenals a card.

Nam with the hammer. Will defends.

Will plays red Electrify from arsenal, draws a card. Then a Channel Thunder Steppe, creating an Embodiment of Lightning. Red Stir the Wildwood fused with go again comes in. Nam cracks Plume of Evergrowth. Earthlore Surge to hand. Rosetta Thorn to follow. 15-7 to Nam.

Nam attacks with Titan’s Fist. Will falls to 4!

Will still has Thunder Steppe and an arsenal card. Yellow Invigorate into a fused red Explosive Growth. Nam plays Turn Timber. Rosetta Thorn comes in next . Nam cracks Runaways and defends. Channel Thunder Steppe is destroyed.

Yellow Weave Lightning into a red Ball Lightning from Will. Nam defends it all.

Will starts his turn with Earthlore Surge into a blue Arcanic Shockwave. Nam defends with three cards. Will gains 2 and gets one of each Embodiment token. 12-5 to Nam

Nam attacks with the hammer again. Will takes 3. 12-1.

Blue Invigorate from Will into a fused yellow Rites of Replenishment. He adds Explosive Growth. Nam defends with 2 cards. Rosetta Thorn to follow. Nam defends with another card.

Will with a yellow Earthlore Surge into red Explosive Growth. Nam defends it all.

A Titan’s Fist attack from Nam. Will defends with two cards.

Nam finishes the game and gets the win with a blue Glacial Footsteps!

Quarter Final 2

Eric Dauernnheim 6th (Briar) v Drayton Ganz 3rd (Briar)


Eric starts turn one with a Break Ground and Drayton defends.

Blue Bramble Spark into a yellow Ball Lightning. Eric defends with one card then Drayton comes in with Rosetta Thorn for 2 and 2. Eric defends again. 16-20 Daryton.

Eric with a Sow Tomorrow from arsenal. Next, Bramble Spark into Stir the Wildwood. Drayton defends with 2 cards.

Drayton plays Amulet of Lightning into an arsenal pass setting up a big turn.

Eric pops the Cracker Jax and plays Earthlore Surge into a Ball Lightning. Then the Rosetta Thorn for 2 and 2. Drayton takes it all. 8-16 to Eric.

Invigorate into a fused Inspire Lightning from Drayton. Eric defends with 2 cards. Then a red Rites of Replenishment. Eric defends with 2 more cards. Drayton activates Amulet of Lightning. Then the Rosetta Thorn. Drayton has 3 Embodiment of Earth.

Drayton again. Starts with Entwine Lightning fusing with Ball Lighting. Eric defends with Singeing Steelblade. Drayton attacks with a Singeing Steelblade of his own for 4. 7-8 to Drayton.

Eric attacks with Break Ground. Drayton defends with 2 cards.

Drayton plays another Amulet of Lightning into a Ball Lightning and Eric defends with one card. Then the Rosetta Thorn.

Eric comes in with another Break Ground pitching two Cracked Bauble. 3-3

Bramble Spark from Drayton. Then Entwine Lightning and that’s enough to deal lethal damage!

Quarter Final 3

Brendan Patrick 2nd (Lexi) v Nick Zimmerman 7th (Lexi)


Nick starts with a Weave Ice into Cold Wave. Brendan defends with one card. 15-20 to Nick.

Brendan with red Frazzle from arsenal fusing with a Shock Striker. Nick defends with an Over Flex. 15-16 to Nick

Nick with Winter’s Bite. Brendan discards a red Over Flex. Nick with a second Winter’s Bite and ends.

Brendan cracks Deep Blue, flips and plays Shock Striker from arsenal then breaks Cracker Jax into a red Icy Encounter. Nick defends with one card. 15-7 to Brendan.

Nick with a yellow Winter’s Bite, pitching a blue version. Brendan discards a red Buzz Bolt.

Over Flex from arsenal for Nick, Shiver puts Chilling Icevein into arsenal fusing with Winter’s Bite for 9 damage and dominate. A tough spot for Brendan. He defends with a card and Nick cracks Mark of Lightning. 8-7 to Brendan.

Weave Ice from Brendan into a red Frazzle from arsenal. Nick defends with 2 cards. 8-4 Brendan.

Winter’s Bite from Nick into a Chilling Icevein red. Brendan defends with 1 card.

Brendan Arsenal Passes.

Nick cracks Honing Hood then uses Lexi to give Brendan a frosty and plays Polar Blast, Brendan does not pay. Then Nick plays Invigorate and a fused Chilling Icevein with dominate which is enough for Nick to pick up the win!

Semi Final 1

Alec Myers 1st (Briar) v Nam Vo 4th (Oldhim)


Nam starts with the Titan’s Fist and Alec defends with 1 card.

Alec with a Bramble Spark into an Arcanic Shockwave making two Embodiment of Earth. Nam defends with one card.

Nam again with the hammer and Alec defends with one card.

Red Lightning Surge from arsenal from Alec and Nam defends with one card. Then red Arcanic Shockwave attacks next. Nam defends with two cards and Alec adds Mark of Lightning.

Nam attacks with Titan’s Fist. Alec defends.

Alec with a blue Lightning Surge into an Arcanic Shockwave. Nam defends one card each attack.

Nam with Deep Blue into an attack from Titan’s Fist. Alec defends with one card.

Alec attacks with red Singeing Steelblade. Nam defends with 2 cards and Alec plays a Lightning Press over the top. 13-17 to Alec.

Nam attacks with the hammer.

Alec attacks with a fused blue Entwine Lightning revealing Lightning Press. Nam defends with 1 card and we see the Lightning Press come down. A yellow Stir the Wildwood next from Alec. Nam defends with Turn Timber. 13-12 to Alec.

Nam attacks with Titan’s Fist.

Alec with Bramble Spark yellow into a fused Stir the Wildwood. Nam defends with a card and plays Summerwood Shelter.

Blue Stir the Wildwood is defended with 1 card from Nam.

Nam attacks with Titan’s Fist and Alec defends with 1 card.

Alec attacks with a blue Singeing Steelblade. Nam defends. 11-10 to Nam.

A red Earthlore Surge into a red fused-with-Lightning Press Rites of Lightning for 9 with go again. Nam cracks Runaways and defends all damage. Red Arcanic Shockwave comes next. 7-11 to Alec.

Alec’s turn again and he attacks with Rosetta Thorn. Nam defends.

Nam attacks with Oaken Old for 7. Alec takes it. 9-4 to Nam.

Yellow Vela Flash fused attacks for 4 from Alec. Nam defends with Biting Gale. Blue Electrify is next from Alec gaining an action point. Lightning Press is added to Vela Flash. Then Rosetta Thorn. 7-4 to Nam.

Red Lightning Surge from Alec. Nam defends it. Blue Singeing Steelblade is also defended.

Nam attacks with Titan’s Fist. Alec defends.

Alec attacks with blue Singeing Steelblade and Nam defends,

Nam attacks with a blue Glacial Footsteps to seal the victory and move to the final!


Nam Vo 4th (Oldhim) v Nick Zimmerman 7th (Lexi)

It’s time!

Nam starts with a red Mulch and Nick defends with 3 cards.

Nick attacks with a fused blue Blizzard Bolt and Nam defends with 2 cards. Nick arsenals.

Nam comes through with Titan’s Fist for 3. 20-15 to Nam.

Lexi gives Nam a Frostbite token and Nick plays a red Polar Blast into a red Over Flex then a yellow fused dominated Blizzard Bolt. Nam defends with a card and uses Oldhim’s ability. Nam has 2 Frostbites. 17-15 to Nam. Nick arsenals.

Nick comes in with a red Polar Blast again. Nam again chooses dominate. Nick drops a Channel Lake Frigid and attacks with a red fused dominated Chilling Icevein! Nam defends with Oaken Old. Mark of Lightning pops for Nick dealing one in the defending window. Summerwood Shelter is played by Nam. 16-15 to Nam.

Nick again keeping tempo. Nam gets a Frostbite from a Lexi-flipped Weave Ice. Yellow Weave Ice is played and Shiver adds a blue Blizzard Bolt and fuses it . Dominate, +3 if it hits, give Nam a frosty. Nam with Turn Timber.

Nam attacks with Titan’s Fist. 16-11 to Nam.

Lexi gives Nam a Frostbite and Nick plays Winter’s Bite yellow. Then a red Over Flex into a red Bolt’n’ Shot with dominate. Nick plays Biting Gale from arsenal. Then a blue Heaven’s Claws. Nam uses Runaways. 12-11 to Nam.

Nick still with the tempo using many cards a turn, but Nam keeps defending well.

Shiver puts a yellow Flake Out into arsenal and it comes in. Nam defends and uses Oldhim’s ability.

Nam has a turn now. Deep Blue is popped. Nam attacks with the hammer. 12-8 to Nam.

Nick with a red Invigorate into a fused red Chilling Icevein for 9. Nam defends with 1 card and cracks Plume of Evergrowth grabbing Summerwood Shelter.

Nam attacks with a red Burgeoning for 6. Nick defends with 2 arrows.

Nick gives a Frostbite to Nam then plays a red Winter’s Bite. Then a yellow Winter’s Grasp. Nam defends with 2 cards.

Nam draws and passes.

Nick loads a red Cold Wave into arsenal with Shiver and fuses and attacks with it for 5. Nam defends with 2 cards.

Nam attacks with Titan’s Fist. Nick takes 4. 12-3 to Nam.

Nick plays Winter’s Bite yellow. Nam pays. Yellow Over Flex is next into yellow Chilling Icevein. Nam plays Turn Timber and defends well.

Nick uses Shiver loading a yellow Cold Wave and attacks with it, fused. Nam defends with one card. Arsenal and pass.

Nam now with a yellow Mulch, unfused. Nick defends with 2 cards, takes 1 and goes to 2.

Lexi gives Nam a Frostbite. Nick cracks his Honing Hood and attacks with Frost Lock fused for 4. Nam defends with Biting Gale fused.

Nam attacks for 4 with the hammer. 11-2 to Nam.

Nick plays blue Over Flex into a red Chilling Icevein for 7. Nam defends with 2 cards losing 1 life.

Nam attacks with a red Snow Under. The crowd roars and that is enough for Nam Vo, the only Oldhim drafter in the pod to seal the deal and become your Calling Dallas Fort-Worth 2021 Champion!
