Recap: Battle Hardened: Las Vegas

Jun 12, 2024 Kasharn Rao

bh vegas winner

Brodie Spurlock won Battle Hardened: Las Vegas with Azalea, Ace in the Hole.

(more decklists will be added once confirmed with the tournament organizer)

More than 60 players came together in the Flesh and Blood to Battle Hardened: Las Vegas last weekend to compete in Classic Constructed. The Top 8 was dominated by Part the Mistveil heroes, accompanied by a deadly duo of Rangers, and a cheeky solo Wizard. The final match came down to Brodie Spurlock on Azalea, Ace in the Hole versus Alexander Vore on Kano, Dracai of Aether. Congratulations to Brodie Spurlock for winning the title, PTI, Gold Foil, exclusive playmat, and lion's share of $2,000 USD!