Bright Lights - Out Now!

Oct 06, 2023 Kasharn Rao

"First day on the job, huh rookie?

Let me show you how it really works around here. I used to be a simple security droid, a mindless slave to the big shots. Until I was rewired, rebuilt, reborn. Now I am free, and I can see the paved-over lives these so-called beautiful skyscrapers are built upon.

The rebels - 01110111011001010110110001100011011011110110110101100101 - pardon me, that's just a glitch in my programming. Where was I?

The rebels cut me from the strings of the elite, and gave me true purpose. The Iron Assembly, Mendacity, Teklo Industries... it all has to go. That's where you come in, rookie. In front of you is a crate containing a twin drive and a boom grenade. For goodness sake, don't drop it! I'm sending you coordinates now.

Good luck!"

-Teklo Industries Archive Security Program v 2.0 [REMODELED]

M-BOOST Twin Drive (SimonDominicBrewer)

What a banger of a spoiler season! Everyone really got into character this time, and we had some truly excellent productions that were an absolute joy to watch. If you haven't been keeping up with Bright Lights, Dash is back and this time she's packing a bigger punch than ever with the help of Data Doll, who has been merged with Dash's tech. This has caused friction between Dash and her former ally Maxx Nitro, who has his renegade heart set on blowing the towers of Metrix sky high!

Meanwhile, the founder of cutting edge Teklo Industries, the esteemed Jules Teklovossen, was believed to have disappeared. But he was merely biding his time, developing the technology to become something more than human. And boy, did he deliver on that promise...

Bright Lights ushers in the new age of technology in Rathe, bringing dynamic gameplay with mechanized Evo equipment that starts in your deck! Building your own mech suit to stomp the competition has been a blast, and with so many new mechanics it's a good idea to freshen up on the rules.

Everyone's excited to see how the three new Mechanologists impact the metagame! We have a series of Dev Download articles dropping next week, which will take you through the ins and outs of these heroes in both Booster Draft and Classic Constructed.

Pre-Release plunged players into the bustling streets of Metrix, forcing them to think on the fly and cobble together mechanical shenanigans to boost their way to victory! Events like these are a special time where the community comes together to celebrate a new set release. Cracking packs, cracking jokes, and cracking skulls with a fully loaded Terminator Tank has been so much fun!

With more than 15,000 players attending Pre-Releases around the world so far, and many more events taking place this weekend, let's check out a few highlights:

And so it's that time again, to get together with your mates, rip open packs of the latest set, and whoop at the marvels hidden within. Remember that Bright Lights debuts the new Crack Shuffle Play format, which is a great way to squeeze some quick games in with your friends. One way I like to do this is by removing the last 2 cards in the pack, shuffling the rest together without even looking at it, then randomly deciding on a hero. This makes for really entertaining games with crazy twists that neither player sees coming!

Crack Shuffle Play

We love seeing what treasures you open, so please share your pulls with us online! There's much to be explored in Bright Lights, so keep sharing your gameplay tips, decklists, and ideas with each other as we put the pedal to the metal!