
Alluring Desire

Amidst the ethereal ambiance of Mistcloak Gully, there exists a figure of captivating allure and enigmatic grace: Madame Nuu, the proprietor of the Mistcloak Teahouse. With a delicate yet commanding presence, she weaves human souls with her fingertips and tantalizes with her power over mortals, enchanting patrons who are drawn to the whispers of her Vipressa.

Nuu's origins are shrouded in mist, her past a labyrinth of secrets and shadows. With every sway of her hips and arch of her brow, she whispers tales of seduction and intrigue, a siren beckoning sailors into the depths of her mystery. Beneath her beguiling exterior lies a tempest of emotions, fueled by the echoes of past betrayals and the ache of sorrows unspoken.

In the realm of her teahouse, Nuu is both hostess and seductress, her presence suffused with an otherworldly allure that beckons guests to lose themselves in the intoxicating embrace of her sanctum. Behind the infamous luster of her teahouse, Nuu still remains a mystery to all folk in Mistcloak Gully—a fleeting silhouette behind sliding doors and the mask of aromatic steam.

With each sip of tea and every flicker of candlelight, Nuu's legacy unfolds, a tale of resourcefulness in the face of adversity and the timeless mystique of the unknown. But beware, for beneath her seductive facade lies a danger as seductive as it is deadly—she is beauty and disaster, both flirtatious and dangerous, luring her victims into the snake's fangs before striking with vicious precision.

Hero Highlights

Self-Destruction Driven by Seduction

To Nuu, there is nothing more sensual than a murder crafted by the victim’s own hands. Slowly and stealthily, Nuu will turn her prey’s thoughts, desires, and eventually their very actions to her will.

Strike of the Snake

Nuu’s prowess isn’t limited to the battlefield of the mind. She’s able to modify her attacks at a moment’s notice, seemingly producing the tools to do so out of thin air.

Come a Little Closer

Nuu, Alluring Desire

You can’t help but fall for that seductive smile as it draws you closer, ignoring the warning signs of venomous intent lurking just beneath the surface…

Nuu, Alluring Desire

You can’t help but fall for that seductive smile as it draws you closer, ignoring the warning signs of venomous intent lurking just beneath the surface…


Attraction can be fatal. Nuu knows that better than anyone.


Attraction can be fatal. Nuu knows that better than anyone.

Beckoning Mistblade

The ornate jade bite is beautiful, yet deadly. Carve your target’s fate by using their past mistakes against them.

Sacred Art: Undercurrent Desires

"With each velvet touch, and whispered smile, the tapestry of fate weaves an epic of woe and anguish."

Inner Chi

The true meaning of desire lies beyond the simple needs of mind, body, and soul. Once you understand true desire, you shall become a force of nature nobody can resist.

Desires of Flesh

Relax, let your troubles flow away with the tides. You are safe here.


Flickering candlelight, aromatic incense, calming tea… Mystical properties designed to distract and disarm.



Fang Strike

I promise I won’t bite…


Just when you think you’re in control… the snake sheds its skin.