Recap: Battle Hardened Wallonia

Nov 29, 2023 Kasharn Rao

More than 120 players rocked up to Wallonia to partake in a brawl fresh from Lexi's clutches. Riding off the back of the World Championship, the battlefield was a free-for-all, with Gold Foils, PTIs, exclusive playmats, and $2,000 USD on the line!

Iyslander weaved her frosty fingertips once more, this time forming a farewell wave to Rathe. Wallonia marks the last landscape to be frozen solid by Ice heroes in Classic Constructed (until Winter rolls around again).

Players dived into action again on Sunday with yet another gauntlet of Classic Constructed, striving to lock in that precious PTI!

BH round shot 4

Battle Hardened

The queen of the Bleak Expanse didn't go unopposed, with a formidable clan of Ninjas slicing their way to several seats in the top cut. But it wasn't enough to oust the terrifying Elemental wrath that Iyslander is famous for. As the last bastion of Ice in Classic Constructed, Iyslander kept the opposition blanketed with snow, eventually extinguishing the flames of a hopeful Dromai in order to secure her final win. With this last victory, Iyslander ascended to Living Legend, taking the cold with her and promising a warm summer for Flesh and Blood fans everywhere.

Congratulations to Kevin Zänker, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!


Top 8

1st: Kevin Zänker - Iyslander, Stormbind

2nd: Albert Guyo - Dromai, Ash Artist

3rd-4th: Michaele Teppa - Iyslander, Stormbind

3rd-4th: Lucas Nijssen - Iyslander, Stormbind

5th-8th: Jimmy Niro Demers - Katsu, the Wanderer

5th-8th: Pietro Giraudo - Katsu, the Wanderer

5th-8th: Lucas Michel - Rhinar, Reckless Rampage

5th-8th: Alex Chițu - Fai, Rising Rebellion

PTI Event

More than 60 players tried their hand on Day 2, boiling down to a final match been the original grandmaster and the same brave Dromai from yesterday, ready to command their dragons against any danger. But ultimately the win was claimed by Katsu!

Congratulations to Jimmy Niro Demers, and to the rest of our Top 8 competitors!


Top 8

1st: Jimmy Niro Demers - Katsu, the Wanderer

2nd: Albert Guyo - Dromai, Ash Artist

3rd-4th: Brodie Spurlock - Iyslander, Stormbind

3rd-4th: Julian Felix Flury - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

5th-8th: Jean Luka Zorko - Dromai, Ash Artist

5th-8th: Savinien Castel - Iyslander, Stormbind

5th-8th: Jonas Stoberock - Dromai, Ash Artist

5th-8th: Louis Guillot - Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire