Victory Point

112 Brunswick St, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA

Upcoming Tournaments

- 6 - days away

Armory Event

Thu 19th Dec, 6:30 PM Classic Constructed

112 Brunswick St, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA

Prizing will be CF Spirit of Christmas for the winner and Pack Per win.


CF Regrowth // Shock and Spirit of Christmas playmat will be an end of month raffle. (Both separate) Each entry into an armory will give you an entry into the raffle. At the end of the month I will do a random draw and pick a winner. Entry will be $15/person. One person cannot win both raffles.

- 13 - days away

Armory Event

Thu 26th Dec, 6:30 PM Classic Constructed

112 Brunswick St, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA

Prizing will be CF Spirit of Christmas for the winner and Pack Per win.


CF Regrowth // Shock and Spirit of Christmas playmat will be an end of month raffle. (Both separate) Each entry into an armory will give you an entry into the raffle. At the end of the month I will do a random draw and pick a winner. Entry will be $15/person. One person cannot win both raffles.

- 43 - days away

The Hunted Pre-release

Sat 25th Jan, 7 PM Sealed Deck

112 Brunswick St, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA

Event promo pack for first 12 registed players
Entry comes with 6 packs to form a Sealed Deck.
(Prizing TBA)