Recap: Battle Hardened Columbus

Sep 05, 2023 Kasharn Rao

More than 110 players rocked up to Columbus for a thrilling Battle Hardened, another grand adventure right off the back of the United States National Championship.

Despite a groundshocking performance by Charles Dunn's fatigue Briar just a week earlier, Lexi has bounced back with full gusto, dominating the field once again.

But a certain hot-headed Ninja seems to be on the rise, even with the cold world against him...


Battle Hardened

Guess who? That's right, it's the incredible Brodie Spurlock, back at it again for another victory!

In the middle of Nationals season you can expect the metagame to be at its very peak, with many decks having learned a harsh lesson from the big leagues and teched out for the next battle.

The Dynamic Duo, Brodie Spurlock and Michael Feng, slinging arrows and taking names, placing in the Top 8 both days, are high on the list for contenders at the upcoming World Championship.

Today, it was Brodie Spurlock, overcoming the avalanche of Lexi players, and a surprising pair of Fai (backed by the infamous Warmonger's Diplomacy), to take first place!

Congratulations to Brodie, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

Copy of FAB Battle Hardened Winner - Brodie Spurlock

Top 8

1st: Brodie Spurlock - Lexi, Livewire

2nd: Jake Smith - Katsu, the Wanderer

3rd-4th: Michael Feng - Lexi, Livewire

3rd-4th: Nicholas Steele - Lexi, Livewire

5th-8th: Andrew Webber - Fai, Rising Rebellion

5th-8th: Bryan Kelly - Lexi, Livewire

5th-8th: Matt Muus - Fai, Rising Rebellion

5th-8th: Ashley Briggs - Lexi, Livewire

PTI Event

More than 50 players tried their hand the next day at the PTI Event! Fai fell short by a hair's breadth this time, and while Lexi had shied away a little in terms of numbers, she still stomped the competition all the way to the top.

Not only did we see the Dynamic Duo again, we also saw appearances from other notable players such as Rhea Adams, Lucas Oswald, and Jonathan Fouk, well on their way to becoming household names.

The day was won by the master himself, Michael Feng, his signature smile in tow.

Congratulations to Michael, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!


Top 8

1st: Michael Feng - Lexi, Livewire

2nd: Lucas Oswald - Lexi, Livewire

3rd-4th: Jonathan Fouk - Kano, Dracai of Aether

3rd-4th: Rhea Adams - Iyslander, Stormbind

5th-8th: Joshua Millar - Uzuri, Switchblade

5th-8th: Daniel Johnson - Dorinthea Ironsong

5th-8th: Dylan Ashcraft - Iyslander, Stormbind

5th-8th: Brodie Spurlock - Lexi, Livewire
