Premier Play Announcement (Mid 2023)

31st Mar 2023

Competitive Flesh and Blood is back, and larger than life!

Firstly, we're bringing the Calling back to Singapore for round two! We can't wait for everyone to come together for an incredible weekend of great games.

Singapore is home to one of the fiercest competitive Flesh and Blood scenes on the planet. The best of the best will fight for glory, but only one will be crowned the Calling Singapore champion!

Secondly, we're bringing not one... not two... but SIX more Battle Hardened events across the globe!

Along with the Callings and Battle Hardened series that have been announced already, this rounds out our Premier Play season leading into Q3 and Nationals. That's not all for this year though... save the date and join us Thursday April 27th at the Player Reception in Baltimore, where we will reveal the rest of our premier events for 2023, as we cover Nationals, Callings, and Battle Hardened that will lead up to the 2023 World Championship!

Pick up your swords, bows, and staffs - and join us in the Flesh and Blood!