Slow Your Roll

190 Keawe St Ste 21, Hilo, HI 96720, USA

Ph: (808) 498-5232Email:

Armory day: Sunday

Upcoming Tournaments

- 4 - days away

Skirmish Season 10

Sun 15th Dec, 7 PM Blitz

190 Keawe St Ste 21, Hilo, HI 96720, USA


- 46 - days away

The Hunted Pre-release

Sun 26th Jan, 7 PM Sealed Deck

190 Keawe St Ste 21, Hilo, HI 96720, USA

Format: 8 Pack Sealed

Entry: $40 tax included

Rounds: 4 Rounds Swiss. 

Prizing: 1 Pack Participation + 1 Pack per round win [Additional prizing for players with perfect record]

Info on the set:

Info on the event

- 66 - days away

Road to Nationals 2025- Classic Constructed

Sat 15th Feb, 11 AM Classic Constructed

190 Keawe St Ste 21, Hilo, HI 96720, USA

Deck Lists: Required

Floor Judge: Riley

Entry: $15

Rounds: 4/5 Rounds; 55 Minutes (Top 4/8 Cutoff) 

More info on the event: