Sunday - The Calling: Birmingham Top 8

It's the inevitable: for every joyful victor, there is a resigned runner-up. After a mammoth 12 rounds of swiss, our Day 2 players can hold their heads up high knowing they walked alongside some of the great players around. Notably, Lexi, Livewire is unrepresented in the Top 8 after an astounding Day 1 showing. Let's take a look at who made the Top 8 of the Calling: Birmingham.

The competition was immensely fierce. So much so, that not a single player went undefeated throughout all 12 rounds. Sebastian Grondal leads the pack, piloting Bravo, Showstopper, and the only player with 11 wins.

Next up George Keys jukes his opponents with Uzuri, Switchblade. Followed by Mr Showstopper himself, Pablo Pintor, and Luka Kramaric, both representing Bravo. Samuel Braben presents as Isylander, Stormbind. And Stefano Meoni is a killer for hire with Azalea, Ace in the Hole. Rounding off the top 8, the Lord of Wind and lone wanderer, Katsu see's double representation by Ashkan Rashid-Sanaty & Ralph Schlauri Katsu.

Bravo crushes each opponent throughout the Top 8. Isylander blasts her way to the final. That's right, it's time for the pinnacle clash between Pablo Pintor and Samuel Braben.
Emerging from a shredding storm of a final, battered and bruised, Iyslander, Stormbind drops a crushing avalanche upon Bravo, Showstopper. Samuel Braben from Bristol, UK, walks away victor of the first UK Calling, winning the trophy, Gold Foil, PTI, and lion's share of $20,000 USD! Congratulations Samuel!
Sunday - Battle Hardened Top 8

Over in the Battle Hardened event Giang Nguyen proves unstoppable, taking Ira, undefeated, into the top 8. Daniel Li lines up alongside with Ira, Crimson Haze. Soren Madsen opts for the top 8 with Kano, and Connor McGrath charges into the fray with Kassai, Cintari Sellsword.

Kano see's further representation from Matthew Sarrington while Paul Crame barrages into the top 8 with Rhinar. Runeblades round out the cut featuring Bartosz Dominiak as Briar, and David Calf piloting Chane.

Following a gruelling Top 8, our finalists include the undefeated Giang Nguyen with Ira and Bartosz Dominiak as Briar. While both players are delighted to receive a Pro Tour Invite each, only one can walk away with the coveted Gold Foil Legendary.
As the weekend begins to draw a close a victor emerges from the fray. Nothing could stand in Ira's vengeful path of pure, unbridled destruction.
Giang Nguyen, hailing from London, UK, basks in the sight of the wreckage he trails. Cracking open the black envelope, he reveals an enviable Gold Foil Crown of Dominion. Congratulations Giang!
Sunday - Let's hear it for the Judges
The Calling: Birmingham has been an incredible experience for all in attendance. And it wouldn't be anything without the pillars of the community like our Judges.

Players are known to prepare for weeks in the run up to events, and our judge team are no different. They must remain clued into rules clarifications and policy updates. At any moment a call for "Judge!" could echo through the venue to which they eagerly respond. While players take to their seats, the hardy Judges remain on their feet, poised to support every query and clarification.

So let's give it up one more time for our beacons of Sol, the pitch-for-two, the yellow-shirts- our Judges!
Sunday - The Battle Begins
Whilst the war rages on in the premiere Calling event, the Battle Hardened event kicks off in the wings. This event is an opportunity for players to test their metal- this time in Blitz Format.

Let's take a look at today's meta. Shadow-shackled Chane leads the charge flanked closely by the vengeful Kassai, Cintari Sellsword. In Ira and Rhinar we see old-school favourites shape up against new challengers, Vynset and Prism, Advent of Sol. Players express that Blitz format is an opportunity to play their beloved heroes exclusive to the format, such as Kayo, Berserker Runt.

After 7 gruelling rounds a victor will walk away clutching $500, a Gold Foil Legendary, PTI and a stunning Battle Hardened playmat. This is sure to be a fast-paced, white-knuckle ride. Stick around for the latest action brought to you live from the battleground.
Sunday - Calling: Birmingham Day 2!
Today we see the return of 94 players to the Day 2 of Calling: Birmingham! As they don their battleworn armor, ready to go again, let's take a look at the Day 2 meta.

With the highest conversion from Day 1, Lexi, Livewire spies over the arena with arrows drawn- 34% of players making Day 2. Each with 30% conversion, Bravo, Showstopper, retakes the stage. Uzuri, Switchbale sneaks between cover. Forecasting a cold front is Iyslander, Stormbind. Whereas a lone Kano, Dracai of Aether perches his throne, prepared to set the scene ablaze. Our star-studded stream and casting team reharmonise, prepared to bring you another day of incredible coverage.

But the Calling Day 2 is not the only event taking place today. As players glide through the hall, perusing retailer stalls and trade binders, tables are prepped to launch a might 117-player Battle Hardened event. Stay tuned for further meta breakdown!
Saturday - Cosplay Contest
Speak to any Flesh and Blood TCG player and they will tell you about a certain hero or card that strikes a personal connection. For a portion of the dedicated fanbase, this connection transcends just playing the game. And instead, they must embody their favourite heroes.
And so, without further ado, let's meet the fabulous contestants of the Calling: Birmingham Cosplay Contest! First up, Daniel Van as Young Dromai.

Jodie Dorling as Whirling Mist Blossom

Dean Aldread as Lord Sutcliffe

Niamh Austin as Aether Flare

The incredible prize support is announced for the runners up with a resounding gasp from an energetic crowd. First off, the never-before-seen, Cold Foil, double-sided cards, Fabric of Blossoms/ Blossom of Spring, and, Fabric of Spring/ Fyendal's Spring Tunic. As if that's not enough, they also walk away with a Cold Foil Silversheen Needle and beautiful playmat.
The crowd hushes as the judges deliberate a winner. Walking away with all of the above plus a Cold Foil Taylor hero card is.. Jodie Dorling as Whirling Mist Blossom!

Many envious eyes gaze up on our happy contestants. Join us tomorrow for Day 2 of the Calling: Birmingham!
Saturday - An Artist's Flourish
With every new set release the art in Flesh and Blood TCG continues to amaze, and Dusk til Dawn is certainly no different. The Calling: Birmingham has welcomed esteemed special guests, artists Othon Nikolaidis and Tomasz Jedruszek.

Both artists have delighted fans by signing cards. Othon's is the artist behind depictions of both young and adult Briar, Warden of Thorns, and much of her elemental runeblade arsenal. Other fans queue for his signature on playsets of Lumina Ascension and Slithering Shadowpede.

All the while, fans of Tomasz's work wax lyrical about Nerve Scalpel and Prowl- staple pieces for any budding assassin. Both artists entice fans with playmats of their exquisite art.
The Calling: Birmingham strikes the tone of a celebration of the UK Flesh & Blood community. An opportunity for artists, content creators, retailers, fans and players of all skill levels to come together.
And there's so much more left to come.
Saturday - Calling: Birmingham Meta Breakdown
Applause erupts through the hall from thankful attendees for the event pulled together by organisers and volunteers. The player count is announced: 427 players step into the arena, only one will walk away as victor.

As hundreds of optimistic champions take to their seats for Round 1 of 7, lets inspect the UK Calling meta they face. Lexi, Livewire, stands out as meta leader with representation from 16% of the field. Second most represented hero is Dromai, Ash Artist. But not by much as she is closely followed by Bravo, Showstopper, as well as Briar, Warden of Thorns, and Levia, Shadowborn Abomination.

The remaining 42% of the field is made up of 14 heroes from Welcome to Rathe to Dusk til Dawn. New heroes are represented in Vynnset, Iron Maiden and Prism, Awakener of Sol. Impressive recent performances from Iyslander, Stormbind, may explain her recent resurgence in the meta. Whilst her wizard counterpart, Kano, Dracai of Aether, brings up the rear, asking the question- "Who dares enter the arena without protection from my Arcane Damage?!"
Saturday - A New Dawn
Welcome to day one of the Calling: Birmingham!
A skittish energy fills the hall as our intrepid champions awake from slumber. Players nervously compare strategies and conduct final deck checks in preparation for the premiere event. But what's on the line and what makes Calling events just so special?

First and foremost, Calling events are open to one and all. Local armory players can step into the arena and come face-to-face with world champions- and who doesn't love an underdog story? The Calling champion will walk away with the grand prize: the first ever UK Calling trophy plus $5000 in cash, a gold foil Crown of Providence and a Pro Tour Invite.
But it's not just about the grand prize. When it's all said and done and heroes lay down their arms, players in all final positions will walk away with bounty. For each win, players receive prize tickets to which the prize wall beckons.

The most hardy players have already reaped their rewards while others still yearn. Living Realms- our grand host and event organisers- have bejewelled the prize wall with grand oversized cards- some far too large for hand luggage! Playmats feature the latest Dusk til Dawn artwork such as Shaden Death Hydra as well as classics like Torrent of Tempo. Pocket-friendly prizes include cold foil tokens: Frostbite, Spectral Shield and Embodiments of Earth and Lightning. Magnificent riches indeed.
Friday - A Fate Foreseen?
Speculation is rife throughout the hall- which heroes will rise to the top in tomorrow's premiere Calling event?

Some proclaim Lexi, Livewire, with a quiver of frost-tipped arrows, will claim the title. There are theories that Briar, Warden of Thorns, and her spell-weaving prowess will be the cause of many casualties. The eagle-eyed report a high representation of Dorinthea Ironsong in the classic constructed side event. Whilst many fear that lurking in the shadows is Levia, Shadowborn Abomination.
The final and most popular event of the day, the Super Armory, begins to draw a close. Today has proved to be a friendly warm up to the weekend's fiercely competitive main event. Our competitors retreat and replenish, hopeful that their practice over recent weeks will prove many a victory.
Friday - A Savage Feast of Side Events
Players scurry to sign up for the side events of their choice. To kick off the weekend, a Sealed Shapeshifter event, for which the demand was so high a second event was arranged to accommodate over 140 players.

The Sealed Shapeshifter format adds an exciting twist to deck building restrictions: booster packs can be a pick-n-mix from different sets, plus players are not restricted by the class or talents of their chosen hero.
Unbeaten competitors after 4 rounds receive double prize tickets as well as a coveted, oversized card! As if that's not enough, the casting team from content creators, Push the Point, set a bounty on their heads. Collectors of which receive a bag bursting with goodies!

Whichever way you turn, each stretch of tables hosts a different side event, featuring player's stashing away tickets for the glistening prize wall.
Friday - The Calling Arrives in the UK!
Cheers erupt as the event hall opens - Welcome to the Calling Birmingham!
Players are abuzz with excitement, gathering from far and wide for the UK's first Calling event.

As lines grow at registration and friends embrace, others look to bling their favourite decks at the vast array of retailer stalls. The prize wall looms over the hall, enticing hopeful victors. The treasures on offer include elusive playmats, shimmering cold foil tokens and oversized playing cards- some of which 4 foot in height!
Light pours from an opening in the corner of the hall. Behind, the streaming team at Tabletop24 brief the excited casting team from Push the Point on the weekends proceedings.

Meanwhile, players take to the seats throughout the hall, kicking off the weekend with a feast of side events. A nervous energy spreads amongst small break-out groups, sneaking in some final testing before tomorrow's premiere event. Since a meta is yet to be established following the recent release of Dusk til Dawn, players can only speculate at the gauntlet that lays ahead.
Welcome to the Calling: Birmingham Mini Live Blog!
Stay tuned for exciting snapshots across the whole weekend...