
Tamer of Purpose

In the rolling mountain ranges of Misteria, among the rustling leaves and tranquil streams, there strides a figure of quiet strength and unwavering resolve: Zen, the stoic pilgrim of Misteria. With each step, he treads the delicate balance between the physical and mystical world, his presence a beacon of wisdom and enlightenment in a land shrouded in shadow.

Born of humble origins yet possessing an innate connection to the cosmic energies that flow through the universe, Zen began his journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Through years of rigorous training and introspection, he has honed his mind and body into instruments of harmonious equilibrium, capable of harnessing the boundless power of chi to restore balance to the world.

In his travels Zen has encountered both friend and foe, guiding lost souls towards the path of righteousness and standing as a bastion of hope against the encroaching darkness. He has walked every inch of these lands, taming the unruly spirits and wayward ronin, and found enlightenment in the Peaks of Misteria. With each encounter he imparts the timeless wisdom of the ages, teaching the values of compassion, swift unbowing judgment, and inner peace.

As the shadows of uncertainty loom across Rathe, Zen remains steadfast in his commitment to uphold the virtues of justice and righteousness. With unwavering determination and boundless compassion, he embarks on a quest to witness all aspects of his land and restore harmony to the land of Misteria, his unwavering spirit a testament to the indomitable power of the human spirit.

Hero Highlights

Eye of the Tiger

Turning peace to ferocity, Zen uses moments of calm to plan his next attacks to unfathomable precision. By harnessing the power of Crouching Tigers, he can unleash more attacks than any opponent can hope to defend.

Cat-like Reflexes

Zen can be as elusive as he is deadly. Powerful defense reactions and blocks, as well as the tranquility needed to enter into a defensive Zen State, will surely have Zen’s opponents chasing their tail as they try to pin him down.

Walk the Path

Zen, Tamer of Purpose

Each step of Zen’s journey to restore balance to the universe brings him closer to true enlightenment. He follows the winds in search of purpose, maintaining harmony wherever he goes.

Zen, Tamer of Purpose

Each step of Zen’s journey to restore balance to the universe brings him closer to true enlightenment. He follows the winds in search of purpose, maintaining harmony wherever he goes.


Years of training and discipline will shape this humble young Ninja into a master of chi.


Years of training and discipline will shape this humble young Ninja into a master of chi.

Tiger Taming Khakkara

Power comes from balance. The Khakkara is an extension of yourself - nimble, steadfast, and unyielding.

Sacred Art: Jade Tiger Domain

"Two paths beckon: one, disciplined under the seething sun; the other, unleashed fury, a beast unchained."

Inner Chi

The true meaning of purpose lies beyond what the mind, body, and soul have been trained to do. Answers are nothing without the unwavering urge to find them.

Qi Unleashed

The calm finally gives way to ferocity, each careful step a quiet preparation for the final deadly strike.

Companion of the Claw

Mystical spirits guide those who walk the righteous path, bestowing upon them a cosmic energy.



Crouching Tiger

The art of the Crouching Tiger is delicate, forming small quick strikes that lead into devastating blows.