Over the Brick

Parking lot, 14150 Juanita Dr NE, Kirkland, WA 98034, USA

Ph: +18886661184Email: support@overthebrick.com

Armory day: Thursday

Upcoming Tournaments

- 5 - days away

Armory Event

Thu 19th Dec, 6 PM Classic Constructed

9757 Juanita Dr NE, Kirkland, WA 98034, USA

Welcome to the December Armory Nights here at Over the Brick! 

Format: CC!

Price: $0

- 12 - days away

Armory Event

Thu 26th Dec, 6 PM Classic Constructed

Parking lot, 9757 Juanita Dr NE, Kirkland, WA 98034, USA

Welcome to the December Armory Nights here at Over the Brick! 

Format: CC!

Price: $0

Skirmish Season 10

Fri 13th Dec, 6 PM Blitz

Parking lot, 14150 Juanita Dr NE, Kirkland, WA 98034, USA

Skirmish Season 10 is a perfect opportunity for local communities to come together for casual and exciting games, with awesome prizes up for grabs! Bring a mate who's just started playing, or test the waters with your new deck! Skirmish is the best stepping stone for players who want to play great games in a friendly, low-stakes environment.

Format: Blitz

Start time: 6:00

- 47 - days away

The Hunted Pre-release

Thu 30th Jan, 6 PM Sealed Deck

9757 Juanita Dr NE, Kirkland, WA 98034, USA

Over the Brick is hosting a Prerelease event for the new Flesh and Blood set The Hunted!


This is a casual event that lets players get their hands on some of the new set before release. This sealed event is run in 3-4 Swiss rounds of 30 minutes matches. 

32 spots total

Date: Thursday, January 30th
Registration: 5:30pm
Start Time: 6:00pm
Format: Sealed, 8 booster packs per player to build a 30 card minimum deck