Gao Zhi-Pheng won Battle Hardened: Taipei with Aurora, Shooting Star.
Top 8 Decklists
Over 65 players gathered in Flesh and Blood to compete in the Classic Constructed Battle Hardened: Taipei last weekend. Only 2 of the Top 8 missed the "Oops, All Aurora" memo and decided to shake things up on their way to the top tables! It's no surprise that Aurora, Shooting Star is leading the pack in Viserai's stead, but to what end? All hands on deck as eyes set sail back to Taipei May 23-25 for the High Seas world premiere! New heroes are ready to drop anchor, eager to chart a course to victory and send Aurora’s reign to Davy Jones’ locker. In the end, it was an Aurora vs. Aurora death match with Pei-Tung Liao falling at the hands of Gao Zhi- Phen. Congratulations to Gao Zhi- Phen for claiming the title of Battle Hardened: Taipei Champ, securing a PTI, Gold Foil, exclusive playmat, and their share of the $2,000 USD loot!