5560 W Broadway Ave, Crystal, MN 55428, USA

Ph: (763) 528-0263Email:

Armory day: Sunday

Upcoming Tournaments

- 2 - days away

Armory Event

Sun 15th Dec, 6 PM Classic Constructed

5560 W Broadway, Crystal, MN 55428, USA

$10 Entry
Format: Standard / 3 Rounds of Swiss
Undefeated players receive 5 Packs & 1 Cold Foil Promo 
2-x players receive 3 Packs & 1 Rainbow Foil Promo 
All players receive at least 1 Packs & 1 Rainbow Foil Promo 

- 9 - days away

Armory Event

Sun 22nd Dec, 6 PM Classic Constructed

5560 W Broadway, Crystal, MN 55428, USA

$10 Entry
Format: Standard / 3 Rounds of Swiss
Undefeated players receive 5 Packs & 1 Cold Foil Promo 
2-x players receive 3 Packs & 1 Rainbow Foil Promo 
All players receive at least 1 Packs & 1 Rainbow Foil Promo 

- 44 - days away

The Hunted Pre-release

Sun 26th Jan, 6 PM Sealed Deck Event Link

5560 W Broadway, Crystal, MN 55428, USA

PreRegistration & PreOrder Link:

Sun January 26th: 6 PM

$40 Entry

Format: Sealed / 3 Rounds of Swiss / 32 Player Cap

You will receive 8 The Hunted Packs and 1 The Hunted 10-card PreRelease pack. The Equipment card is the only card the can be used in your PreRelease Deck. Heroes will be available to choose and each player will be given 30 mins to build a 30 card deck then the tournament begins!

Undefeated players receive 4 Packs of The Hunted
2-x players receive 2 Packs of The Hunted

All players receive at least 1 Pack of The Hunted

Additional Prizes will be announced at a later date

- 16 - days away

Armory Event

Sun 29th Dec, 6 PM Classic Constructed

5560 W Broadway, Crystal, MN 55428, USA

$20 Entry
Format: Standard / 3 Rounds of Swiss
Undefeated players split 1 Box of their choice & receive 1 Cold Foil Promo 
2-x players receive 2 Packs & 1 Rainbow Foil Promo 
All players receive at least 1 Pack & 1 Rainbow Foil Promo 
Every 8 Players 1 more Box is added!
1 Playmat is Raffled off every month!!