Recap: Calling: Warsaw

May 17, 2024 Kasharn Rao

We hope you're all well-rested from the last trailing adventures of Heavy Hitters season, and feeling refreshed for the mist-shrouded secrets lying beyond the veil.

Players came together in Warsaw last weekend to compete for Gold Foils, PTIs, championship title bragging rights, and of course, a jaw-dropping $30,000 USD! What an awesome location to throw down, we trust you enjoyed the trek!

Kayo continues on an accelerated growth spurt, followed closely by swordslingers, but the breakout star this weekend was none other than the boogeyman of Flesh and Blood himself, with back to back wins!

As the World Premiere of Part the Mistveil kicks off, let's take this chance to honour our freshly crowned champions, and wave goodbye to the Deathmatch Arena as we venture into unknown territory...

calling: warsaw

The Calling

More than 460 players rocked up to Calling: Warsaw to try their hand and snatching greatness. While the metagame remains incredibly diverse in terms of overall representation, Kayo has proven himself as the undisputable king of the arena, outnumbering the rest of the field by a large margin. Definitively the deck to beat for this tournament, there were no doubt some players who thanked their lucky stars that they had remembered to pack their Balance of Justice, Hold the Lines, or whatever tools they had in mind to counter the one-armed bandit.

But Kayo's reign was burnt to cinders in the finals, as everyone's favourite (don't @ me) Wizard returned to play some smoke and mirrors, claiming his first ever Classic Constructed Calling victory! Congratulations to Vincent Weinzierl, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

Top 8

1st: Vincent Weinzierl - Kano, Dracai of Aether

2nd: Kanaris Bounas - Kayo, Armed and Dangerous

3rd-4th: Gianluigi Lia - Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn

3rd-4th: Jan Kučera - Kano, Dracai of Aether

5th-8th: Brodie Spurlock - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

5th-8th: Jacob Trossing - Dorinthea Ironsong

5th-8th: Alex Chițu - Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

5th-8th: Thomas Preyer - Dash I/O

Battle Hardened

More than 180 brave souls clashed for Gold Foils, PTIs, and $2,000 USD in Sunday's Battle Hardened, testing their strength in Classic Constructed once more. The metagame consisted of another diverse spread, with Kayo being the most prominent lump of Marmite on the toast.

But who could have guessed that Kano wasn't finished playing with his food? Everyone's undeniably favourite Wizard returned to claim his second victory for the weekend! Congratulations to Jesse Härmälä, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!

Top 8

1st: Jesse Härmälä - Kano, Dracai of Aether

2nd: Faustin Falissard - Dorinthea Ironsong

3rd-4th: Florin-Cristian Loghin - Victor Goldmane, High and Mighty

3rd-4th: Pawel Kosminski - Kayo, Armed and Dangerous

5th-8th: 원률 신 - Prism, Awakener of Sol

5th-8th: Francesco Giorgio - Kayo, Armed and Dangerous

5th-8th: Samuel Braben - Kano, Dracai of Aether

5th-8th: Wojtek Klimczyk - Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

A triple threat graced the stage at the Cosplay Contest, with some truly ingenious creativity. We are constantly mindblown by what our talented cosplay community is capable of, and we can't wait to see what they cook up next!

Side events were a smash hit at Warsaw, especially with the gorgeous new Oasis Respite Alternate Art promo up for grabs! Congratulations to Jonas Stoberock for taking down the frosty Commoner Gold Foil with Chane!

Familiar faces met new ones and old, allowing bonds to be made that transcend the limits of physical location. We were stoked to send our boy Karol of course, and it was also fantastic to see fans pick up precious sketches from Mariusz Gandzel, Mateusz Wisniewski, and Tomasz Jedruszek!

Thank you to everyone who attended, and to our amazing coverage and casting team, judges, staff, Living Realms, and everyone else who helped make this leg in the Pro Play Circuit possible!

Now turn your eyes to Tokyo, as we unveil secrets that have laid hidden for centuries...