Player Interviews: EU and Malaysia Nationals

Nov 12, 2021 Nicola Price

Following our National Championship coverage, we're taking a look at player profiles from Top 8 players around the world, and a special interview with the Spanish National Champion. A huge thank you to all of the local game stores who put these together!

You can also find a number of player interview videos from the French Nationals here.

Spanish National Champion Interview

One year in the making, the title for the first Spanish National Champion has been claimed, and we sat down with Jorge Moreno to discuss his thoughts and strategy behind the awesome run he pulled off while slicing and dicing with a Cintari saber in each hand.

How did you first get into Flesh and Blood?

It all started when my gaming group was left orphaned by the lack of interest in the TCGs of the moment here in Europe. We actually organised a conclave one evening, like seriously gathering around a table considering our options, voting, researching, etc. to see where we wanted to go next because we enjoy playing games as a group.

Flesh and Blood was our favourite, and also the one with a closer release date, so we decided to try it out as soon as it hit Spain and the others were hooked instantly. It took a bit longer for me, because we only had Welcome to Rathe and I jumped into Bravo, but it wasn’t really my kind of deck. too slow for my taste. It was when we finally got our hands into Arcane Rising that I gave it a try with Dash, and that was it, there was the game I had been waiting for.

So you’ve been playing Dash mostly all this time, how come you chose Boltyn for this event then?

I really didn’t know I was going to play Boltyn until the very same week of the event. I had been considering Dash, Boltyn, Prism, and even a last minute change into Briar.

I ruled out Briar because I consider her a little bit unstable, and I knew there would be many Briars at the event anyway so I wanted something that could perform well against that. Prism has lots of natural enemies and I could have some complex matchups with her, so in the last few days the decision was between Dash and Boltyn.

Dash is always close to my heart because I enjoy playing with her the most, but she could have some difficult matchups too, Comboltyn for instance, so it was risky when thinking about making it into the top 8, and the safest choice was Boltyn in the end.

Did knowing that the event had a Classic Constructed + Draft structure affect your decision?

I was about to say that it didn’t, but it actually did. I enjoy playing with Boltyn, but three or four matches into the event you start feeling that you’re doing the same exact thing over and over, and it starts getting a little bit boring. I thought I could play something more fun, like Dash, but I hadn’t been able to practice Tales of Aria drafts all that much, just twice, so I needed to go for a safer choice to guarantee those five rounds of classic constructed and still be able to perform well should I make it into the top 8.

How did you prepare for the event? How much time did you spend practising?

Honestly, way less time than I would have liked. I’m of a certain age, I have my work, my wife, but most of all, I have children. So that’s school, extracurriculars, bedtime, family time… And I’m lucky enough that my wife, Mamen, takes care of the kids many times so that I can also disconnect and play, so I appreciate her supporting me all this time. I mean, I love my kids, but it’s super nice to be able to enjoy a game like Flesh and Blood too.

And also, I have some very good friends that are always available for late testing after I have put my kids to bed, because I usually can’t attend that many events, and at night is when I can practise more easily. Without my wife and friends I wouldn’t be able to play much.

And during the event, what did you find the most challenging? Any particular matchup or situation that stood out to you?

Curiously enough, the most difficult game was the first one on Saturday morning, and it should have been favourable to me because I went against Prism and I had that matchup under control.

So there’s this crucial card against Prism, Timestamp Potion, and it was 8:30 in the morning, and I started drawing hands first, second, third turn… And then I started thinking, “Jorge, have you included the three potions? Please, tell me you have”. And my brain instantly replied, “Nope”. I got really nervous at the realisation, so I pivoted into playing my Lumina Ascension slowly one by one so he would use his Arc Light Sentinels, and I managed to play the third one after a couple of Sentinels, which allowed me to close the game, but I was convinced I was out at first.

And obviously the final against Dori was challenging too, because even if I run many reactions, her equipment gives her outstanding defending possibilities. Dorothea can easily defend one whole saber combo that way, so you need to make sure you play as many Luminas as possible together. I was lucky enough to find the third Lumina early and gain an incredible advantage from that, but I sure was hoping the final wasn’t against Dori.

Based on what you’ve seen at the event, what do you think about the format at the moment?

I think we’re currently at a very sweet moment in the game. You can win with Dori, you can win with Dash, Boltyn, Briar… You can perform very well with many of the heroes even if some of them are played more often than others, so I think sticking to one class is no guarantee, all of them can be beaten.

Yes, ok, Briar is hard to beat and it allows you to keep a good attacking rhythm, but what happens when you go against on-hit attacks? I think we’re still figuring out the new metagame with Tales of Aria, and in my opinion Briar is yet to be crowned queen.

So you’re now the first National Champion of Flesh and Blood in Spain, and we have The Calling coming up here in Europe. Does this win change your approach to the event? What are your plans?

The Calling: Utrecht was initially planned as going on a trip with friends, playing some games and having lots of fun (and lots of good beer…). It’s something I want to enjoy and not take super seriously, because with two kids at home I’m not able to go on these sorts of trips often.

Am I going to play giving it my best? Of course, but, while Nationals was all about practising as much as possible and taking it seriously, for me The Calling is half serious and half “I really want to have some fun with my friends these four days”, so I don’t know how that will affect my gameplay. And I have no idea what I’m going to play because one whole day playing Boltyn could be quite heavy, and maybe his counter (Ice) could be an option, but I’ll figure it out with the idea in mind that I’m mostly going to Utrecht to have some fun.

Top 8 Player Interviews - Germany

Christian Hauck

What was the best card in your deck this weekend?
Channel Mount Heroic

What is the best card in Tales of Aria Draft? What is the best one in CC?
Weave Lightning Red / Channel Mount Heroic

What is the best deck in Classic Constructed?
Channel Mount Briar

What card do you most want to see pack 1, pick 1 in a Tales of Aria Draft?
Winter's Wail / Pulse of Volthaven

What is your favourites Tales of Aria hero to draft?

What card from Tales of Aria do you think is going to make the biggest impact on CC?
Channel Mount Heroic

What is your favourite FAB card?
Teklo Foundry Heart

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Arcane Rising

Who is the best Runeblade?

Someone asks you why you play Flesh and Blood. What is your answer?
Completely new play pattern.

What are your top 2 recommendations for new players?
Start with limited, stick to one deck.

Christian Weissling

What is the best card in Tales of Aria Draft? What is the best one in CC?
Ball Lightning

What card do you most want to see pack 1, pick 1 in a Tales of Aria Draft?
Ball Lightning / Autumn's Touch

What is your favourite FAB card?
Mask of Momentum

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Crucible of War

Who is the best Runeblade?
Briar, Warden of Thorns

Klintworth Jean-Paul

What was the best card in your deck this weekend?
Cintari Saber

What is the best card in Tales of Aria draft? What is the best one in CC?
Winter's Wail / Rampart

What is the best deck in Classic Constructed?

What card do you most want to see pack 1, pick 1 in a Tales of Aria draft?
Hearth of Ice

What is your favourites Tales of Aria hero to draft?

What card from Tales of Aria do you think is going to make the biggest impact on CC?

What is your favourite FAB card?
Beacon of Victory

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Tales of Aria

Who is the best Runeblade?

Someone asks you why you play Flesh and Blood. What is your answer?
I was asked to play with a friend

What are your top 2 recommendations for new players?
Play different decks, it's okay to take damage if needed

Matthias Hittel

What was the best card in your deck this weekend?
Channel Mount Heroic

What is the best card in Tales of Aria Draft? What is the best one in CC?
Tear Asunder / Winter's Wail

What is the best deck in Classic Constructed?
Channel Mount Briar

What card do you most want to see pack 1, pick 1 in a Tales of Aria Draft?
Winter's Wail

What is your favourites Tales of Aria hero to draft?
Hybrid Briar

What card from Tales of Aria do you think is going to make the biggest impact on CC?
Channel Mount Heroic

What is your favourite FAB card?
Arknight Shard

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Tales of Aria

Who is the best Runeblade?

Someone asks you why you play Flesh and Blood. What is your answer?
It is fun and challenging

What are your top 2 recommendations for new players?
Learn the rules and just keep playing

Maximillian Klein

What was the best card in your deck this weekend?
Three of a Kind

What is the best card in Tales of Aria Draft? What is the best one in CC?
Channel Mount Heroic / Tear Asunder

What is the best deck in Classic Constructed?

What card do you most want to see pack 1, pick 1 in a Tales of Aria Draft?
New Horizon

What is your favourites Tales of Aria hero to draft?

What card from Tales of Aria do you think is going to make the biggest impact on CC?
Tear Asunder

What is your favourite FAB card?

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Crucible of War

What part of Rathe would you most like to visit next?

Who is the best Runeblade?

Someone asks you why you play Flesh and Blood. What is your answer?
Because you always have good games

What are your top 2 recommendations for new players?
Just play what you like.

Philip King

What was the best card in your deck this weekend?
Channel Lake Frigid

What is the best card in Tales of Aria Draft? What is the best one in CC?
Overflex Rot

What is the best deck in Classic Constructed?
Unfortunately for me, Bravo

What card do you most want to see pack 1, pick 1 in a Tales of Aria Draft?
New Horizon

What is your favourites Tales of Aria hero to draft?

What card from Tales of Aria do you think is going to make the biggest impact on CC?
Luckily for me, Ball Lightning

What is your favourite FAB card?
Art: Cold Foil Shock Charms; Combo Wise: Lord of the Wind

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Tales of Aria - great art style and limited play

What part of Rathe would you most like to visit next?
Aria, Coax a Commotion style.

Who is the best Runeblade?

Someone asks you why you play Flesh and Blood. What is your answer?
I love it, great people

What are your top 2 recommendations for new players?
Find a nice Mentor to help you out, great people and spirit.

Sebastian Golla

What was the best card in your deck this weekend?
Crown of Seeds

What is the best card in Tales of Aria Draft? What is the best one in CC?
Winter's Wail / Crown of Seeds

What is the best deck in Classic Constructed?
Hatchet Dorinthea

What card do you most want to see pack 1, pick 1 in a Tales of Aria Draft?
Deep Blue

What is your favourites Tales of Aria hero to draft?

What card from Tales of Aria do you think is going to make the biggest impact on CC?
Crown of Seeds

What is your favourite FAB card?
Pursuit of Knowledge

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Tales of Aria

What part of Rathe would you most like to visit next?
The Pits

Who is the best Runeblade?

Someone asks you why you play Flesh and Blood. What is your answer?
For Fun

What are your top 2 recommendations for new players?
Follow your heart, and don't believe the hype

Szymon Wrzesień-Kwiatkowski

What was the best card in your deck this weekend?
Plunder Run

What is the best card in Tales of Aria Draft? What is the best one in CC?
Ball Lightning / Rosetta Thorn

What is the best deck in Classic Constructed?

What card do you most want to see pack 1, pick 1 in a Tales of Aria Draft?
Ball Lightning (Red)

What is your favourites Tales of Aria hero to draft?

What card from Tales of Aria do you think is going to make the biggest impact on CC?
Rosetta Thorn

What is your favourite FAB card?

What is your favourite FAB set so far?

What part of Rathe would you most like to visit next?
Savage Lands

Who is the best Runeblade?
Power: Briar / Gameplay: Chane

Someone asks you why you play Flesh and Blood. What is your answer?
Interactive and skill-intensive

What are your top 2 recommendations for new players?
Welcome to Rathe Limited, find a store with active players

Top 8 Player Interviews - Malaysia

Barry Sangabo Sirimanne

Day 1 Classic Constructed Score / Day 2 Draft Score
 3-2 / 2-1

What is your full time job?

What is your favorite card in your classic constructed deck?
Luminaris (my favorite deck, not the one I used in this event)

What is your favorite card in your draft deck?
Bramble Spark

What will be the next class you would like to see in the upcoming Flesh and Blood set?

Davin Shin

Day 1 Classic Constructed Score / Day 2 Draft Score
4-2 / 2-1

What is your full time job?
Logistics Manager

What is your favorite card in your classic constructed deck?
Plunder Run

What will be the next class you would like to see in the upcoming Flesh and Blood set?
More Brute

Saiful Bahari b. Hassan

Day 1 Classic Constructed Score / Day 2 Draft Score
5-0 / 1-2

What is your full time job?
Senior IT Consultant

What brought you into Flesh and Blood?
Classroom Café, Eric the boss

What is your favorite card in your draft deck?
Bramble Spark

What will be the next class you would like to see in the upcoming Flesh and Blood set?
Light / Monk Ninja

Lee Derk Hua

Day 1 Classic Constructed Score / Day 2 Draft Score
3-2 / 3-0

What is your full time job?

What brought you into Flesh and Blood?
A friend dragged me to an LGS to watch an armory

What is your favorite card in your classic constructed deck?
High Octane

What is your favorite card in your draft deck?
Entangle (R)

Abdul Salam

Day 1 Classic Constructed Score / Day 2 Draft Score
4-1 / 2-1

What is your full time job?
I am a mobile app developer

What is your favorite card in your classic constructed deck?

What is your favorite card in your draft deck?
Bramble Spark

What will be the next class you would like to see in the upcoming Flesh and Blood set?
A new Ninja variant

Clement Ling

Day 1 Classic Constructed Score / Day 2 Draft Score
3-2 / 2-1

What is your full time job?

What is your favorite card in your classic constructed deck?
New Horizon

What is your favorite card in your draft deck?
Ball lightning

What will be the next class you would like to see in the upcoming Flesh and Blood set?

Top 8 Interviews - Bulgaria

Filip Dvorski

What card made your games today?
Lexi's bow - it's such a good card!

What is your favourite keyword?
Blood Debt, I like how interesting it makes the play.

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Arcane Rising. I'm not a fan of the light heroes (the Illusionist class is cool, but Prism - not so much). I like the darker side of Monarch.

What is your favourite hero to draft?
Oldhim. I would love to draft Chane too, but I haven't actually, so far.

Alexandar Atanasov

What is your favourite set so far?
Monarch, definitely.

What is your favourite FAB card?
There is one from Crucible [of War] - Blessing of Serenity. I love it's art and vibe!

Which card from Tales of Aria is going to make the biggest impact in CC, in your opinion?
Ball Lightning.

Victor Stoyanov

Which card from Tales of Aria is going to make the biggest impact in CC, in your opinion?
Rosetta Thorn, absolutely. That card!

What is your favourite card?
Push the Point.

What do you think is the best card in the format?
Either Command & Conquer, or Enlightened Strike.

Plamen Marekov

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Definitely Welcome to Rathe - I think it is the most wholesome set so far, mechanics-wise.

What part of Rathe would you most like to visit next?
Solana, but with clerics.

What is your favourite keyword?
"Reprise" - because it encourages smart play, mind games and interesting situations.

Alexios Plomaritis

What is your favourite keyword?
"Go again", haha.

What was the best card in your deck today?
Lumina Ascension.

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Tales of Aria, Aria is good.

Pavel Ivanov

What is the card in your deck that did the best job today?
Sting of Sorcery, absolutely.

What is the best deck in the format, in your opinion?
Prism, it's a vicious deck, especially Plamen's Prism.

What is your favourite keyword?
"Go Again", there's no need to even think about it.

Top 8 Player Interviews - Switzerland

Stefan Stäger

What was the best card in your deck today?
Raydn, Duskbane, and V of the Vanguard were my absolute key cards for today.

What is the best card in the format, according to you?
In my opinion, in CC, Plunder Run (red), because it pushes Briar and makes her attacks deadlier. And for Boltyn it is a free Go Again.

What is your favorite FAB card?
Good question, artwork wise Mask of Momentum is my absolute favorite, and Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn, because it was my starting hero in FAB.

What is your favorite FAB set so far?
As a person of artwork I like Tales [of Aria] but if i have to decide overall, I go for Monarch.

Kevin Wülse

What was the best card in your deck today?
I would say today Ball Lightning was my top key card, but I also liked Rosetta Thorn and Razor Reflex.

What is the best card in the format, according to you?
Good question, in my opinion I think Plunder Run (red) is really strong because it can be played in many decks and is very versatile.

What is your favorite FAB card?
My favourite card is Kano. And artwork-wise, I like Seeds of Agony.

What is your favourite FAB set so far?

Julien Gremion

What was the best card in your deck today?
I would say probably all cards that helped me to generate frostbite tokens

What is the best card in the format, according to you?
I don't know if I can say just one card, it is hard to say. If I look at the meta, I would say all zero cost cards that can give go again.

What is your favourite FAB card?
I will go for Induction Chamber, both artwork-wise, and it can be a real threat (or a good card).

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
I will say Tales of Aria because of the new mechanics and the beautiful artwork. I like the new fuse mechanic.

David Schoch

What was the best card in your deck today?
 My absolute favourite for today was Lightning Press.

What is the best card in the format, according to you?
Hard to tell. But in my opinion Sting of Sorcery in combination with Flicker Wisp destroyed me today.

What is your favourite FAB card?
Whelming Gustwave because I started with katsu and it brings good memories, great combo!

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
My favourite set is Arcane Rising, because it was my first display I bought and therefore my entry point in FAB.

Ralph Schlauri

What was the best card in your deck today?
Hard to tell, I would go with Bloodrush Bellow. I had really strong turns with this card.

What is the best card in the format, according to you?
Another hard question. I think Bloodrush Bellow. I mean Bloodrush Bellow with Levia is just crazy. And overall I would say Art of War.

What is your favourite FAB card?
Shadow of Blasmophet. Because each time when I play it every can happen.

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Without a doubt it's Monarch, because all my favourite heroes are from Monarch.

Michael Wachouschek

What was the best card in your deck today?
Today, I would say Shadow Puppetry. It helped me in so many times because it is so versatile.

What is the best card in the format, according to you?
I am not so sure, it's a really hard question. I'll go with Enlightened Strike. You can play it everywhere and it is very strong.

What is your favourite FAB card?
Chane, I like his playstyle.

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Monarch, it was my entry point and a cool designed set, overall speaking.

Jean Michael Wagner Santana

What was the best card in your deck today?
I don't have a real MVP, my deck worked perfectly together today.

What is the best card in the format, according to you?
Hard to tell, I think that every card that works in Briar is dangerous, because it makes that deck incredibly strong.

What is your favourite FAB card?
In my opinion, Channel Lake Frigi alternate art is an absolute beauty, I really love that artwork.

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Crucible of War, it was a super set that supported a lot of heroes.

Pascal Weiler

What was the best card in your deck today?
Pummel by far! A lot of games were decided thanks to Pummel.

What is the best card in the format, according to you?
I think Command and Conquer, it brings a lot of control to play around defense reactions.

What is your favourite FAB card?
For me, Seeds of Agony, because of artwork and lore background. And playability I would go with Crown of Seeds, because it gives fun gameplay with Oldhim.

What is your favourite FAB set so far?
Overall, Welcome to Rathe, and for drafting, Tales of Aria.