Merry Christmas

Dec 25, 2022 James White

2022 has been filled with many highlights and milestones. It's been like witnessing the vision I've held onto firmly for many years finally spreading its wings to take flight.

This year I have been fortunate to travel to many amazing places around the world and meet many wonderful people, all because of a common interest of playing great games that spans the globe.

While it has been an ultra-proud moment to crown two Pro Tour champions and our first World Champion, the most touching moments have been the countless stories people have shared with me about how Flesh and Blood has been an important and positive part of their lives.

Stories about overcoming depression and social anxiety through connecting with local people with a common interest. Stories about fathers and sons, husbands and wives, forging closer relationships over the gaming table. Stories of old school gamers who are getting to relive the “play the game, see the world” experiences of their youth. Stories of people who feel they have found that place in the world, that we all need, where they are welcomed and belong.

The greatest highlight for me has simply been seeing how Flesh and Blood has been a positive element in the lives of people across the world, in many different ways.

Thank you to all the players, collectors, retailers, content creators, cosplayers, event partners, judge community, artists, and LSS team members around the world. It is you, the people, who bring Flesh and Blood to life and create our thriving global community that is changing people’s lives for the better.

I wish you and your families a wonderful festive season and a healthy, success filled year ahead.

Happy holidays,

James White
Founder and CEO
Legend Story Studios