The Calling: Antwerp is this weekend!

May 18, 2023 Kasharn Rao

The first major European tournament of 2023 is finally upon us! With $20,000 USD, Gold Foil Legendaries, and PTIs up for grabs, make sure you've snatched up your tickets before it's too late!

From May 19th to 21st players will be bringing their best to Belgium as they battle through several rounds of Classic Constructed for their chance at the title. There's lots on offer at the Calling: Antwerp, so round up your mates and come along for a weekend of good games and great times.

A wide array of heroes are breaking out to the front of the pack - but who will take home the glory? Will we see an Elemental hero rise to the ranks of Living Legend, or will one of the Outsiders make their bloodstained mark? It could be anyone's game!

For those of you who can't make it, fear not - there are ways to keep up with the action from the comfort of your living room.



Don't forget to register! Make sure to grab your ticket package and score some sweet promos. Check the Tournament Center schedule and event details to ensure you don't miss out.

Things to do... People to see...

There's no shortage of fun at the Calling: Antwerp! Sign up for the Sunday Sealed Battle Hardened, or any of the side events such as Blitz Super Armory, World Guide Commoner, or Silver Palms Ultimate Pit Fight!

Bring your favourite Flesh and Blood character to life through costume and you could win a stunning Taylor promo in the Cosplay Contest!

Special guest Mateusz Wisniewski, the artist behind Vynserakai, Water Glow Lanterns, and more, will be attending - now's your chance to get a signature and chat about the craft!

Even if you're new to the game there's so much on offer, so come down to the Antwerp Expo and check things out - you'll have a blast!

Where to watch?

The event is being covered live on community stream hosted by L'Oeil d'Ophedia, so be sure to tune in to watch some amazing matches!

We're also pleased to announce that after receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback on the Pro Tour: Baltimore Live Blog, we are bringing a mini Live Blog to the Calling: Antwerp! Here you'll be able to check live pairings, results, and standings, as well as snippets throughout the weekend brought to you by local guest writers. Stay tuned...
